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5237 S.lı Türk Ceza Kanunu - Son Eklenen Şerhler

5237 S.lı Türk Ceza Kanunu - Son Eklenen Şerhler

Sahte kimlik, ehliyet,oto alım satım sözleşmesi belgelerinin tümünün, aynı amaca yönelik olarak düzenlenip kullanılması halinde, bir bütün halinde teselsül eden resmi belgede sahtecilik suçu oluşacaktır. Bu durumda belge sayısı ve TCK.nun 61. maddesi gözetilerek hüküm kurulması gerekirken, sahte kimlik ve sürücü belgesi nedeniyle resmi belgede sahtecilik, ayrıca oto alım satım devir sözleşmesi nedeniyle özel belgede sahtecilik suçundan ayrı ayrı cezalandırılmasına karar verilemez.
(Şerh No: 6276 - Ekleyen: Mehmet KARAUSTA - Tarih : 01-08-2010 12:53)

sanık S____ hakkında elde edilen delillerin bu sanığın maktuleyi öldürmesi için diğer sanık A____'yı azmettirdiğini eylemine doğrudan ya da fer'an katıldığını kabule ve mahkumiyete yeter nitelik ve derecede bulunmadığı gözetilmeden beraatı yerine yazılı şekilde mahkumiyetine karar verilmesi
(Şerh No: 6210 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 19-07-2010 22:48)

Dosya kapsamında ki tüm delillere göre diğer sanığında eyleme katıldığının anlaşılmasına rağmen beraat kararı verilmesi bozmayı gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6207 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 22:04)

Hüküm fıkrasının mahsus bölümüne, maddesinden önce gelmek üzere, ibaresinin eklenmesine karar verilmek suretiyle Düzeltilen hükmün, tebilğinamedeki düşünce gibi ONANMASINA
(Şerh No: 6206 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 21:47)

Sanığın, yan yana yürüdükleri sırada bıçak ile mağdurun göğüs bölgesini hedef alarak kuvvetli bir şekilde vurduğu, göğüs sağ boşluğundan girip göğüs içi kanama yaptıktan sonra diyafragmayı katederek batın boşluğunda karaciğer yaralanmasına neden olan yaralanmanın mağdurun yaşamsal tehlike geçirmesine, 45 gün iş ve gücünden kalmasına neden olduğu olayda; hedef alınan vücut bölgesi, darbenin şiddeti, kullanılan aletin özelliği, yaraların niteliği, tanık Ö____'nün bağırarak çevreden yardım istemesi...
(Şerh No: 6205 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 21:42)

Sanık savunmalarında; suç tarihinde ruhsal tedavi gördüğünü, yeşil reçeteli ilaç kullandığını, ,böyle bir psikoloji içerisinde atılı suçu işlemiş olabileceğini ve ne yaptığını bilmediğini ileri sürmüş olması karşısında, eylemi gerçekleştirdiği sırada şuurunu veya harekatının serbestisini tamamen veya kısmen kaldıracak surette akıl hastalığına düçar olup olmadığı tıbben tespit edilmeden hükümlülüğüne karar verilmesi,BOZMAYI gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6204 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 21:34)

Sanığın uzun yıllar alkol aldığı ve kronik alkol bağımlısı olduğu iddia edilmiş olmakla, CMK. nun 74. maddesindeki usule uygun olarak gözlem altına alınarak suç işlediği tarihte mevcut bir hastalığının bulunup bulunmadığı, işlediği fiilin anlam ve sonuçlarını algılama ve davranışlarını yönlendirme yeteneğinde bir azalma olup olmadığı, 5237 sayılı yasanın 32/1-2 maddeleri kapsamında akıl hastalığı bulup bulunmadığı saptanarak sonucuna göre hüküm kurulması gerekirken eksik soruşturma ile yazılı şe...
(Şerh No: 6203 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 21:25)

Hükümden sonra Z____ Devlet Hastanesi Baştabipliğince düzenlenen 06.08.2007 gün ve 641 sayılı raporda, sanıkta hafif derecede zeka geriliğinin mevcut olduğunun belirlenmiş olması karşısında, sanığın Adli Tıp Kurumu ilgili İhtisas Dairesine sevk edilerek 5237 Sayılı TCK'nun 32. maddesi hükmüne nazaran olay tarihinde işlediği fiilin hukuki anlam ve sonuçlarını algılayıp algılayamadığı veya varsa bu fiillerle ilgili olarak davranışlarını yönlendirme yeteneğindeki azalmanın önemli derecede olup olma...
(Şerh No: 6202 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 21:17)

Sanığın işlediği suçun farik ve mümeyyizi olup olmadığının mahkemece tartışılmaması,BOZMAYI gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6201 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 21:13)

18 Yaşından küçük olan sanık hakkında cezai indirim yapılması gerektiği,
(Şerh No: 6200 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 21:05)

Sanığın resmi nikahlı eşini yaralamak için salladığı bıçağın araya giren kızına isabet etmesi sonucu öz kızı mağdur Y____'yi yaraladığı olayda, sanığın öz kızını yaralama kastı olmadığından TCK'nun 52. maddesi hükmü nazara alındığında mağdur Yasemin' i bıçakla yaralama suçundan verilen cezasında TCK'nun 457/2. maddesi uyarınca artırım yapılamayacağının gözetilmemesi,BOZMAYI gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6199 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 20:59)

mağdureyi rızasıyla kaçırıp alıkoyan sanığın, aynı yasanın 109. maddesi anlamında hukuka aykırı bir davranışından söz edilemeyeceği, rızanın fiili hukuka uygun hale getirdiği ve 7/1. madde dikkate alınarak sanığın alıkoyma suçundan beraatı yerine, yazılı şekilde mahkumiyetine karar verilmesi, BOZMA nedenidir.
(Şerh No: 6198 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 18-07-2010 20:49)

Sanığın maktuldeki kalp rahatsızlığını önceden bildiği anlaşılmakla, eylemi bilinçli taksirle adam öldürme suçunu oluşturduğu halde, 5237 sayılı TCK. nun 22/3, 23 ve 86/2. maddeleri delaleti ile 85. maddesi uyarınca hüküm kurulması gerektiği düşünülmeyerek yazılı şekilde karar verilmesi, BOZMA nedenidir.
(Şerh No: 6196 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 17-07-2010 20:22)

Temyiz davasına konu olan olayda sanık, bilişim sistemine zarar verme veya verileri yok etme, bozma, erişilmez kılma amacıyla hareket etmemektedir. Hedefi bilişim sistemi olmayıp, amacı bilişim sistemini kullanarak şikayetçinin bankadaki parasını çalmak, ele geçirmektir. Tamamıyla malvarlığına yöneliktir. Bu amaçla yani şikayetçinin parasına ulaşmak için bankanın sistemine girmiş, banka sistemi ve verilere yönelik bir eylemde bulunmamış, hesaptaki parayı kendi hesabına havale etmiştir. Hırsızlık...
(Şerh No: 6165 - Ekleyen: Sevinç SAVAN - Tarih : 16-07-2010 10:09)

1) If the act of intentional killing is committed; a) With premeditation, b) Brutally or through torment, c) By causing fire, flood, destruction, sinking, bombing or by using nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, d) Against a direct ascendant, direct descendant, spouse or sibling, e) Against a child or against somebody who cannot protect himself physically or mentally, f) Against a pregnant woman, in knowledge of such pregnancy, g) Against a person because of the public service he performs, h) In order to conceal an offence, destroy evidence, facilitate the commission of another offence or prevent apprehension, i) Out of frustration for not being able to commit another offence, j) With the motive of blood feud, k) With the motive of tradition, the offender shall be sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment.
(Şerh No: 5584 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 07-07-2010 16:58)

Sanık aşamalardaki savunmalarında; "yakınana ait dükkanı Z___ ile ortak iş yapmak üzere kiraladıklarını, kira kontratının Z____ adına yapıldığını, adı geçen ortaklıktan ayrılınca Vergi Dairesine ibraz edip vergi levhası almak amacı ile suça konu kira sözleşmesini düzenlediğini" belirtmesi ve bu savunmanın Z____ ile K____ tarafından doğrulanması, müştekinin de kira paralarını eksiksiz ve düzenli olarak aldığını bildirmesi karşısında, TCK'nun 347. maddesinin uygulanması gerekip gerekmeyeceğinin t...
(Şerh No: 6152 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 29-06-2010 09:19)

Sahte olduğu iddia edilen senedin sanık tarafından ilk olarak hangi tarihte kullanıldığı belirlenmemiştir. Özel evrakta sahtecilik suçunun oluşması için, sahteciliğin yapılması yeterli olmayıp bu belgenin hukuki sonuç doğuracak biçimde kullanılması gerekir. Yargılamaya konu senedin ilk olarak hangi tarihte kullanıldığı, suç tarihinin hangi gün olduğu kuşkuya yer vermeyecek şekilde saptanmalı ve buna bağlı olarak dava zamanaşımının gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediği ya da hukuki sonuç doğuracak şekilde ...
(Şerh No: 6151 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 29-06-2010 09:10)

Mağdurların sorgularına katılan ve polis memuru olan sanıkların hangisinin hangi mağdura yönelik eylemde bulunduklarının ayrı ayrı ve açıkça belirlenecek atılı suçtan mahkumiyetleri yerine dosya içeriğine uymayan bir gerekçeyle yazılı biçimde beraat kararI verilmesi, BOZMAYI gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6147 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 21:39)

Sanığın üzerine atılı suçu kırık şişe ile işlemiş olmasına göre kırık şişenin TCK' nun 179. maddesi kapsamında silah sayıldığı ve suçun silahla işlenmiş olması nedeni ile ceza oranında arttırım yapılması gerektiği
(Şerh No: 6146 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 21:28)

Yakalanan göçmenlerin sanık ile aracı teşhis ettikleri anlaşılmakla, yasa dışı yollardan Türkiye'ye gelmiş göçmenlerin yurt dışına çıkmalarına imkan sağlamaya teşebbüs etmekten cezalandırılmasına karar verilmesi gerekirken, hukuki dayanaktan yoksun ve eksik incelemeyle beraat hükmü kurulmasının yanlış olduğu.
(Şerh No: 6145 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 21:09)

Oluşa ve tüm dosya içeriğine göre; sanığın suçsuz olduğuna ilişkin savunmasının aksine, aynı suçtan mahkum olan diğer sanık H____'nin hazırlık aşamasındaki atfı cürüm niteliğinde olup sonradan değişen çelişkili anlatımları ile içerikleri tespit edilemediğinden suça katılımını gösterir kanıt niteliğinde sayılamayan cep telefonu görüşme kayıtları dışında, kuşkudan uzak kesin kanıt elde edilmediği gözetilmeden sanığın beraati yerine yazılı biçimde mahkumiyetine karar verilmesi, BOZMAYI gerektirmişt...
(Şerh No: 6144 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 21:02)

Sanık hakkında hüküm kurulurken alt sınırdan uzaklaşılmasına gerek olmadığı belirtilmesine ve hapis cezası da alt sınırdan tayin edilmesine karşın temel adli para cezasının alt sınırdan uzaklaşılarak hükmolunması, BOZMAYI gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6143 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 20:54)

Dosya içeriği, mağdure L____'nın sanık K_____'yi teşhisle kendisine zorla fuhuş yaptıranın sanık K____ olduğunu ifade etmesi, F____ tarafından kendisine fuhuş yaptırıldığına dair iddiasının da olmaması karşısında, sanık F____'nin bu mağdureye zorla fuhuş yaptırdığı yolunda delil bulunmadığı ve bu suçtan beraatine karar verilmesi gerektiği gözetilmeden yazılı gerekçeyle mahkumiyet hükmü kurulması, BOZMA nedenidir.
(Şerh No: 6141 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 20:49)

Sanığın, yan yana yürüdükleri sırada bıçak ile mağdurun göğüs bölgesini hedef alarak kuvvetli bir şekilde vurduğu, göğüs sağ boşluğundan girip göğüs içi kanama yaptıktan sonra diyafragmayı katederek batın boşluğunda karaciğer yaralanmasına neden olan yaralanmanın mağdurun yaşamsal tehlike geçirmesine, kırk beş gün iş ve gücünden kalmasına neden olduğu olayda; hedef alınan vücut bölgesi, darbenin şiddeti, kullanılan aletin özelliği, yaraların niteliği, tanık Ö____'nün bağırarak çevreden yardım is...
(Şerh No: 6139 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 20:36)

Sanıkların ve tanıkların beyanları ile dosya içeriği deliller birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, maktulden kaynaklanan ve sanık lehine tahrik oluşturan davranışlarda nazara alındığında, sanığa verilen cezada tahrik nedeniyle makul bir düzeyde indirim yapılması gerekirken yazılı şekilde indirim yapılarak eksik ceza tayini, BOZMAYI gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6138 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 25-06-2010 20:29)

Olay tarihinde evli ve reşit olan G____ ile maktul M_____'nin yaşam tarzlarının sanıklara yönelik haksız fiil oluşturmayacağı gibi, maktulden gelen ve haksız tahrik oluşturan herhangi bir söz ve davranış bulunmadığı, töre saikiyle öldürme olayında haksız tahrik hükümlerinin sanıklar hakkında uygulanamayacağı düşünülmeden, tahrik hükümleri uygulanmak suretiyle eksik ceza tayini, bozma nedenidir.
(Şerh No: 6137 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 24-06-2010 21:44)

Bebeğin anne karnında öldüğü, sağ olarak doğmadığı, dolayısıyla kişi sıfatını kazanamadığı anlaşıldığından, sanığın eylemi taksirle ölüme neden olma suçunu değil, şartları bulunduğu takdirde başka bir suçu oluşturabileceği, hukuki durumunun buna göre takdir ve tayini gerektiği gözetilmeden suç vasfında yanılgıya düşülerek hüküm tesisi, BOZMAYI gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6136 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 24-06-2010 21:31)

sanığın eve girme hakkı bulunması nedeniyle üzerine atılı konut dokunulmazlığını bozmak suçunun unsurları itibariyle oluşmadığı anlaşılmakla atılı suçtan beraati yerine mahkumiyetine karar verilmesinin hatalı oluşu,
(Şerh No: 6135 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 24-06-2010 21:27)

Konut dokunulmazlığını bozmak suçunun genel kastla işlenen suçlardan olması nedeniyle suçun oluşması için özel kast aranmadığı gibi, failin kastının veya amacının niteliğinin de öneminin bulunmadığı kastın varlığı için ise failde bir konutun veya eklentilerinin başkasına ait olduğu, buraya girmesinin ve kalmasının sahibinin rızasına tabi bulunduğu ve rızanın olmadığı bilinciyle bu yere girmek ve orada kalmak iradesinin varlığının yeterli olduğu gözetilerek karar verilmelidir.
(Şerh No: 6134 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 24-06-2010 21:21)

Temel ceza belirlenip, silah ve hayati tehlike nedeniyle aynı Yasanın 86/3-e ve 87/1-d, son maddeleri uyarınca artırım yapıldıktan sonra, olası kast nedeniyle TCK 21/2 maddesi uyarınca cezadan indirim yapılması yerine, maddenin düzenleme amacına aykırı olarak yazılı şekilde 5237 sayılı TCK. nun 86/1. maddesi ile temel ceza belirlendikten sonra olası kast nedeniyle TCK 21/2. maddesi ile cezadan indirim yapılarak fazla cezaya hükmedilmesi, Bozmayı gerektirmiştir.
(Şerh No: 6133 - Ekleyen: Av.Bülent AKÇADAĞ - Tarih : 23-06-2010 21:02)

Şikayetten feragat edildikten sonra yeniden şikayetçi olunamayacağı,
(Şerh No: 6106 - Ekleyen: Av.Gökçen YILDIZ SÖNMEZ - Tarih : 21-06-2010 14:42)

Kendisine hakaret ettiği iddiasında olan müştekinin, teyp vasıtasıyla kayda aldığı telefon görüşmesini delil olarak sunması halinde, dinleme kararı olmadan iki kişi arasındaki görüşmenin kayda alınması delilinin 5271 S.K. a göre geçerli olmadığından bahisle sanık hakkında beraat kararı verilemez. Bu kayıttaki kişinin sanık olup olmadığı Mahkemece araştırılmalıdır.
(Şerh No: 6060 - Ekleyen: Av.Nevra ÖKSÜZ - Tarih : 11-06-2010 16:19)

Hat eine Tat einen schweren oder einen anderen als den beabsichtigten Erfolg zur Folge, so kann dafür nur verantwortlich gemacht werden, wer hinsichtlich dieser Folge wenigstens fahrlässig gehandelt hat.
(Şerh No: 6051 - Çeviren: Gülsün Ayhan AYGÖRMEZ - Tarih : 07-06-2010 22:31)

1) Any person who buries, or allows another to bury, a dead body in a place other than those designated by the authorities for such purpose shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to six months.
(Şerh No: 5976 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 30-05-2010 01:31)

1) Any person who fails to comply with quarantine measures imposed by the authorities on account of there being a person infected with a contagious disease or having died from such shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of two months to one year.
(Şerh No: 5975 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 30-05-2010 01:30)

1) Any person who supplies or provides substances which are capable of endangering health to children, persons suffering from mental disorder or who abuses inhalants shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment of six months to one year.
(Şerh No: 5974 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 30-05-2010 01:28)

1) Any person who removes, alters or fails to place a sign or barricade which is necessary to prevent the dangers derived from works conducted in a public place or from items left in association with such work shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of two to six months or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5973 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 30-05-2010 01:22)

1) Any person who releases an animal or who fails to discharge his duty to maintain control of an animal in his custody such as to risk the life or health of others shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to six months or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5972 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 30-05-2010 01:19)

1) Any person who fails to take precautions during construction or demolition activities that are necessary for safeguarding human life or physical integrity shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of three months to one year or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5971 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 30-05-2010 01:18)

1) A person who publicly provokes the public to disobey the law and such provocation is capable of disturbing public peace shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to two years or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5884 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 27-05-2010 02:05)

1) Security measures specific to legal entities shall be imposed where an offence relating to the production and trading of narcotics and pyschotropic substances is committed in the course of the activities of a legal entity.
(Şerh No: 5883 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 27-05-2010 02:03)

1) The types of security measures and their enforcement procedures particular to minors are defined in the relevant statute.
(Şerh No: 5882 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 27-05-2010 02:02)

1) Any person who, without permission, produces, possesses, sells or transports substances which are poisonous which may only be produced, possessed or sold with permission shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of two months to one year.
(Şerh No: 5879 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:49)

1) Security measures specific to legal entities shall be imposed where an offence reating to the production and trading of narcotics and psychotropic substances is committed in the course of the activities of a legal entity.
(Şerh No: 5878 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:47)

1) Any person who causes noise in a way which is capable of harming the health of another and is contrary to the obligations identified in the relevant laws shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of two months to one year or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5877 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:46)

1) Any person who removes, alter or fails to place a sign or barricade which are necessary to prevent the dangers derived from works conducted in public place or from items left in association with such work shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of two to six months or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5875 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:43)

1) Any person who fails to take precautions during construction or demolition activities that are necessary for safeguarding human life or physical integrity shal be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of three months to one year or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5874 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:41)

1) Any person who fails to discharge his duty to care or look after a person suffering from a mental disorder in such a way as to create a danger to the life, health or property of others shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to six months or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5873 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:38)

1) Where the offences of theft, abuse of trust or theft by deception are committed and, as a result, a legal entity derives unjust benefit from such, then security measures specific to legal entities shall be imposed upon that legal entity.
(Şerh No: 5872 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:35)

1) Any person, having obtained property through a legal transaction, who fails to notify, without delay, the relevant authorities responsible for upholding law and order, upon becoming aware that such property has been acquired through the commission of an offence or a result of an offence shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to six months or a judicial fine.
(Şerh No: 5871 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:33)

1) (As amended by 26/6/2009 – 5918/3Art) Any person who purchases or accepts property which was acquired through the commission of an offence shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to three years and a judicial fine up to one thousand days.
(Şerh No: 5870 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:31)

1) Any person who goes bankrupt as a result of his failure to discharge proper care and attention to be expected from a merchant, shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of two months to one year.
(Şerh No: 5869 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:29)

1) Any person who enjoys the use of property, which has been lost by its owner or obtained by mistake as if he were the owner of such property without informing the relevant authorities or returning such propery, shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to one year or a judicial fine upon complaint.
(Şerh No: 5868 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:27)

1) Where a person commits theft by deception in order to collect a debt which derives from a lawful relationship, he shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to one year or a judicial fine upon complaint.
(Şerh No: 5867 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:25)

1) Any person who deceives another through fraudulent behaviour and secures a gain for himself or others, and causes loss to the victim or another person shall be sentenced to penalty of imprisonment for a term of one to five years and a judicial fine up to five thousand days.
(Şerh No: 5866 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:23)

1) Any person who uses a bond without value shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to two years and a judicial fine upon complaint.
(Şerh No: 5865 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:21)

1) Any person who partially or completely destroys, demolishes, eliminates, damages, renders unusable or sils another person's movable or immovable property shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of four months to three years or a judicial fine upon complaint. 2) Any person who kills or harms an animal without reasonable excuses in such a way as to render it unusable or as to lower its value, the provisions of the above section shall be applied.
(Şerh No: 5864 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:19)

1) Where a person uses force or threats in order to collect a debt which derives from a lawful relationship, the provisions relating to intentional injury and threat shall apply. 2) Where the value of the property in the offence of robbery is minimal, then the penalty may be reduced by one third to one half.
(Şerh No: 5863 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:17)

1) Where the offence of theft is committed as a result of an urgent and serious need, the penalty to be imposed may be either reduced or waived altogether, having taken into account the circumstances of the situation.
(Şerh No: 5862 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:14)

1) Where the offence of theft is committed with the intention of returning the property to the owner after having used the property temporarily, the penalty to be imposed shall be reduced by one half upon complaint. Where such property is used to commit a crime, then this provision shall not be applicable.
(Şerh No: 5861 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:12)

1) The penalty to be imposed for the offence of theft may be reduced if the value ıf property concerned is minimaland, in such circumstances, may be waived altogether after having taken into account the type and characteristics of the offence.
(Şerh No: 5860 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:10)

1) Where any person commmits the crime of theft a) and he has joint or co-ownership of the property b) with the aim of collecting a debt owed through a legal relationship he shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of two months to one year or a judicial fine upon complaint.
(Şerh No: 5859 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:08)

1) Where the offence of theft is committed during the night, the penalty shall be increased by up to one third.
(Şerh No: 5858 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:05)

1) Any person who appropriates removable property from its place without the consent of the individual in whose possession it is in order to derive benefit for himself or a thir party shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of one year to three years. 2) Any form of energy which has an economic value shall be considered to be removable property.
(Şerh No: 5857 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:04)

1) Security measures specific to legal entities shall be imposed where offences defined in the above articles are committed by legal entities.
(Şerh No: 5856 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:02)

1) Excluding the offences of recording of personal data, illegally obtaining or giving data and destruction of data, the commencement of an investigation and prosecution for the offences listed in this part are subject to complaint.
(Şerh No: 5855 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 01:01)

1) Any person who fails to destroy data in accordance with the prescribed procedures, before the expiry of the legally prescribed period for destruction shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to one year.
(Şerh No: 5854 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 00:59)

1) Any person who illegally obtains, disseminates or gives to another person someone's personal data shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of one to four years.
(Şerh No: 5853 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 00:58)

1) Any person who illegally records personal data shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to three years. 2) Any person who illegally records personal data on another person's political, philosophical or religious opinions, their racial origins, their illagal moral tendencies,sexual lives, health or relations to trade unions shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment in accordance with the above section.
(Şerh No: 5852 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 00:56)

1) Any person who violates the privacy of another person's personal life shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to two years or a judicial fine. Where the violation of privacy occurs as a result of recording images or sound, the penalty of imprisonment to be imposed shall not be less than one year. 2) Any person who discloses the images or sounds of another person's private life shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment from a term of one to three years. Where the offence is committed through the press or broadcasting, the penalty shall be increased by one half.
(Şerh No: 5851 - Çeviren: Av.Duygu ŞİMŞEK - Tarih : 26-05-2010 00:53)

(1) A person who is not aware of the substantial elements of the legal definition of a crime, cannot be deeemed to have acted on purpose. The penal liability stipulated due to negligence for this faulty act is excepted. (2) A person may avail himself of the fault who makes a mistake regarding the fulfillment of causes of increase or decrease of the penalty. (3) A person may avail himself of the fault who inevitably makes a mistake regarding the realization of the requirements of the grounds of elimination or mitigation of the liabiltiy. [4] (Inserted by the Act. No. 5377, dated 08.07.2005) A person cannot be penalized in case he inevitably makes a mistake on the illegality of the act performed.
(Şerh No: 5849 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:56)

(1) A person, who commits a crime under the influence of anger or severe pain caused by an unjustifiable incitement, shall be convicted to a sentence of 18 till 24 years in stead of an aggravated life sentence and 12 till 18 years in stead of a life sentence. In other cases there will be a reduction of the penalty by one fourth till three fourth.
(Şerh No: 5848 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:50)

(1) There will be no penalty for crimes committed as a result of irresistible or ineluctable use of force or pressure or a serious and imminent intimidation or threat. In these cases the person who exercised use of force and violence, intimidation and threat will be regarded as the offender.
(Şerh No: 5847 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:48)

(1) If a person unvoluntarily crosses the limits in the cases of justifiable grounds of elimination of criminal liability, the penalty will be reduced to one sixth till one third of the sum prescribed by law, providing the punishabitily of the action was stipulated by law when performed with negligence. (2) In case of lawful self-defense there will be no penalty if limits are crossed by justifiable excitement, fear or agitation.
(Şerh No: 5846 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:48)

(1) No one shall be penalized because of exercising his own legal right. (2) No one shall be penalized due to an act performed upon the consent of the victim regarding the rights which are within his full disposal.
(Şerh No: 5843 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:25)

(1) A person is not criminally liable for the acts of defence which are deemed as necessary to avert the danger under the existing circumtances and which are proportionate with the existing, imminent or repetitive unjustified attack against himself or against the rights of others. (2) A person is not criminally liable if confronted with a serious or imminent danger to himself, another person or property, he performs an act necessary to ensure the safety of the person or property, provided that the instruments used are proportionate with the gravity of the threat and that the danger was not caused deliberately by the perpetrator himself.
(Şerh No: 5842 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:23)

[1] A person is not criminally liable due to an act stipulated or authorised by law. [2] A person is not criminally liable who performs an action ex officio and commanded by a lawful authority. [3] An order which is of a criminal nature shall not be executed under no circumstances. Otherwise, the person who gives the order and the person who executes it will be both liable. (4) The superior shall be solely liable for the performance of the illegal order the legality of which cannot be questioned due to the existing law.
(Şerh No: 5841 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:19)

[1] If an act leads to a consequence which is different or more serious than what was attempted, at least action by negligence is required in order to hold the perpetrator criminally liable for the result occurred.
(Şerh No: 5840 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:14)

[1] Acts of negligence can only be penalized if the punishability was strictly laid down by law. [2] Negligence is the accomplishment of the result of a legally defined crime without envisaging this due to a lack of prudence and diligence. [3] There is conscious negligence if the result envisaged by the perpetrator occurs notwithstanding the act was not intentional; In this case the sentence will be increased by one third to half. [4] The penalty of negligence shall be determined in proportion of the perpetrator’s fault. [5] Every person will each be personally liable for his own fault when more than one persons commit a crime by negligence. The penalty of each person will be determined separately as regards his fault. [6] No penalty shall be inflicted for a person if the result occurred due to a negligent act has victimized the perpetrator solely pertaining to his personal and family ties and thus the punishment became unnecessary. The penalty will be reduced to one half or one sixth in case of conscious negligence.
(Şerh No: 5839 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:11)

[1] Intention is obligatory to establish a crime . Intention is the accomplishment of the constituting elements of the legal definition of a crime consciously and on purpose. [2] A person shall be deemed to have been acted with probable intention in case he acts envisaging the legally constituting elements of the crime can be realised. In such a case, an aggravated life sentence will be reduced to a life sentence and a life sentence will be reduced to a sentence of 20 to 25 years. The reduction is one third of the main sentence for the rest of the other offences.
(Şerh No: 5838 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:07)

[1] Criminal Liability is strictly personal. No one can be held criminally liable for acts of others. [2] No criminal sanction can be applied against legal persons. However, safety measures stipulated by law attributable to an offence are excepted.
(Şerh No: 5837 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:06)

[1] The penalty adjudicated according to Turkish law cannot surmount the maximum penalty envisaged in the country where the crime is committed when judging crimes committed outside the scope of sovereignty of Turkey. [2] The first paragraph of this article shall not be applied in case the crime was committed: a) Against the security of Turkey or in detriment of the security of Turkey, b) Against a Turkish citizen or in detriment of a legal person founded pursuant to Turkish Law.
(Şerh No: 5836 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:04)

[1] A foreigner who has been convicted or subjected to a penal investigation due to an offence committed or alleged to have been committed abroad may be exradited on a formal request by the foreign Country.However, extradition is not possible, if the alleged offence : a) Is not deemed as a penal crime by the Turkish law, b) Is of a military or political nature or pertains to the right to freedom of expression, c) Committed against the national security of Turkish State or to the detriment of the Turkish State or a Turkish citizen or a legal person established pursuant to the Turkish Law, d)Falls within the criminal jurisdiction of Turkey, e) Is not statute-barred or covered by amnesty. [2] A citizen cannot be extradited to a foreign country due to an offence , save the obligations deriving from being subject to the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction. [3] The extradition demand should not be accepted if there are strong indications that the person shall be prosecuted, punished, exposed to torture or bad treatment because of his ethnicity, religion, citizenship, political beliefs and being a member of a social group. [4] The criminal court of the place where the person is situated shall decide on the matter of extradition according to this article and international conventions to which Turkey is a party. This decision is appealable. [5] If the court accepts the extradition demand , this decision shall be executed upon the resolution of the Counsel...
(Şerh No: 5835 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:04)

[1] The Court shall render on a formal request by the public prosecutor that the legal consequences regulated via Turkish Law shall be applicable in the cases stipulated by the above mentioned Articles, provided that the judgment rendered abroad envisages deprivation of rights due to the Turkish Laws and which is in conformity with the Turkish Law Order .
(Şerh No: 5834 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:02)

[1] The period elapsed during the arrest, custody, detention or conviction for an offence committed anywhere in abroad, shall be deducted from the sentence which is to be sent up by the Turkish Courts for the very offence.
(Şerh No: 5833 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:01)

[1] The term of the penalty which is particularly deemed a requisite for prosecution shall be calculated by taking into consideration both the lower limits of the legal aggravating circumstances and the upper limits of the legal mitigating circumstances which were alleged during the prosecution.
(Şerh No: 5832 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:01)

[1] No prosecution or preliminary inquiry shall be held for the cases stipulated by the Articles 11 and 12 , providing the jail sentence and legal fines were envisaged as optional punishments by the Article laying down the very offence.
(Şerh No: 5831 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 11:00)

[1] Turkish law should be applied for the following offences providing that the act was committed abroad by either a citizen or a foreigner: a) Offences laid down under the First Section of the Book Two, b) Offences laid down by the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth parts under the Fourth Section of the Book Two, c)Torture (Articles 94,95) d) Willfully Causing of Environmental Pollution (Art. 181) e)Production or trafficking in Drugs or other stimulant's (Art. 188), or facilitating use of drugs or other stimulants. f) Money Counterfeiting (Art. 197), production or trafficking of means designed for the manufacturing of money or seals (Art. 200), forgery of seal of the State (Art. 202) g) Prostitution (Art. 227) h) Bribery (Art. 252) i) Hijacking or taking over of aviation, railway or seaway vehicles of transport (Art. 223, paragraphs 2,3) or destruction or defacing offences committed against these vehicles.(Art. 152) [2] (Amended by the Act. No. 5377, dated 08.07.2005) Prosecution due to the offences laid down via the first paragraph is subject due a formal request by the Minister Of Justice, excepting the offences laid down by the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh sections under the Fourth Section of the Book Two. [3] ] A re-trial shall be made due the offences stipulated by the provisions (a) and (b) of the first paragraph of this Article on a formal request by the Minister Of Justice, notwithstanding a sentence or acquittal decision wa...
(Şerh No: 5830 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:59)

[1] A foreigner shall be punished pursuant to the Turkish law, save the crimes laid down by the Art. 13, if the crime punishable with at least one year of imprisonment was committed in a foreign country to the detriment of Turkey and the perpetrator is stationed in Turkey.The prosecution is subject to a formal request by Minister of Justice. [2] The perpetrator shall be punished via the Turkish law on victim's complaint, in case the crime mentioned in the above paragraph was committed in abroad to the detriment of a Turkish citizen or a legal person established according to Turkish law, provided that a foreign sentence was not rendered due to the very crime and the perpetrator is stationed in Turkey. [3] In case the victim is a foreigner, the perpetrator shall be prosecuted on a formal request of Minister of Justice, in case : a) The crime committed is punishable with a minimum term not less than 3 years of imprisonment, b) Lacking of an agreement of extradition or the formal request of extradition is not accepted by the governments of either the Country of perpetrator's origin or the act was accomplished. [4] A re-trial shall be made due to an offence stipulated by the first paragraph of this Article on a formal request by the minister of justice for the foreigner who has been sentenced or acquitted or whose act that is no more indictable or whose case or punishment is cleared .
(Şerh No: 5829 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:57)

[1] A Turkish citizen shall be punished via the Turkish law, save the crimes laid down by the Art. 13, if the crime punishable with at least one year of imprisonment was committed in a foreign country and the perpetrator is stationed in Turkey, provided that a foreign sentence was not given due to the offence and the prosecution is probable. [2] In case the crime punishable with a minimum term of less than one year is committed in abroad, the prosecution is subject to complaint by the victim or the competent authorities of the foreign country. In such case, the complaint is limited with a period of 6 months which embarks upon the date the citizen entered in Turkey
(Şerh No: 5828 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:54)

[1] A person who is in charge of a formal occupation or a mission on behalf of Turkey commits an occupational offence in the Foreign countries shall be re-judged in Turkey, notwithstanding even a conviction decision rendered by a foreign Court due to this offence.
(Şerh No: 5827 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:53)

[1] A person who has been sentenced in the foreign countries due to an offence committed in Turkey shall be re-judged in Turkey.
(Şerh No: 5826 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:52)

[1] Turkish law is applicable to all offences committed in the territory of Turkey.A crime shall be deemed to have been committed in Turkey where either its act in part or total or consequences of which occurred within Turkey. [2] The offence shall be deemed to have been committed in Turkey if it was committed : a) In the Turkish continent and air space or territorial waters, b) In or by the Turkish ships or aircrafts in the high sea or within its air space, c) In or by the Turkish battle ships or aircrafts, d) In or against the stationary platforms built in the continental shelf or exclusive economic zone of Turkey.
(Şerh No: 5825 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:51)

[1] No one may be punished or be subject to safety measures for an act which is not deemed by explicit stipulations of law as a crime in the time of the act. No one also may be punished or be subject to safety measures for an act which is not deemed as a crime by law passed after the time of commission. The execution or the legal consequences of such a punishment or a safety measure shall be per se abolished. [2] In case the legal provisions of the new Acts and the Acts which were in force in the time of the commission differ , the ones which are favourable for the perpetrator are applicable and executable. [3] (Amended by the Act. No. 5377, dated 08.07.2005) Save the provisions regarding the probation, adjournment of punishment and repetition of crimes; the provisions of this Act pertaining to punishment regime shall be applied in praesenti. [4] The provisional and periodic Acts shall be applied for the offences which are perpetrated during the term of their application.
(Şerh No: 5824 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:49)

(1) For the purposes of this law : a)Citizen : shall mean the person who is Turkish in the time of the conduct; b) Minor : shall mean the person who is under eighteen years of age; c) Public official : shall mean the person who participates within the operation of public service as permanently, periodically or transitionally either by way of being elected or nominated or by any reasons. d) Judiciary : shall mean the attorneys; judges and public prosecutors and the associate judges of the High Courts, Common, Military and Administrative courts. e) Night Time : shall mean the period which embarks upon one hour later than the sunset and ends one hour earlier than the sunrise. f) Weapon shall mean : 1. Fire Arms 2. Explosives 3. Any kind of cutter, penetrative or bruisor tool which are made to be used for assault or defence 4. Other tools that are capable to be used in assault or defence even they were not made for those purposes. 5. Nuclear, radioactive , chemical and biological material which are of igniter, corrosive, scathing, suffocating and intoxicating nature and which may cause permanent disease. g) By way of Press and Publication: shall mean any kind of publication broadcasted by written, visual, audio and electronically mass media. h)Habitual Criminal : shall mean the person who has committed an intentional offence or its aggravated or mitigated forms in different times more than once a year . ı)Professional Criminal : shall mean the pers...
(Şerh No: 5823 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:46)

(1) The general provisions of this Code shall be applied for the private penal laws and the crimes which were regulated by the other statutes.
(Şerh No: 5822 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:46)

(1) Lack of knowledge relating to the existence of the penal laws cannot be deemed as a valid excuse to avoid punishment. (2) (repealed)
(Şerh No: 5821 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:45)

(1) The punishments and the safety measures shall be proportionate with the gravity of the conduct committed. (2) For the purposes of this act, no one could be granted privileges nor be subject to discrimination depending upon his race, language, religion, sect, nationality, political or any other thoughts, philosophical belief, national or social origin, birth and economical or social statues.
(Şerh No: 5820 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:42)

(1) An act may only be punished or be subject to a safety measure if its punishability was explicitly determined by law. No punishment or a safety measure can be applied other than those which are provided for by the law. (2) İt is not permitted to decree crimes or punishments by administrative regulatory acts. (3) Analogy cannot be applied in the implementation of the penal provisions.The provisions stipulating crimes and punishments cannot be interpreted widely to lead to analogy.
(Şerh No: 5819 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:41)

The purpose of this Code is to prevent commission of crimes and to protect human rights and freedoms, public order and security, public health, environment and the social peace. This Code stipulates the basic principles of penal liability, crimes and safety measures for the realization of these purposes.
(Şerh No: 5818 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 25-05-2010 10:38)

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