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Old 17-09-2008, 04:29   #61


hi i'm uk citzen i married my ex- turkish husband in 2000 in the uk we were married for 7yrs, an we have twin babies but he he pressured me into a divorce an we were divorced this year he still lived with me an our babies after the divorce then he said he was goin back to turkey to clear his head an that he would come back and try and make a fresh start with me an the babies. but i found out recently that he married another turkish girl after just 2wks of him being out there. He now says he has made a mistake and that he will divorce her and he wants to re-marry me an come back to me and the babies. he says he spoke to the solicitor out there an he told my ex-husband to return to uk an he will sort the divorce out my questions are ,
1) Can he get divorced from her that quickly as they have only been married 3wks
2)How can i confirm that if he shows me the divorce paper that it is real
3)What he been within the turkish law to remarry that quickly after our divorce also our marriage was not regestered in turkey but i am on his uk visa as his wife still
my ex has recently told me that he will go back to the solicitor an pay him more money to get him diorced an give him the divorce papers before he returns to the uk in 3days is this at all possible? please help i really need to know before he tries to talk his way back into my life that he is telling me the truth cause he knows without the divorce papers i wont even consider taking him back thank you judy
Old 22-09-2008, 09:21   #62
Av. Balkan Tunalı


Dear Judy,
Have you mailed with the same topic before?
Old 24-10-2008, 12:51   #63

Varsayılan hello

Yazan Konuk
hi i'm uk citzen i married my ex- turkish husband in 2000 in the uk we were married for 7yrs, an we have twin babies but he he pressured me into a divorce an we were divorced this year he still lived with me an our babies after the divorce then he said he was goin back to turkey to clear his head an that he would come back and try and make a fresh start with me an the babies. but i found out recently that he married another turkish girl after just 2wks of him being out there. He now says he has made a mistake and that he will divorce her and he wants to re-marry me an come back to me and the babies. he says he spoke to the solicitor out there an he told my ex-husband to return to uk an he will sort the divorce out my questions are ,
1) Can he get divorced from her that quickly as they have only been married 3wks
2)How can i confirm that if he shows me the divorce paper that it is real
3)What he been within the turkish law to remarry that quickly after our divorce also our marriage was not regestered in turkey but i am on his uk visa as his wife still
my ex has recently told me that he will go back to the solicitor an pay him more money to get him diorced an give him the divorce papers before he returns to the uk in 3days is this at all possible? please help i really need to know before he tries to talk his way back into my life that he is telling me the truth cause he knows without the divorce papers i wont even consider taking him back thank you judy
first of all it is not possible to get divorced after 3 weeks.they have to be stayed married during a year and then its possible to get divorced.
i am sure he will show u papers what he gave to the law court.
and it is not important where u doesnt need to be registered in Turkey.
Old 07-11-2008, 20:32   #64

Varsayılan ms

Hi i do hope that you can help me,my tukish husband and i were married in the uk in 2003,we did not register our marriage in turkey,he left me weeks after gaining his british citizenshipin 2007,i am nw going through a divorce,he borrowed money from me to set up business in turkey,also left me with a bank loan,money that he also took to turkey,both of which he refuses to pay back,do i have any claim to this?or any of his assets over in turkey?also if i refuse to sign the divorce papers after the finances are sorted can he get married again in turkey?thank you very much for your responses.kind regards lynne
Old 11-11-2008, 18:07   #65

Varsayılan Divorce

Lynne, i'm not a lawyer, but i just wanted to tell you that YES, nothing will prevent him from marrying in Turkey as your marriage was not registered there and therefore they have no record of it.

My Turkish husband also left me & our kids shortly after he got his US citizenship, went back to Turkey and remarried there without ever filing for divorce in either the US or Turkey. I have since registered the marriage in Turkey via the Turkish embassy in the US and his Turkish marriage has been invalidated.

Good luck.
Old 12-12-2008, 14:43   #66

Varsayılan divorce claime

Hi i do hope that you can help me,my tukish husband and i were married in the uk in 2003,we did not register our marriage in turkey,he left me weeks after gaining his british citizenshipin 2007,i am nw going through a divorce,he borrowed money from me to set up business in turkey,also left me with a bank loan,money that he also took to turkey,both of which he refuses to pay back,do i have any claim to this?or any of his assets over in turkey?also if i refuse to sign the divorce papers after the finances are sorted can he get married again in turkey?thank you very much for your responses.kind regards lynne
Old 16-12-2008, 18:53   #67


Hello Lynne,

I shall regretfully inform you that your husband can get married again with another woman in Turkey if your marriage isn't registered in Turkey. However, you can prevent him marrying with another one by applying to Turkish consulates in order to have your marriage registered in Turkish registration offices.

I'd really like to give you further assistance at informing what Turkish law orders at these issues. However, your marriage is registered by British authorities, hence British law rules shall be implemented at divorce case that you are going through. I, unfortunately, can't give you a further advice than contacting an English lawyer who knows the internal law rules of the UK properly.

From the other hand, I can recommend you to go to British royal prosecutor's office immediately and give a statement of complaint concerning how he moved off to Turkey as cheating your money and moreover leaving you with a bank loan in the UK. I can comfortably say that this is the crime of 'fraud' which is defined as a crime in almost every penal code of the universe as well as in the UK.

Please don't hesitate to ask if there's something you need to know regarding Turkish law in this case.

Best wishes.
Old 25-08-2009, 22:53   #68



Me (english citizen) and a turkish national got married in Turkey in 2002. We moved back to England, where we both now reside. We got divorced in England in 2007 and it is completely amicable between us. I am getting re-married next year but my ex-husband has told me that we need to divorce in Turkey as well. Please can you clarify this, does my English Decree Absolute not cover worldwide, do I need to declare this to the Turkish Consulate?

I would be grateful for your information.

Old 27-08-2009, 22:11   #69
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


If you do not plan to re-marry in Turkey, where your ex-marriage is supposed to be registered , there is no need to get a divorce decree in Turkey.
Old 09-09-2009, 00:29   #70

Varsayılan Hello!!!

I am a foreigner married with a Turkish man who wants to get divorced from me after 8 years. We got married in USA and registered the marriage in Turkey .I got my residence permit. I have been in my country for 1 year due to his alcohol problems. By phone he told me he wants the divorce and that will file for divorce.Do i have to go there to sign?? What if he never calls me to go there??. Is he obligated to give me money?
Old 07-10-2009, 21:25   #71


Im married in the USA and getting a divorce here. We own property in turkey and bank accts. Im married for 16 years. While my divorce is proceeding in the US can I open something called kaki pi?? Not sure how its spelt. Im not sure what Im intitled to
Old 08-10-2009, 17:01   #72


Yazan Konuk
.Do i have to go there to sign??
If you want to accept his lawsuit and divorce you have to go there and say to judge "yes I accept the case" personally.

Yazan Konuk
What if he never calls me to go there??.
He must call you from your permanent adress by a precept which composed according to "international precepts rules". If not, he cant win the case.

Yazan Konuk

Is he obligated to give me money?
There is not automatically obligating some money on divorce, it changes according to who is guilty in divorce.
Old 20-10-2009, 16:39   #73

Acil divorce

I would like to ask a few things about getting divorce when being married to a turkish lady. I am a greek citizen and in 2002 i got married to a turkish lady in Ankara. Before that we already had a daughter. Both the marriage and the baby's birth are registered in Turkey. Unfortunatelly our wedding didnt last for long and we both now agree for getting a divorce.We have agreed about the terms of the divorce. There are a few issues though: a)The merriage is not registered in Greece but only in Turkey. b) I live in Greece and she (together with our daughter) lives in Turkey c) i dont wish to travel in Turkey for getting the divorce
1)I read some messages of other non turkish citizens and if i understood correctly, if i want to get the divorce i need to come to Turkey. Is this 100% right?? Here in Greece if it is about a divorce that both parties agree on the terms then NO ONE (no matter the nationality)of them are forced to be present in the court, but only the lawyer that represents them.How do the turkish courts work?
2) can we take the divorce in Greece (if we will register the marriege here first) and then register it to the turkish courts (for example via a new trial, where my wife will present the desision of the greek court with the translations etc etc)?
3)When i got married in Turkey there wasnt a translator in the Office (where the whole proceedjure was in turkish language-i dont understand the turkish language). Is this a reason for a marrige cancelation?
4)my wife had told me that if both parties agree then they can take an "express divorce" which can be taken after 1-2 months(or even less) since applying for it. A couple of hours ago she sent me an sms and told me that the lawyer called her and told her that the goverment will change the turkish law and the divorces in short times will be canceled and from november 17 divorce processes will be taking 2,5 years! Is this true??? Can such a thing happen when both parties agree for getting divorced and especially when the one of them is foreigner?
Thank you
Old 22-10-2009, 13:28   #74

Mesaj To Iskender

Dear İskender,

If you want "express divorce" you MUST be present at the court and say to judge "yes I accept the divorce and its terms as shown at the protocol and the protocol which about the terms of divorce was signed by me" personally. Some times ago the "express divorce" procedure was same yours which you said. But it changed due to some abuses and etc.

If you dont want come to Turkey strictly then your wife opens a case regularly and sends you a translated copy of her papers by court (a precept which contains trial time and date and papers) according to international precepts rules. After that you hire a lawyer, he comes to court and says "we accept the case". It doesn’t ends the case automatically but it makes everything easy as well as.

After all, I suggest you to hire a lawyer and receive detailed information according to your situation and choose the best way express divorce or regular divorce.
Old 17-02-2010, 00:23   #75

Varsayılan Divorce

hello, can you help me please. my fiance was married to an english women 7 years before. he got his decree absolute 5 years before. on the divorce papers it includes the place and address of where they got married, which is in turkey. the divorce and decree absolute is all from an english solicitor, based in england. which his ex-wife done the divorce and he signed the papers etc. what my concern is, because the marriage was addressed in turkey and the divorced was proposed in england. does this mean that the decree absolute is for there marriage in turkey? does he have to divorced in turkey, even though he has a decree absolute which is addressed to his marriage in turkey, and address the place he got married which is in turkey.
Old 25-02-2010, 19:28   #76

Varsayılan Division of Property in Turkey

My question relates to division of property after divorce. I am American, married in the US to a Turkish man, who is a permanent resident of the US. He owns property in Turkey in his name only. If we were to divorce in the US, could I claim half the property in Turkey in a divorce settlement?
Old 30-03-2010, 13:04   #77


Hi I hope somebody will be able to help me I am a british citizen and I am married to a turkish citizen we were married in Turkey in 2006.We havn't got any children or own property together. He has asked me for a divorce and I do not want a divorce as he has left me before and always comes back so I know we can work it out so my question is:

1. If I do not want a divorce how would he go about getting a divorce without my agreement and how long will it take him he says he only has to wait 2 years for a divorce without my agreement is this true?

2. He says that If I agree he will get the papers sent and give them to me to sign but I've read on here that if I agree I have to be present at the court in turkey to agree to divorce is this true?

3. He has told me that if I don't sign divorce papers and he gets a divorce without my agreement then when I want to get married again I will need his signature here in the uk and he won't sign for me would I need his signature in the future?

Any help would be much appreciated.
Old 19-04-2010, 18:09   #78


Hi guys.
I was wondering if anyone can help me. My patner (turkish) seperated from his British wife 5 years ago, they have no assets or children and she also has a new patner.
My question is how does he start off the divorce (without it being very expensive) as he is not sure what to do and nor am I, and she is not showing any efforts in finding out.
Hope someone can help
thanks Kay
Old 06-05-2010, 17:39   #79

Varsayılan Roger

Hi Konuk

We have been married (civil marriage) for 11 years which took place in Gretna green.
For the last 5 years we have lived in Turkey, have no property in the uk, no children and no property issues here in Turkey. What i need to know as we both domicile here can we get divorced here ?
If so what is the procedure ?

Many thanks.
Old 09-06-2010, 12:42   #80


Yazan Konuk
Hi Konuk

We have been married (civil marriage) for 11 years which took place in Gretna green.
For the last 5 years we have lived in Turkey, have no property in the uk, no children and no property issues here in Turkey. What i need to know as we both domicile here can we get divorced here ?
If so what is the procedure ?

Many thanks.

Dear Guest,

Divorce actions can be carried on in two different, by either consensual or contentious ways in Turkey.

If you and your spouse mutually agreed on the conditions of divorce in terms of the first option above, you can file it wherever you wish to open the case within the borders of Turkey. In case of a contentious suit, you can still bring this case to the courts in Turkey(where your common domicile is with your spouse) provided that your common national law rules shall be applied(presuming that you are both having the same nationality).

Hope this helps.
Old 17-06-2010, 08:40   #81

Varsayılan married in turkey but living abroad


My husband and I got married in turkey but now we are living abroad and would like to get the divorce, does anyone know the procedure? thanks in advance.
Old 07-07-2010, 12:36   #82

Soru Divorce in Turkey - duration of proceedings

Dear all,

My Turkish boyfriend filed for divorce nearly 11 months ago. He is married with his wife since November 2007, they have no kids. Since beginning of 2008 they are not living together anymore and finally my boyfriend filed for divorce last year.

In between there have already been three hearings and tomorrow the fourth one will take place in his absence. His lawyer said, she assumes after this hearing there will be not more than one more hearing and then divorce should be done.
I heard as well that usually not more than four hearings will take place and after that judge will deliver the divorce decree. Is that true or is it just a baseless rumor?
I´m asking because I did contact a Turkish lawyer last year, who told me that -due to the fact that his wife not agrees to the divorce- the process can take up to three years...

Thanks for your help,
Old 03-08-2010, 13:56   #83


I am english, my husband is,turkish. We married in Turkey, in April 2007. In Febuary 2008 we went to live in another country.

In September 2008 my husband returned to Turkey and contacted me to say that the marriage was over. I have not been able to contact him/his family to start divorce proceedings.

Can I get a divorce without having to return to Turkey and without having to contact my husband? If so, what would be the procedure. There are no children or property.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Old 04-08-2010, 14:20   #84
Lider Uğraş


Dear Konuk;
According to the İnternatinal Private Law Art.14:
If parties are from different nations, the domicile law will be applied to the case, and if there isn't a mutual domicile, Turkish Law will be applied.
And according to Turkish Procedure Law, the competent court is plaintiff's domicile court or the court where the parties had stayed last six months.
As you see, you can bring him on the court in Turkey.
But your law suit should be supported by the witnesses.
Finally, you should call upon a lawyer.
Old 06-08-2010, 16:13   #85

Varsayılan Divorce in Turkey without being present

Hi Slavka,

The divorce proceedings should be finalized in Turkish Courts. However you do not have to be present in Turkey for this. Should you wish so, you may appoint a lawyer (by issuing a power of attorney in Slovakia) to follow the court case on your behalf.

Please bear in the mind that the duration of the marriage must be more than a year when you would like to apply the divorce wiht consent.

Yasemin Pamuk, Lawyer
Old 19-10-2010, 19:42   #86


I am British and living in the UK. I divorced my Turkish husband in the UK 4 years ago. He is living in Turkey. We had our marriage registered at the Turkish Consulate and I have a Turkish marriage certificate/book. I totally forgot about this until last year when my ex husband has brought up the process of divorcing in Turkey. He has said since last year the Turkish court has been trying to send me 'invitation papers' of which I have never received. How are these papers normally sent and what are they exactly? What will I need to do with them if I ever receive them? I cannot afford to pay solicitors costs. I am 6 months pregnant and do not want to travel to Turkey in order to visit a court. Please can you help/give me some advice. Thank you.
Old 03-12-2010, 17:29   #87

Varsayılan emily

i have been married now for 3 years and my tukish husband had been usin n sellin drugs and been in jail for it we have to kids and he dont are he has cheated on me more than once and i want a divorce and he is tryin get a visa i need to stop it cuase he sayon he will take my kids off me what can i do???
Old 14-12-2010, 17:08   #88
Av.İpek Uyuklu


Yazan Konuk
I am British and living in the UK. I divorced my Turkish husband in the UK 4 years ago. He is living in Turkey. We had our marriage registered at the Turkish Consulate and I have a Turkish marriage certificate/book. I totally forgot about this until last year when my ex husband has brought up the process of divorcing in Turkey. He has said since last year the Turkish court has been trying to send me 'invitation papers' of which I have never received. How are these papers normally sent and what are they exactly? What will I need to do with them if I ever receive them? I cannot afford to pay solicitors costs. I am 6 months pregnant and do not want to travel to Turkey in order to visit a court. Please can you help/give me some advice. Thank you.

You do not have to pay anything,just go to Turkish Consulate with your documentary proof about your judicial divorce ( apostille is an international confirmation that is required for your proof also you can go to the same court that you divorced in UK and take an international apostille cachet and explain the situation on the documents).
With regards,
Av.İpek Uyuklu
Old 20-12-2010, 11:48   #89


According to new regulation in Turkish Civil Law, couples married after 01.01.2002 will share the belongings that they had after marriage when they are divorced. If the date of the marriage is before 01.01.2002 the couples have to make contract about sharing rules of belongings.
So i got married in Dec 2001,.
If i would divorce then what does it mean"making a contract about sharing belongings?"
Is it something i should have done before the marriage?
Old 18-01-2011, 21:22   #90

Varsayılan divorce -adultery

i know my husband cheeting me. i wish divorce on this reason. what ndhow much proof i should give to the court to prove adultery? also i didnt understand a bit about time - it must be less than 6 months after proven adultery? or i can start process only AFTER 6 months?

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