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Safety Standards

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Old 14-02-2003, 19:34   #1
Laurence Hanley

İnceleme Safety Standards

I act for a child litigant. I am looking for any information on the safety standards in Turkey concerning the thickness of glass for use in (i) hotels and (ii) children's creches/clubs. I am told the general safety standard is 4mm. Happy for any help! Can communicate in French, English, or German.
Old 30-05-2003, 16:04   #2


Dear Laurence,

Turkish Safety Standarts are designated by Institute of Turkish Standarts(T.S.E.)

TS 9041, refers to the Minimum Thickness of Glass Safety for recreational use.which is 4 to 6.5 mm.
There are no other specifications refer to the child safety or hotel windows and glass specifications.

However If the window complex is based on horizontal pulling system, then the minimum glass thickness should be 5,5 mm with double sided glass support.

Also If the stoned glasses are prefered to use then the standarts are changing again. (TS 6500)

You may also check the Institute of Turkish Standarts(T.S.E.) website. I hope this information fullfill your needs.

Take Care,
Dundar Sahin
Old 07-01-2004, 12:44   #3

Varsayılan Local Standards

I am trying to find local standards of turkey. In particular the following standards:-

Pool surrounds and requirement for non-slip surfaces

Glass standards i.e. minimal thickness of glass for use in doors and windows.

Requirements for hand rails on stairs/steps

Can anyone assist?
Old 28-04-2004, 18:23   #4

Varsayılan Is There Any İnformation About Swimming Pool Safet Standards

A man fell over on some steps adjacent to a swimming pool. There was water running down the steps and no safety rail, so he was badly injured. What are the requirements for safety rails?
Old 10-07-2007, 16:24   #5



Am looking to establish whether a hotel needs to fence off the edge of a path were there is a drop of several metres on the other side.

Furthermore trying to ascertain what the general test for negligence is in Turkey

Could any replies be kindly posted on here and sent to
Old 11-07-2007, 01:52   #6


Dear David,

Could you share more specific information for the desired path. So I could be more helpful for your inquiry.

Kind Regards

Dundar Sahin
Public Safety Consultant
H&S/ Social Compliance Auditor

Yazan Konuk

Am looking to establish whether a hotel needs to fence off the edge of a path were there is a drop of several metres on the other side.

Furthermore trying to ascertain what the general test for negligence is in Turkey

Could any replies be kindly posted on here and sent to

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