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Turkish Law English forum dedicated to Turkish Law

Legal English

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Old 09-12-2003, 02:20   #1

Neşeli Legal English: language Classes And Workshops

I am wondering whether there is much interest in classes on English language as it is used in law. This could look at legal drafting, letter writing, legal vocabulary. It might also deal with more specific topcis related to English and Turkish Law.

My guess is that there is a genuine need. I say this because my friends who are lawyers in Turkey often ask me about the best way of writing things in English when they are drafting agreements or just writing letters.

I thought I might offer this, and any suggestions would be useful.

For example there could be free general sessions, in which anyone could attend, perhaps in a cafe on a given evening or weekend.

If anyone has any ideas on this, please let me know. I would be interested to consider it from all sides.
Best wishes
Old 09-12-2003, 02:22   #2


I should add that I had in mind Istanbul for this.

Old 09-12-2003, 20:15   #4

Mutlu Legal English

Jus Thanks!
I was wondering if lawyers would be interested in such courses on an informal basis. But no one has written so I guess they are not interested or are too shy to admit it!!
: )
Old 29-06-2007, 12:00   #5

Varsayılan Engilish Is Important For Court Of Ec Human Rights Court

I am writing from Adana. I think Engilish is as first language slected for United Nations for official correspondance therefore it is important. Also it is important for the applicants of EC Human Rights Supreme Court. I am thinking to apply to EC Human Rights Supreme Court for my trial therefore I would like to get edecation on Law Termonolgy. I think most of the lawyers should try to get training on that in Turkey.
I am very frustrated with Turkish Legal System therefore I need to educate myself in order to fight with the discrapancies in the law system of Turkey.
Please advise me if you know web site or books for the education on this topic.
I would like to work with your grup so that please let me know if I can help
Regards to everybody
Old 26-08-2008, 20:04   #6


The link in order to reach website of ECHR is written below. You can follow decisions of the Court relating Turkey as well as the ones concerning other countries.
Old 08-12-2009, 17:16   #7
Murat Çağlar

Varsayılan Legal English Courses

Dear Sirs,

This is Murat Caglar, a member of Istanbul Bar, reaching you to inform you of the Legal English courses.

After providing Legal English courses at Yeditepe University last academic year, I have been giving lectures at Istanbul Ticaret University this academic year to undergraduate students.

Kind regards,

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