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Forced Marriage For Men?

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Old 18-05-2002, 18:36   #1

Varsayılan Forced Marriage For Men?

Could you please tell me if a young man might be forced into marriage by his family in Turkey if they threaten to disown him unless he marries within the family? How can the young man escape if he has little education and is financially dependent on his family, and has nowhere else to live? Please help with any suggestions... Thank you very much.
Old 18-05-2002, 19:03   #2

Olumsuz I cannot believe

Sorry I'm not a lawyer but I cannot believe in the words you posted here. Is that true? Nobody can force anyone to marry against his/her desire.
The Middle Age is far from our times. What is the problem? Is the girl rich and so your family wants you to marry her? Is she pregnant?
If you don't want to marry nobody can force you.
It's in your hands to solve the problem!
Old 19-05-2002, 00:34   #3
Cest la vie


Although nobody can force a person to marry with someone , sometimes families threaten their child to give up looking after (or to disown) him/her if he/she doesn't want the marriage that they want. Could you please tell us his age or give us the details? Then, we will tell you what they can do or what they can't do and maybe it will be a help for you.
(I hope!)
Old 19-05-2002, 16:49   #4
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar

Olumsuz compulsory marriage

The right to marry is a right which is inherently and exclusively inalianable to man due to his/her being human.Hence this right should be respected and observed in any case and conditions.
One cannot be forced or obliged to marry with other contrary to his/her consent.This is a right which was warranted by the Turkish constitution and by the European convention on Human rights as well.

As far as the law of inheritance is concerned, be well sure of that the rejection of involuntarily marriage is not a lawful reason for "disherison" or "deprivation of inheritance" as known by the people as "disowning a heir".

As a result the case is mostly relevant with the conjugal responsibilities.If a family is to force their own son to marry under duress of depriving him from their care and maintenance this becomes a question of morals.Yet a claim for living maintenance is available, I do not think this may either be satisfactory or be influential for recovery.

So you got in hand the chances to refuse and resist! At least for your future and dignity for being a human.
Old 26-05-2002, 08:20   #5

Varsayılan Marriage For Young Turkish Men

Thank you to everyone for your responses to my queston on marriage in Turkey. I am sorry I can't respond to questions on screen because I don't read Turkish so can't follow the instructions.

The man in question will turn 17 this summer. His family has orderd that he marry a relative instead of a foreign women he is in love with -- me.

We want him to come away and plan to get married in my country. We don't have much money and I am wondering how we could get him a passport and how he can escape his family's wishes. He is dependent on them for summer work at low wages, and then in winter he has no work. He is worried his family could report him to the police who would enforce military service on him.

He tried to get a passport but was told he can't get one until he is officially 18. I am desperate. Please provide any information you can to help us.

Thank you.
Old 26-05-2002, 20:07   #6
Cest la vie


Firstly, let's make it clear: Nobodoy can force anyone into a marriage.
Here are my suggestions:
1) Just wait for one more year. Until that time, tell him not to accept that marriage. His family has to look after him until his 18.
If they refuse to look after him, tell him to sue his family. Because, as i said before it is their obligation.
2) Both of you: Try to save money for him to go abroad.Then, when he is able to get passport, money won't be a problem for you.
3) Sorry, but he has to perform his military service obligation. It doesn't make any changes if he is abroad or not. Otherwise, he can be denaturalizationed. But don't worry, that obligation starts at the age of twenty, until that time, your problems will be soluted (I hope ).
4) Click on "YANITLA" button to response
(We are sorry for that but be sure we will translate them into English in a short while. )
Hope everything will be OK!
Old 28-05-2002, 02:24   #7

Varsayılan Concerned

Thank you for your kind information regarding my questions about my fiancee. I would like him to come as soon as possible but realise it may take some time.

When you say for him to sue his family if they refuse to support him, can you please clarify? How can he bring a suit if he has no money and is dependent on his family for a place to live. How could he do this without benefit of knowledge of the legal system and education and money to back it up?

I will try to return to Turkey myself to help but have expenses here and need to find work. I wonder if I am more use here or there.

There are additional problems concerning his ID and military service.

Can you tell me how often traditional Kurdish families enforce marriage on their children. I think it is common from what I've heard first hand.

Thank you so much.

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