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Restricted entrance to Turkey due to DWI?

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Old 02-06-2007, 06:15   #1

Varsayılan Restricted entrance to Turkey due to DWI?

I am American, my wife is in the Airforce, She is set to report to Turkey in November.
Better then 12 years ago, I got several DWIs, young and stupid...
Anyways, I figured I had better check to see if that may pose an issue.
Old 21-06-2007, 12:27   #2


Dear Guest,

If I clearly understood your situation, the DWIs you had were in the USA right? Have you appeared in court any for your DWIs? Have you been in jail any? If you could please enlighten us deeper, we should be able to give you an healthier answer.

Old 22-06-2007, 02:39   #3


My DWIs were in the US. I have completed all the court orders, and it is technically behind me.
I had a friend, who had a DWI, get turned away at the Canadien border, that is why I ask. It would be no good at all to get there with my wife, and baby, only to have them tell me I could not enter.
I hope that is enough information, I appreciate your help.

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