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New 50/50 Law From Jan 03

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Old 03-01-2003, 15:52   #1

Varsayılan New 50/50 Law From Jan 03

I have heard on the internet about a new turkish civil law amendment called the 50/50 rule which will come into effect from January 2002.

I believe it relates to married couples - for instance if they own property or assets and it is in the name of one person only when and if they are to divorce the asset/property is split evenly. Have you heard of this new procedure or law and if so can you tell me more about it.

Thank you
Old 06-01-2003, 13:20   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


this is the "participation on the acquired assets" principle governs the issue of assets seperation in case of divorce since the beginning of 2002.
This principle implies that the property acquired during the marriage period should be seperated between the spouses equally (50/50)in case of divorce notwithstanding the wife or the husband possesses the asset, except the "private" property belongs to each one.
Old 06-01-2003, 16:53   #3


Sorry your answer was not clear to understand-

I understant that property held jointly in marriage will be seperated equally from Jan 03 and that is property that is acquired from Jan 02 what about other assets (for example savings - money)?

Thanks for your help
Old 10-01-2003, 23:52   #4
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


The acquired assets in terms of marriage are the property which are "onerously"(to get in return of something) obtained during this principle of property between the spouses.therefore,the acquisitions before or after this phase(before marriage or after divorce) are not to be deemed as acquired and not subject to seperation.

yet, "during the marriage" , if the participation rule prevails, there is an assumption that any assets obtained are considered as "acquired" property and the one who claims it is not should prove the contrary. (such as it is acquired before marriage or owned gratuitously)
Old 13-01-2003, 13:58   #5

Varsayılan 50/50 Law

So in plain english you are saying that anything bought (either assets or property) during the marriage after Jan 2002will be split equally 50/50, unless one of the parties contests, then it would have to be proved in a court of law that it was bought/acquired before marriage or after seperation.

Thank you.

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