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Lawyer Lying In Court To Cover Himself

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Old 02-05-2007, 10:58   #1
Konuk Problem's

Varsayılan Lawyer Lying In Court To Cover Himself


this is a long tale but i try keep it breif and get to the point...

a lawyer who represented by wife for her divorce settlement has sent a invoice for his services for 23,500 ytl (23.5 milyar old tl) now this is a ridiculous fee to ask as in turkey i have learnt and correct me if i am wrong that the maximum fee for lawyers to charge for a divorce case is 5,000ytl regardless of the time taken to accomplish this beit 6 month or 6 years.

anyway this lawyer then makes all kinds of threats and the kinds to my wife and family members if we dont pay he will kill her and take her fathers land and animals he owns etc etc...well ok we have had enough and we decide to go to court for this threats and his very bad tactics

so anyway off to court we go and things get heated up he is sending his brothers to our area and contacting uncles and other elderly men in our area to gt there support for us to pay just the 3,500 and he will drop the charges and folder against us (it was us that took him to court)then he agrees to 2,000 then less and after al the talking and many other peoples getting involved he then comes up with a great new tale to tell..apparenty he gave 20,000ytl CASH money to my wife to help her win the divorce case as she needed money at that time he gave it to contract nothing but this was good enough to say to all the relations that where sking why he charged so much and they all beleive his lies!

well it seems that he has got a signature of my wifes that he copied onto a tiny peice of paper (forged) as the only thing she ever signed was in black ink adn the thing they brought to courtwas in blue on a half folded and ripped A4 sheet of paper.

anyway we did have a witness at the start he said he would come and testify as the lawyer was trying to use him to stop this going as far as it has to court and it seems now our witness is on his side...strange this as last month our witness took out a loan for 20,000ytl from ziraat bank and guess who his 2 "kefel's" where..yes thats right the lawyer and his now our witness turns up in court and said nothing much at all and then afterwards drove off in the back of the lawyers car.

anyway getting to long now but the fact is lawyer is now afraid that if found guilty of any wrongdoing he may no longer be a laywer! and also we will be suing for defamation of character and loss of earnings though out all of this as our business has completely been put on hold from all the threats

we have talked to a couple of lawyers here but they are afraid of this man (our old lawyer) because they say he is mafia like...i dont care i am in the right my wife is in the right and he is totally full of BS what can we do if on the next time in court they decide to place my wife in prison and to come to our home and take items of value to pay his debts which is what he is pushing for?

this man needs to be stopped he has done this to several other people in our area and they are afraid of him also and as i understand Ankara is monitoring this outcome but to what extent we are not sure

any replies will be much appreciated and sorry for filling up the board with so many words
Old 05-05-2007, 13:16   #2


OK, its only been a few days but i get the feeling that no one here wants to go up against or comment against another lawyer which is fair enough to understand.

Guess we shall battle this one out alone and maybe later post the result of our outcome for those of you that may be interested

thanks for allowing me to post this anyway
Old 08-05-2007, 10:32   #3


Maybe you should consider a complaint against this person at the bar association he is member of.
Old 24-05-2007, 14:12   #4

Varsayılan uk

The first think I got from this statement is you had a client- lawyer realtionship. And he sent you a 22,000 TL receipt as a result of his service. The thing is if you had signed a document with him written this amount below, you have to pay this money to him. Other way if he has not got that kind of signed document from you ,he is only allowed to take the amount which is declared by the government as legal fees. In your company this may be only 600 ytl.
If he has found that kind of document signed below name of you just want from the court to be examined if it is from you or not. At the end of the court if it is from you you will lose apparently, but if it is not from you you can sue him for thedamages.
If you can proof his bad behaviours to you and your family with witnesses( threat , forgery) not only sue him but also complain about him to the Bar assosiation.
Old 25-05-2007, 17:02   #5
İzzet Hamle


Please consult the embassy or consulate immediately. Obivously they will assist you in finding a lawyer.

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