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Old 01-03-2007, 21:53   #1

Varsayılan bigamy

How do i find out if my husband married a second woman using a false ID card that says he is single ? ( He never changed it after we married and it's because he married me for a visa and i believe he planned to marry a woman when he got the visa to my country. )Do i need a lawyer to find out or can i do this myself ? If there was a marriage it may have been in Pendik. Also can i report him for this false ID and what is the penalty for both these crimes ? Thank you in advance.
Old 16-03-2007, 08:56   #2


your problem is your husband s visa isnt it?
what do you want to learn? please you ll write clearly

just l understand you marry with turkish man and you think he should take visa after he would divorse
what do you want to learn tell me..
and it s not easy you should need lawyer ots my advice l can find for you if you need
Old 16-03-2007, 22:13   #3
Cest la vie


She is asking whether using a false ID is a crime or not and if it is, what its sanctions are.

Also, she suspects that her husband got married with someone else in Pendik with this false ID(by the way, what do you mean by saying 'false ID'?) and wonders how she can find out this second marriage if it really exists.
There is nothing related with his visa.
Old 17-03-2007, 06:54   #4


According to the Turkish Criminal Law act item #204; the punishment for a fraud in any formal paperwork is described as:
There is a prisonment of two to five years for someone who prepares fake formal documents, or makes any changes on legal documents in order to deceive any other parties or used any fake documents.
My advice you you should find a lawyer. It s helpful for you

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