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Turkish citizenship

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Old 01-09-2008, 16:19   #1

Varsayılan Turkish citizenship

Hello; I'm English born, however, will be requesting dual Turkish citizenship as both my parents are Turkish.

I will remain living abroad. My question is: aside from the military service requirements of a male, are there any other responsibilities, charges (yearly or otherwise) associated with becoming a citizen?. Embassies are little help. Thank you.
Old 27-11-2008, 14:39   #2

Varsayılan Citizenship

There are no other duties to be performed by male citizens. However you should consider tax issues etc. which is independant from sex.
Old 29-11-2008, 19:09   #3


Thank you. Can you explain the tax issue a little more?. If I was neither born in Turkey nor have I resided nor will I reside there in future, what taxes would I have to pay to Turkey?. If I do not plan to live in Turkey, are there more advantages to not take dual citizenship?. My primary objective for doing so was to please my parents, but if it will cost me hardship, expenses, etc., I will reconsider as my life is not there. Thank you again. Your help is very much needed.
Old 29-11-2008, 20:11   #4

Varsayılan Do not worry that much..

The tax issues are not so easy or short to explain it here. However If you are dealing with big amounts of money or a good earning freelencer then it may constitute a problem... If you are planning to live as a worker, it wouldn't be more heavier then you are paying in UK.
Old 30-11-2008, 18:01   #5

Varsayılan Turkish citizenship

could anybody else speak a little more about the tax?. I am a female and also considering taking Turkish citizenship (my late mom was Turkish). I was born, live & work abroad. Why would i have to pay any taxes to Turkey? I don't work in Turkey and I don't own any property there. If i work & live in another country, it makes no sense that i would have to pay taxes to any other country. This does not make any sense. If this was true, nobody would take up dual citizenship.

Turkey is simply a place where i spend all my summer holidays, but i rent there, i don't own anything there and i don't earn any money there, i only go there for holidays.
Old 01-12-2008, 09:41   #6

Varsayılan Tax issue

Now it is clear...
In this situation, if you are planning to live in abroad and just have holidays here of course you don't have to pay any tax from your incomes.
Old 03-07-2009, 12:03   #7


there is no tax duty to be imposed when someone obtain turkish citizenship.
Old 14-12-2011, 17:43   #8


i want to cancel my young daughters turkish citizenship, her dad passed away , can i do it
Old 16-12-2011, 02:03   #9


Yazan Konuk
i want to cancel my young daughters turkish citizenship, her dad passed away , can i do it

Don't she have double citizenship?
Old 02-01-2012, 17:54   #10
Av.Kadir ORUÇ

Varsayılan Renouncement From Turkish Citizenhip

Yazan Konuk
i want to cancel my young daughters turkish citizenship, her dad passed away , can i do it

Dear Konuk,
Your daughters can not leave Turkish citizenship until they become major according to the Turkish Nationality Act. Related article is in the following.
Best regards.

Renouncement From Turkish Citizenship
Article 25(1) There may be given renouncement permission or renouncement document by the Ministry to persons who request permission to renounce from Turkish citizenship, provided that they hold the following conditions;
a) To be major and have discretion,
b) Have been acquired citizenship of a foreign state or to have persuasive indications that he or she will acquire it,
c) Not to be a person of being wanted because of a crime or military service,
d) Not to be any financial or penal limitation about him or her.

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