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THS Şerhine Son Eklenen Şerhler

THS Şerhine Son Eklenen Şerhler

No any person can be forced to stay member in association. Every member has right to withdraw from association on condition that notifying in written prior to six months.
(Şerh No: 12349 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:24)

Any natural person having capacity to act (APPENDED PHRASE on August 7,2003 Official Gazette No:25192 Act No:4963/32) and legal persons have right to be member to associations. Membership application which will be in written form (REPEALED PHRASE on November 23,2004 Official Gazette No:25649 Act No:5253/38) is resolved in utmost thirty days by governing body of the association and the result is notified the applicant in written. The member whose application has been accepted is recorded to the book which is kept for this purpose.
(Şerh No: 12347 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:24)

No any person can be forced to be member to an association, and no any association can be forced to accept member either.
(Şerh No: 12346 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:24)

Verification of the documents and declaration of formation and charter of association are examined by the head civilian authority on basis of file scrutiny in sixty days. It is immediately required to be corrected or completed from the founders,in case detected any unlawfulness or deficiency in declaration of formation, charter or legal status of founders.If stated deficiency is not completed or unlawfulness not corrected within thirty days commencing from the day of notification of that request,the head of civilian authority informs Public prosecution office to bring an action before authorized civil court of first instance regarding dissolution of the association.Public prosecutor may also plead the court to decide suspension of activities of the association. If not found any unlawfulness or deficiency in the declaration of formation, charter and documents or such unlawfulness or deficiency is corrected in a certain time; the fact is immediately notified to the association in written and the association is recorded to the registry of associations.
(Şerh No: 12343 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:24)

Associations acquire legal personality at the time they submit declaration of formation,charter of association and other required documents to the head civilian authority where their places of residence are located. Content of declaration of formation and what required documents made up of are indicated in by-laws.
(Şerh No: 12342 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:23)

Every association shall have a charter. It is obligatory to be indicated name of association,purpose,sources of income,conditions of membership,organs,organisation and provisional governing board in charter of association. Charter of association can not be against imperative provisions of law. Provisions of law are executed in issues which are not regulated in charter of association.
(Şerh No: 12341 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:23)

Everyone has the right to form association without prior permission. Founders of association must have capacity to act.
(Şerh No: 4600 - Çeviren: Doğukan Bora SAVAŞ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:23)

(As amended on August 7,2003 Official Gazette No:25192 Act No:4963/31) Associations are group of people having legal personality which have been constituted by at least seven natural or legal persons uniting their knowledge and labour permanently in order to actualize a certain and joint purpose except profit sharing. There can not be formed associations for purposes against law and morals.
(Şerh No: 12340 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:23)

Assets of legal person pass to public institutions and organizations pursuing closest goal unless any other provision exists in law or certificate of formation or resolved differently by the authorized body of legal person. These assets are used in line with their priorly allocated purpose as much as possible. Assets of legal person which its personality has been terminated through a court decision since it pursued a goal against law and morals,pass to relevant public organization in any case.
(Şerh No: 12338 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:22)

Dissolution of assets of legal person is executed according to provisions related to formal dissolution of heritage unless any other provision exists in law and in its certificate of formation.
(Şerh No: 12335 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:22)

Personality of a terminated legal person continues during dissolution as well,on condition that its capacity is limited with the purpose of dissolution.
(Şerh No: 12334 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 23-11-2011 20:21)

Sanığa atılı suçun yapılan yargılamasında verilen mahkumiyet hükmünü onayan özel daire ilamına karşı, Yargıtay Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığının itirazı üzerine Yargıtay CGK.'ca yapılan incelemede, itirazın kabulü ile onama kararının kaldırılmasına ve yerel mahkeme hükmünün bozulmasına karar verildiği görülmektedir. CGK. kararında ceza yargılamasının maddi gerçeğe ulaşma amacına, hükmün eksik incelemeyle verildiğine, hükme esas alınan bilirkişi raporunun yetersiz ve denetlemeye elverişli olmadığına,...
(Şerh No: 12454 - Ekleyen: Av.Ömer GÜNTAY - Tarih : 22-11-2011 23:39)

Legal persons acquire capacity to act by having organs required by law and their respective certificate of formation.
(Şerh No: 12331 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:23)

Legal persons, are qualified to have all rights and obligations except ones which bound to human-specific features by nature like gender,age or kinship.
(Şerh No: 12330 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:23)

Organised groups of persons which have individual identity apart and independent groups of assets which allocated to a certain purpose acquire legal personality in accordance with their relevant special provisions. Groups of persons and assets can not acquire legal personality in case their purposes are against law and morals.
(Şerh No: 12329 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:23)

Compulsory alterations due to determination of being untrue of any notification taken as basis to registration,being ascertained identity of a corpse which its identity is unknown or annulment of a declaration of presumed death are performed by being written to the remarks column of the registry of relevant person.
(Şerh No: 12328 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:23)

Notifications regarding births and procedures about found children whose identities are unknown are performed according to provisions of relevant law.
(Şerh No: 12323 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:22)

Any person who wants to alter his or her sex, he or she may invoke to be given permission for alteration of gender by applying to court in person.But the applicant must be completed age of eighteen years and unmarried,besides in transsexual nature and must documentate indispensability of gender alteration in respect to his or her mental health and his or her permanently infertility through a report of a board of health provided from a medical education and research hospital. In case of confirmation through an official board of health report that a gender alteration surgery has been materialized conveniently to the medical purpose and procedure in parallel with given permission,it may be decided to be done required correction in civil status registers by the court.
(Şerh No: 11337 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:21)

Unless court decision,no any correction can be made in records of personal status registry.
(Şerh No: 12322 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:21)

Personal status registry is kept by the officials appointed by the State.It is duty of these officials to keep registry records and give copies. It can be vested register officership authority to the representatives of Turkey in foreign countries with the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and approval of the Prime Ministry.
(Şerh No: 12320 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:20)

Personal status is determined by the official registry issued for this purpose. Principles about keeping those registries and making obligatory notifications are prescribed by related law.
(Şerh No: 12081 - Çeviren: Burak AYDIN - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:20)

If no any result is obtained from the announcement,the court declares absence and the rights relied on death may exactly be used as if the death of absent has been proved. Declaration of absence is valid commencing from the day on which peril of death actualised or last information has been received.
(Şerh No: 11326 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:20)

If the person who will be declared absent appears or it is heard of him or her before the expiry of the announcement period or the date of his or her death is determined, the claim for absence becomes void.
(Şerh No: 11324 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:18)

In order to claim declaration of absence,it is necessary to be elapsed at least one year from the peril of death and five years from the last information date. The court, summons the people who have information about the person who will be declared absent, to give information within a certain time by a duly made announcement. This period shall be at least six months commencing from the day on which the last public announcement has been made.
(Şerh No: 11323 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:18)

If there is highly probability about the death of a person who has been lost in peril of death, or has not been heard of a long time, the court may declare the absence of that person upon application of the people whose rights relied on that death. Competent court is the one where located at the last residence place of the person in Turkey; if he or she never has settled in Turkey, the place where he or she has been officially registered, if such a record is nonexistent,the place where his or her mother or father has been registered.
(Şerh No: 11322 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:18)

Any person asserting that someone is alive or deceased or he or she was alive at a particular time or at the death of another person for exercise of a right, must prove his or her assertion. If it can not be proved that which one died earlier or later of persons more than one, all are deemed died at the same time.
(Şerh No: 11315 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:17)

Birth or death of a person is proved by records kept in the official birth registers. If there is no record or appeared that existing record is incorrect in the official birth registers, real status may be proved by any evidence.
(Şerh No: 11317 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:16)

The plaintiff may ask the judge for the prevention of a prospective assault or suspension of an existing one or the determination of the illegality of which has ended but still influential . Additionaly, the plaintiff is also entitled to ask for the decision or the settlement be published or notified to third parties. The plaintiff's right to seek compensation for tangible or non-pecuniary damages and to claim restitution of profit gained by the defendant as a result of illegal act pursuant to the provisions of transactions without the power to represent is reserved. The right to non-pecuniary compensation cannot be assigned to third parties without the consent of the defendant and is not passable to the heirs unless had it been once claimed by the deceased person. Both the Courts of the domiciles of the plaintiff or of the defendant has juristiction for the cases intented for the protection of personality.
(Şerh No: 149 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:15)

The person whose personality is assaulted unlawfully may ask for due protection from the judge. Any assault on personality is deemed as illegal unless it is justified by the reasons such as victim's consent, superior civil or public interest or the exercise of the authority granted by law.
(Şerh No: 148 - Çeviren: Av.Bülent Sabri AKPUNAR - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:15)

No person may renounce his or her capacity to have rights or capacity to act,even partially. No person may renounce his or her freedoms or restrict them against the law or morals. Upon written consent extraction, vaccination and transfer of biological substances of human origin are legitimite. However,no claim may be raised against the person under the obligation of giving biological substance,to fulfill his or her obligation; no claim may be raised for compensation of physical and spiritual damages.
(Şerh No: 11306 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:14)

One of spouses and blood kins of the other spouse become kins by marriage,in the same kind and at the same degree. Kinship by marriage is not ended by dissolution of marriage which created it.
(Şerh No: 11301 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:14)

The degree of blood kinship is determined by the number of birth which bonds kins. Lineal kinship exists between persons where one is descended from the other; collateral kinship exists between persons where one is not descended from the latter but from a joint root.
(Şerh No: 11300 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 22-11-2011 19:13)

Cinsel istismar suçunun yargılamasında eziyet suçu bakımından bir sanık hakkında verilen beraat hükmünün maddi hareketlerin incelenmesi ile bozulmasına karar verildiği, yine çocuğun fiil sebebiyle beden ve ruh sağlığının bozulup bozulmadığına dair alınacak rapora dair şekli şartların irdelendiği ve son olarak 103/3'de yazılı nitelikli halin (failin koruma ve gözetim yükümlülüğü olması) uygulama sahasına açıklık getirildiği görülmektedir.
(Şerh No: 12453 - Ekleyen: Av.Ömer GÜNTAY - Tarih : 22-11-2011 00:18)

Adli yargının görev alanına giren dava için idari yargıya başvurulması halinde; idare mahkemesinin verdiği görevsizlik kararının kesinleşmesinden itibaren 10 gün içinde adli yargıya başvurulmuş olması sebebiyle davacının, BK.nun 137. maddesinde öngörülen ek süreden yararlandırılması ve davanın süresinde açıldığının kabulü gerekir.
(Şerh No: 12452 - Ekleyen: Av.Nevra ÖKSÜZ - Tarih : 21-11-2011 12:43)

Every person has capacity to have rights. Accordingly, within the limits of legal order, all people are equal to be qualified to have rights and obligations.
(Şerh No: 11291 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:10)

Unless otherwise provided by the law, each party is liable to prove the alleged facts on which he/she/it bases his/her/its claims.
(Şerh No: 11289 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:09)

General featured provisions of this Code and the Code of Obligations shall apply to all private law relationships wherever appropriate.
(Şerh No: 11288 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:08)

Where the law confers judicial discretion or orders to take into consideration requirements of the circumstances or just causes,judge shall decide in accordance with law and equity.
(Şerh No: 11287 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:08)

Where the law makes a legal effect conditional on the good faith of a person,there shall be a presumption of good faith primarily. However no person may invoke the presumtion of good faith if he/she has failed to exercise the diligence required by the circumstances.
(Şerh No: 11286 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:07)

Every person must act in good faith when exercising his/her rights and performing his/her obligations. The manifest abuse of a right is not protected by law.
(Şerh No: 11285 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:07)

The law is applied to all cases which comes within its wording and spirit of any of its provisions. Where no provision is applicable,the judge shall decide in accordance with customary law,and in its default,in accordance with the rule that he/she would enact as if he/she were the legislator himself/herself. The judge shall benefit from established doctrine and case law,in doing so.
(Şerh No: 11284 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:06)

Minors or wards of court who have discretion, may not assume obligations through their own acts without consent of their legal representatives.Such consent is not necessary in gratuitous acquisions and exercising strictly bonded personal rights. Minors or wards of court who have discretion are liable for wrongful acts they committed.
(Şerh No: 11299 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:06)

Acts of person who is deprived of discretion do not create legal effect, on condition that exceptional situations prescribed by law are reserved.
(Şerh No: 11298 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:05)

People who are deprived of discretion, who are minor and who are under guardianship, do not have capacity to act.
(Şerh No: 11297 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:05)

Every person who is not devoid of ability of acting rationally because of minority,mental illness,mental weakness,inebriation or any similar reason, has discretion according to this Code.
(Şerh No: 11295 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:04)

A minor who has completed age of fifteen years can be made sui juris by court with his or her own wish and consent of his or her legal representative.
(Şerh No: 11296 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:03)

Majority commences on completion of age of eighteen years. Marriage renders a person sui juris.
(Şerh No: 11294 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:03)

Every person who has discretion, who is not under guardianship and is of full legal age has the capacity to act.
(Şerh No: 11293 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:02)

The person who has capacity to act may acquire rights and assume obligations through his or he own acts.
(Şerh No: 11292 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 20-11-2011 20:01)

Kesinleşen işe iade kararı üzerine işçinin 10 günlük yasal süre içerisinde işverene başvurusu gereklidir. İlk derece mahkemesi olayda işçinin işverene başvuruda bulunup bulunmadığını tespit etmeksizin karar vermiştir. Oysa ki işverenin başvuruda bulunup bulunmadığı fesih tarihi açısından önem taşır. İşçi işe iade kararının kesinleşmesinden sonra 10 günlük süre içinde işverene başvuruda bulunursa fesih tarihi işçinin işe iade için başvurup işverenin işçiyi işe başlatmadığı tarih, aksi halde ise i...
(Şerh No: 12451 - Ekleyen: Av.Gülgün İNCESOYLAR DİLKİ - Tarih : 19-11-2011 13:05)

ÇOCUKLARLA KİŞİSEL İLİŞKİ KURULMASINA DAİR AVRUPA SÖZLEŞMESİ Başlangıç Avrupa Konseyi üyesi Devletler ile bu Sözleşmeyi imzalayan diğer Devletler, 20 Mayıs 1980 tarihli Çocukların Velayetine İlişkin Kararların Tanınması ve Tenfızi ile Çocukların Velayetinin Yeniden Tesisine İlişkin Avrupa Sözleşmesini (105 nolıı Sözleşme) göz önünde bulundurarak; 25 Ekim 1980 tarihli, Uluslararası Çocuk Kaçırmanın Hukuki Veçhelerine Dair Lahey Sözleşmesi ve 19 Ekim 1996 tarihli, Velayet Sorumluluğu ve...
(Şerh No: 12450 - Ekleyen: Av.Cengiz ALADAĞ - Tarih : 18-11-2011 15:46)

Kararda, sanıkların kamu görevlisine "yumurta atmak" biçiminde tezahür eden eyleminin, hakaret başta olmak üzere, 5237 sayılı yasada düzenlenmiş kimi suç tipleri karşısında irdelenmesi ve yerel mahkeme kararının bu çerçevede değerlendirilmesi yapılmaktadır.
(Şerh No: 12449 - Ekleyen: Av.Ömer GÜNTAY - Tarih : 17-11-2011 23:36)

Karar, görevi kötüye kullanma suçunun mağdurunun kamu olduğu durumlarda, kamunun yargılama sürecine etkin katılımınn sağlanması hususunda CMK.nın katılmaya ilişkin hükümlerinin nasıl uygulanacağına ilişkin öğeler içermektedir.
(Şerh No: 12448 - Ekleyen: Av.Ömer GÜNTAY - Tarih : 17-11-2011 23:32)

Absolute nullity of a terminated marriage may not be claimed by Public prosecutor on his/her own initiative; however any relevant person, may claim resolution of absolute nullity. In cases where capacity of discretion has been acquired afterwards or mental illness has been recovered,action for absolute nullity may only be commenced by spouse who acquired capacity of discretion afterwards or whose mental illness has been recovered. If previous marriage of the person who gets remarried when married has been terminated before decision of absolute nullity and other spouse in second marriage is in good faith,that marriage shall not be deemed null.
(Şerh No: 12443 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 16-11-2011 15:52)

Dava, davacının alacaklı olduğundan bahisle ve faturaya mesnetle başlattığı takibe, davalı borçlunun itirazı üzerine ikame olunan itirazın iptali davasıdır. Davalının iddia ve savunması takibe mesnet faturalardaki malları almadığı yönündedir. Dava aşamasında ibraz olunan taraf ticari defterlerinin, usulüne uygun tutulmadıkları sabittir ve takibe konu fatura, her iki taraf ticari defterinde de kayıtlıdır. Davalının savunması, fatura konusu malları satın almadığına dairdir ve aksi, aleyhin...
(Şerh No: 12447 - Ekleyen: Av.Nevra ÖKSÜZ - Tarih : 16-11-2011 12:13)

Spouse who has been deprived of capacity of discretion for a temporary cause in the course of getting married, may claim annulment of marriage.
(Şerh No: 12444 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 15:16)

In the following circumstances one of spouses may claim annulment of marriage; 1.If he/she agreed mistakenly that marriage despite he/she had never wished to marry or not thought to get married to the person to whom he/she had been married, 2.If he/she has gotten married mistakenly for such an important quality that his/her spouse is lacking and making unbearable for him/her to live with him/her together.
(Şerh No: 12445 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 15:14)

In the following circumstances one of spouses may claim annulment of marriage; 1.If he/she agreed marriage by being deceited directly by his/her or by someone else under his/her knowledge regarding chastity and honour of his/her spouse, 2.If a disease which creating a heavy hazard against health of the plaintiff or his/her descendants has been concealed from him/her.
(Şerh No: 12446 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 15:10)

As soon as marriage ceremony ends,marriage officer provides a marriage certificate booklet to spouses . It can not be performed religious ceremony of marriage unless shown the marriage certificate booklet. Validity of marriage does not depend upon performing of religious ceremony.
(Şerh No: 12439 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 15:03)

Marriage officer, asks either of persons to get married if they want to marry.Marriage, is costituted at the moment that parties give positive oral answers.Officer makes public that the marriage has been done in accordance with law and by mutual consent of parties.
(Şerh No: 12438 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 15:01)

If marriage officer ascertains existence of requirements for marriage or decision of rejection is cancelled by court,informs the persons to get married day and hours of marriage and gives certificate of permission for marriage if required. Certificate of permission for marriage, entitles the persons to get married right to marry before any marriage officer within six months starting from the date on which it has been given.
(Şerh No: 12435 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 14:57)

Male and female who will get married to each other shall apply together to the bureau of marriages where one of them resides. Marriage officer, is the mayor or an officer charged with that duty by him/her in municipalities, headman/headwoman in villages.
(Şerh No: 12428 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 14:48)

Mentally ill persons, may not get married unless it is appeared by a formal report of medical board that there is no medical inconvenience for their marriages.
(Şerh No: 12427 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 14:47)

If marriage has been dissolved,woman, can not get married before the expiration of three hundred days starting from the date of termination. Period terminates when given birth. In the event of being appeared that a woman is not pregnant from her previous marriage or being required to get married again of spouses whose marriage has been dissolved,court terminates that period.
(Şerh No: 12426 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 14:45)

The spouse of the person who has been declared absent,can not get married again unless it has been decided annulment of marriage by court. The spouse of absent may claim annulment of marriage in company with the application of absence or filing a suit seperately. Annulment of marriage through filing a suit seperately, is required from the court of place of residence of plaintiff.
(Şerh No: 12425 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 14:43)

Action for absolute nullity, is filed by Public prosecutor on his/her own initiative. That action, may either be filed by any relevant person.
(Şerh No: 12442 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 13:08)

Process of marriage,registry of marriage, correspondence related to marriage and other issues concerning marriage are regulated by by-laws.
(Şerh No: 12440 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 13:02)

Marriage ceremony, is performed publicly at marriage office before marriage officer and two sui juris witnesses having capacity of discretion. However, ceremony can be performed at the other places deemed proper by marriage officer upon request of persons to get married.
(Şerh No: 12437 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 15-11-2011 10:54)

Marriage officer shall not fulfill marriage ceremony if it is appeared that requirements for marriage are lacking or in case it has elapsed six months starting from provision of documents.
(Şerh No: 12436 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 14-11-2011 15:14)

Marriage officer examines application of marriage and the documents required to be attached that. If he/she spots any deficiency in the application, he/she corrects it or makes it corrected. If it is appeared that the application has not been duly made or one of the persons to get married is not qualified to marry or there has been a legal barrier against marriage, application of marriage is rejected and the fact is forthwith notified to the persons to get married in written.
(Şerh No: 12433 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 14-11-2011 14:51)

Either of male or female has to supply birth certificate or identity registration copy,if previous marriage has been dissolved the document related to this, if he/she is minor or incapacitated, also written form of consent of legal representative with certified signature and medical report denoting he/she does not have a disease that is impediment for marriage, to bureau of marriages.
(Şerh No: 12430 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 14-11-2011 14:42)

BK m.53'e göre, ceza mahkemesinin olayın ne biçimde gerçekleştiğini tespit eden kararı, olay yönünden ve mahkumiyet kararı, eylemin hukuka aykırılığı bakımından hukuk hakimini bağlar.
(Şerh No: 12432 - Ekleyen: Av.Nevra ÖKSÜZ - Tarih : 14-11-2011 11:49)

İstirdat davasından söz edebilmek için, ödemenin cebri icra tehdidi altında, yani, takibin kesinleşmesinden sonra yapılmış olması gerekir. Davacı, ödeme süresi içerisinde icra dosyasına parayı yatırdığı için eldeki davanın İstirdat Davası olarak nitelendirilmesi mümkün değildir.
(Şerh No: 12431 - Ekleyen: Av.Barış TİRYAKİ - Tarih : 13-11-2011 20:04)

 Bilgi  [TCK. 226] Evlilik olsa bile müstehcenlikden uzak tutulmalı
Medeni Kanun 124 onyedi yaşını dolduran evlenebilir hükmü varken ,TCK 226 "çocuk" lardan (TCK 6/b,Çocuk deyiminden; henüz onsekiz yaşını doldurmamış kişi) olarak tanımlamaktadır.Bu durumda evlenebilen kimseler ,evlenebilmelerine rağmen TCK 226 ya göre suç unsuru olabilirler.
(Şerh No: 12424 - Ekleyen: Av.Ömer GÜNAY - Tarih : 12-11-2011 11:58)

Kamu İhalelerinde kamu kurumları hizmet alım işini alan yüklenicinin çalıştıracağı kişilerin tespitinde veya işten çıkartılmasında belirleyici olamaz. Hizmet alımına dayanak teşkil edecek sözleşme ve şartnamelere; a)İşe alınacak kişilerin belirlenmesi ve işten çıkarma yetkisinin kamu kurum, kuruluşları ve ortaklıklarına bırakılması, b)Hizmet alım sözleşmeleri çerçevesinde ya da geçici işçi olarak aynı iş yerinde daha önce çalışmış olanların çalıştırılmasına devam olunması, yönünde hükümler ...
(Şerh No: 12423 - Ekleyen: Av.Evren AKÇAY - Tarih : 11-11-2011 09:06)

Person who wants to remarry,is obliged to prove that his/her former marriage has legally ended.
(Şerh No: 12422 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 10-11-2011 10:40)

Marriage is prohibited between the following persons; 1.Between ascendants and descendants,between brothers/sisters,between paternal uncle,maternal uncle,paternal aunt,maternal aunt and their nephew/nieces, 2.Between one of spouses and ascendants and descendents of the other even though the marriage which created affinity has ended. 3.Between adopter and adopted or between one of them and descendents and spouse of the other.
(Şerh No: 12421 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 10-11-2011 10:37)

No any member of association, shall cast vote in decisions required to be taken regarding legal transaction or dispute between association and himself/herself,his/her spouse and his/her ascendants and descendants. (APPENDED PHRASE on 07 August,2003 Official Gazette No:25192 Act No:4963/34) It is applied provision of paragraph above regarding the person who will cast vote in the name of legal person either.
(Şerh No: 12367 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 18:37)

Judge,may give permission for marriage of minor or ward of court who has applied in this regard,after hearing legal represantative who does not consent marriage without just reason.
(Şerh No: 12420 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 18:00)

Ward of court, may not get married without consent of his/her legal representative.
(Şerh No: 12418 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:55)

Minor, may not get married without consent of his/her legal representative.
(Şerh No: 12417 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:52)

Persons who lack of capacity of discretion may not get married.
(Şerh No: 12416 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:51)

Male or female may not get married unless he/she has completed full age of seventeen. However,judge may give permission for marriage of a male or a female completed age of sixteen in extraordinary situations and for a very important reason. Father and mother or guardian are heared before decision whenever possible.
(Şerh No: 12415 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:46)

Rights of action arising from termination of engagement become time-barred when one year lapses over termination.
(Şerh No: 12414 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:42)

If engagement ends for any cause except marriage, presents except common ones which have been given to each other by engaged ones or ones given to the other engaged one by father and mother or persons who have acted in place of them may be reclaimed by givers. If present can not be given back in kind or in equal amount, provisions of unjust enrichment are applied.
(Şerh No: 12412 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:39)

Engagement does not give right for action to oblige to marry. Forfeit money or penal clause determined for event of abstention from marriage may not be litigated;however, payments that have been made may not be reclaimed as well.
(Şerh No: 12409 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:12)

Party whose personal rights have been assaulted due to breaking off engagement may claim to be paid a proper quantitiy of money as compensation by the other party at fault.
(Şerh No: 12411 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 17:00)

In case one of engaged persons breaks off engagement or the engagement is broken off for any reason which can be charged on one of parties;party at fault is obliged to pay an appropriate compensation to the other within the frame of good faith rules and expenditures which he/she has made with the purpose of marriage and in return for pecuniary sacrifices which he/she has endured.The same rule is applied for engagement outlays either. Father and mother of person who has right to claim compensation or persons who acted in place of them may request an appropriate compensation for expenditures that they have made under the same conditions.
(Şerh No: 12410 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 16:53)

Provisions of acquision through possession are not applied over assets of foundations. Provisions concerning being engaged in international activities or forming upper institutions of associations are applied about foundations analogically either. Special provisions about foundations of public benefit or formed by special laws are reserved.
(Şerh No: 12405 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 16:07)

Tarafların boşanmalarına ilişkin yabancı mahkeme kararının Türk mahkemesi tarafından tenfizine karar verildiği ileri sürülüp kanıtlanmadığına göre, davanın görülebilirlik koşulu olan mal rejiminin sona ermesi somut olayda gerçekleşmemiştir.
(Şerh No: 12406 - Ekleyen: Av.Cengiz ALADAĞ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 15:50)

Tasarrufun iptali davalarında davacı alacaklı tarafından kesin veya geçici aciz belgesinin ibraz edilmesi gerekir. Aciz belgesi hükümden sonra ibraz edilebileceği gibi, Yargıtay temyiz incelemesi sırasında ve karar düzeltme aşamasında dahi sunulabilir.
(Şerh No: 12407 - Ekleyen: Av.Cengiz ALADAĞ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 09:25)

In the event that actualisation of goal has become impossible and it has also become impossible of alteration of it, foundation terminates spontaneously and removed from registry by court decision. If it is not possible to alter goal of foundation which appeared later that it had pursued prohibited goal or engaged in prohibited acticities or which its goal has been altered later; foundation, is dissolved by holding a hearing upon application of Public prosecutor or audit authority.
(Şerh No: 12404 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 00:31)

The Ministry of Internal Affairs may suspend foundation from activity provisionally until being made a decision by court in cases where prescribed in the constitution and in accordance with determined procedures and by taking the opinion of audit authority as well, and appeals to court at once.Judge concludes the application without delay.
(Şerh No: 12403 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 00:23)

Governing body notifies condition of assets and activities of foundation belonging to the previous year in the first three months of each calender year to audit authority as a report and provides publication of the situation through suitable means.
(Şerh No: 12402 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 00:16)

If being dependant to purpose written in foundation voucher has become explicitly contrary to the will of endower due to changes in situations and conditions,court may alter purpose of foundation upon request of governing or audit body after taking written opinion of the other one. The same provision is applied in removal and alteration of conditions and obligations which make actualising of purpose significally difficult or preventing. If there are just reasons for alteration of assets and rights allocated to purpose with more useful ones or encashment of them,court may give permission for necessary change upon request of governing or audit body after taking written opinion of the other one.
(Şerh No: 12401 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 09-11-2011 00:03)

If there are just reasons,court may alter organistion, administration and operation of foundation upon request of governing or audit body after taking written opinion of the other one. Court upon application of audit authority,(REPEALED PHRASE by the Constitutional Court on November 27,2007 Docket Number:2002/162 Decree Number:2007/89 Official Gazette Date:January 26,2008 Official Gazette No:26768) may remove administrators and appoint new ones in case there has not been any provision in foundation voucher.
(Şerh No: 12400 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 08-11-2011 23:51)

It is inspected if foundations perform provisions existing in foundation voucher,govern assets of foundation in proper fashion for purpose and spend incomes of foundation properly for purpose by the General Directorate of Foundations and by their upper institutions.Inspection of foundations by upper institutions is subject to provisions of special law. (REPEALED ARTICLE on February 27,2008 Official Gazette No: 26800 Act No: 5737/80)
(Şerh No: 12399 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 08-11-2011 23:44)

Administrators of foundations of relief to employees and workers are liable to give necessary information to beneficiaries about organisation,operation and financial situation of foundation. Employees and workers paying capital fee to foundation join to administration at least in proportion to their payments which they made and select their representatives from within themselves as far as possible. Being made up of solely a receivable of foundation against employer,proportion of assets of foundation obtained through payments made by employees and workers,depends upon provision of adequate assurance for that receivable only. Claiming in a lawsuit by beneficiaries of performance of deeds of foundation depends upon being paid fees by them and being given them that right through provisions which regulates foundation. Partipication of beneficiaries to administartion in foundations of relief to employees and workers and alterations in provisions concerning conditions of benefit from foundation are resolved by court of place of residence upon request of authorised organ according to foundation voucher after being taken written opinion of audit authority.
(Şerh No: 12398 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 08-11-2011 23:33)

It is obligatory to have a governing body for foundation. Endower,may indicate other organs which considered necessary in foundation voucher either.
(Şerh No: 12397 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 08-11-2011 23:12)

Rights of action of heirs and creditors of endower are reserved pursuant to provisions concerning endowment and testamentary dispositions.
(Şerh No: 12396 - Çeviren: Av.Kadir ORUÇ - Tarih : 08-11-2011 23:08)

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