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Shared ownership of a flat

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Old 25-12-2007, 11:20   #1

Soru Shared ownership of a flat

I will first explain the situation and then ask several questions.

I'm married to a Turkish citizen and living and working in Ankara for two years, I have the residence permission and work permission, SSK, vergi kimlik... I suppose I have everything except citizenship . My wife and me are planning to buy a flat in Ankara. About half of the money will give her mother and for the rest we will borrow from a bank. That loan will be paid back to bank with money from my parents and from our salary, during several years. We are planning for all three of us to register as the owners of the flat, most probably in this way: her mother with 50%, my wife with 10% and me with 40%, or something similar.

My questions are:
1. Is there any problem to register ownership of a flat in this way?
2. Does the fact that I'm a foreigner give me different rights (regarding ownership of the flat etc) compared to a Turkish citizen, and what are important differences that I should know?
3. The same question, but regarding borrowing money from a bank: are conditions different for a foreigner?
4. Will taxes etc that are paid while buying a flat (and later, yearly tax) higher (and how much) in this situation, compared to situation where just Turkish citizens are involved?
5. The same question, but regarding borrowing money from a bank: will we be paying to the bank more because I'm a foreigner?
6. What documents will I need for this registration?
7. The same question, but regarding borrowing money from a bank: what documents will I need?
8. Any advice from you, maybe I missed to ask some important question?

Thanks in advance,
Old 05-03-2008, 08:15   #2
Av. Balkan Tunalı


You have forgotten to tell your nationality hence most of your questions seems void.

The abilities of foreign citizens are regulated by the principle of "reciprocity" meaning you may do the same as a Turks does in your country.

Consequently, these regulations are all arranges by dual- agreements between two countries. However, all the regulations are more or less the same.

If you tell your nationality it will be quite easy to explain the details.

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