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Old 12-11-2006, 19:28   #1

Varsayılan divorce

My turkish boyfriend is getting divorce of his foreing wife. lawyer has send divorsing papers to her and lawyer says that it will take more than one year those papers to go in USA. And same long to come back.
The wife is saying that she cant get apostille from county clerk for her letter to turkish attorny because the marriage is not leagal in usa.
Can this be true?
we are very furstruated with this situation..
Old 01-01-2007, 06:24   #2


hi i am aforginer married to turkish woman in turkey for 1 year.we agree to i lose my residance here after divorceing her?and my residance is valid for two years?please advice and many thanks in advance.
Old 12-01-2007, 14:49   #3


Im an English person Married to a Turkish man for over 5 years he walked out on me over one and half years ago. I have two children who are with me . He now lives overseas and comes to see the children a couple of times a year. But my problem is he left me in debt and will not agree to divorce me , will not talk to me if I call him to talk he puts the phone down. Im sick of him thinking he can come every three or four months and do what ever he wants. He messes me around with sending money for the children . I want to divorce him but money is tight and a court case could take some time any advice ?
Old 01-09-2007, 15:45   #4

Varsayılan Divorce

Hello - I wonder if you can help? In 1995 I married a Turkish man in Turkey, in 1998 we got divorced in England. My ex-husband now wants to marry again, in Turkey, but says he cannot as Turkish law does not recognise our British divorce papers.

I married a British man four years ago in the UK and used my divorce papers as proof of divorce with no problems, however, my ex-husband says that I am committing bigamy and my new marriage is not legal.

Can you tell me if:-

1. I am committing bigamy in the UK or in Turkey
2. If it is essential to get divorced in Turkey
3. Whether my ex-husband can file for divorce in Turkey without my help (I would rather not get involved with his problems if I could avoid it as he is not a pleasant man!)
4. If I did decide to help my ex-husband with divorce proceedings in Turkey, what do I have to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards
Old 08-09-2007, 19:41   #5


Yazan Konuk
Hello - I wonder if you can help? In 1995 I married a Turkish man in Turkey, in 1998 we got divorced in England. My ex-husband now wants to marry again, in Turkey, but says he cannot as Turkish law does not recognise our British divorce papers.

I married a British man four years ago in the UK and used my divorce papers as proof of divorce with no problems, however, my ex-husband says that I am committing bigamy and my new marriage is not legal.

Can you tell me if:-

1. I am committing bigamy in the UK or in Turkey
2. If it is essential to get divorced in Turkey
3. Whether my ex-husband can file for divorce in Turkey without my help (I would rather not get involved with his problems if I could avoid it as he is not a pleasant man!)
4. If I did decide to help my ex-husband with divorce proceedings in Turkey, what do I have to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Hello, I'll try to answer your questions one by one as you numbered above;

1)Your current status is not bigamist considering that you have no common life with your ex-husband anymore. It's not bigamy, but it's rather an international private law issue that has to be resolved in terms of the national law rules of both countries, Turkey and the UK.

2)The divorcement you had in the UK will be valid and registered in Turkish registration office after having your divorcement(in the Uk) recognized in Turkey. This is possible with no other way than filing a recognition case in Turkish courts.

3)He probably won't file a new divorcement case in Turkey considering that it will take way longer. He will rather file a recognition case in Turkish courts to have a court decision for ensuring that both parties got divorced in a foreign coutnry. A recognition case usually doesn't give a head ache for both sides assuming that they won't deny a certain divorcement decision of another country's court.

4)Actually, there are no many things you should do during a recognition case in Turkey. The court will send you the filing-petition of the other side in order to ask whether there's something you would object or oppose towards his claims by a written notification. After you sign the rescript report for acknowledging of having recieved the notification, the case will carry on even in your absence.

Best wishes
Old 10-09-2007, 21:44   #6

Varsayılan divorce


I'm married to a Turkish man, but separated many years (he left me in UK where we married and I believe our marriage was registered in Turkey, but not sure). He is now living in Turkey and recently discovered he is engaged and have asked him for a divorce, but he has told me it was not necessary as he has divorced me in Mexico. Is it possible he could have divorced me without asking for divorce?.

How can I find out if our marriage was ever registered in Turkey and whether there is a divorce decree registered. Does Turkey accept divorces that are not signed by both parties?. I have proof of contact with him over the years we were separated and so he could not have used the excuse of not having had contact with me.
Old 11-09-2007, 19:12   #7

Varsayılan divorce

hi, I'm hoping a lawyer will have an answer to my questions so that it can provide me with some guidance as to how to proceed as I am totally lost.

I have been married to a Turkish man for 2 years and separated for 20. He one day walked out on me and the children, but maintained limited contact (6 meetings in 20 years and occasional phone calls), he gave limited child support also during this time and it was mostly I who supported our children.

Neither he or I ever asked for divorce, but I recently discovered he married again (our marriage had never been registered in Turkey) and realize his marriage is illegal under Turkish law. I have asked him for a divorce, he has offered me a child settlement but nothing for me. Questions: am I, the spouse, entitled to any of the assets my husband made during the 20 years we were separated?. How does Turkish law interpret/distinguish sudden family abandonment versus separation?. How are child settlements based on under Turkish law, is it based on a percentage of the father's income/assets?. I believe what he is offering is very little according to his income. Also, is it possible for a lawyer to discover his exact income/assets?. As we have been separated for 20 years, I have no idea what he is worth, but I know he has become very wealthy during the time we have lived apart. Any help would be most welcome and appreciated.
Old 18-09-2007, 15:55   #8

Varsayılan divorce

I have never been served with divorce papers, but I have reason to believe that my husband may have divorced me forging my signature. What is the punishment under Turkish law for doing this?. Is there any law that would allow a man to divorce his foreign wife without telling her?. Thanks & hope someone answers.

Good forum, but so few posts get answered.
Old 01-10-2007, 13:21   #9

Soru Divorce Questions &

My boyfriend (Turkish), who I've been living with in Turkey for 19 months, is still legally married to his Turkish wife of 22years. She had originally verbally agreed to a divorce in June this year but when we contacted her in June to proceed, she has now changed her mind. My boyfriend hasn't got a job and is paid a fairly low pension amount each month (which he has always allowed her access to the full amount, less the repayment of a loan taken out as described below)). He has 3 children with his wife, 20yr old son - working, 17yr old daughter - not working & 9 yr old daughter. His wife has never worked. I'm a foreigner and although not rich, I do have a little nest egg for our future.
My Questions - how does he go about a divorce now? what would be the time it would take? How much money would he be liable to pay his dependants & how does the court decide who are his dependants? Will my income be used as part of the decision on his liability?
Also, as the family has no assets other than a block of land (maybe 10000ytl) and my boyfriend has needed to take out a bank loan (5000ytl) to pay insurance costs of a car accident his son was involved in whilst still at University, will both the asset and the liability be attributed as belonging to both parents in the divorce settlement?
Old 03-10-2007, 11:58   #10


Yazan Konuk
I have never been served with divorce papers, but I have reason to believe that my husband may have divorced me forging my signature. What is the punishment under Turkish law for doing this?. Is there any law that would allow a man to divorce his foreign wife without telling her?. Thanks & hope someone answers.

Good forum, but so few posts get answered.

First, I'd like to let it be known by yourself that both spouses have to be present and listened by the judge regarding their demands of divorcement in order to get divorced upon an agreement. It's no way possible to get divorced by signing a document such as petition, bill or notice even if it gets signed by yourself.

Aside from divorcing upon an agreement; your husband can not get divorced from you if you are not informed about the case by a written correspondance by the court, either.

Considering that you still haven't been informed abaut a case of divorcement filed by your husband, there's nothing to get worried as well as I could understand in your message.

I hope this helps.
Old 15-10-2009, 11:34   #11

Varsayılan divorce

Please could you tell me what paperwork I need to do for a divorce. We have been seperated for about 2 years now and we have both mutually agreed to divorce. We got married in Turkey and I have a certificate and the red book.
My husband has given me a lawyers number in Turkey to use but the information he is giving me does not tie in with what the consulate says.
We have a 4 year old and a 2 year old who will reside with me.
I would be grateful if you could tell me what the correct procedure is.
As my husband has not supplied any money for his children in over a year, I do not have the money for expensive legal fees do you know who would be able to help with how much money I would need

Many Thanks
Old 21-10-2009, 11:36   #12


According to me you should come to Turkey and look for a lawyer who can help you for the procedure. You can't solve this problem without coming Turkey. If you make a deal which is showing your agreement about divorce with your husband you can divorce from your husband easily. Don't worry about the case costs they are not expensive in Turkey however the procedure is slow.
Old 22-10-2009, 16:05   #13


Yazan Konuk
Please could you tell me what paperwork I need to do for a divorce. We have been seperated for about 2 years now and we have both mutually agreed to divorce. We got married in Turkey and I have a certificate and the red book.
My husband has given me a lawyers number in Turkey to use but the information he is giving me does not tie in with what the consulate says.
We have a 4 year old and a 2 year old who will reside with me.
I would be grateful if you could tell me what the correct procedure is.
As my husband has not supplied any money for his children in over a year, I do not have the money for expensive legal fees do you know who would be able to help with how much money I would need

Many Thanks

You can get a POA arranged by the Turkish consulate to be sent to a solicitor in Turkey so that you can be represented by him/her in the court for having a divorce verdict.

Both parties have to be present in the court for a conventional divorce, however the solicitor whom you will send the POA doesn't have to start the action for a divorce upon an agreement. He can file this case as if it's a disputed lawsuit in order to avoid the rule of being present in the court for both spouses and get the divorce verdict as soon as possible even if you are in abroad.

I recommend you to contact with a professional Turkish solicitor rather than getting disinformed and misdirected by anonymous users on the forums with such messages;

Yazan Konuk
According to me you should come to Turkey and look for a lawyer who can help you for the procedure. You can't solve this problem without coming Turkey. If you make a deal which is showing your agreement about divorce with your husband you can divorce from your husband easily. Don't worry about the case costs they are not expensive in Turkey however the procedure is slow.

King of regards

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