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Old 27-05-2010, 17:20   #1

Soru louisa

I bought a house three years ago and has had problems getting near Antalya, my deed, I then discovered the former owner had paid morgaged the property and it had been a shout, i found out a month ago and my house has been auctioned and sold for such a small amount, what can i do to get my money back now, i paid via bank transfer and this is awful but i had all the paperwork myself and my daughter has got to move from our home and there must be something i have lost everything but i do, i feel this is legal, a shout my name was put on the land register and shout Should it be allowed to be sold like this.i surely hope you can tell me something i can do. thankyou
Old 29-05-2010, 23:09   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


İf you had bought your house with the mortgage, it is legal that it may be sold in auction because of the debts of the former owner.Your acquisition does not affect 3rd parties' claims . You should have examined the title of the house and the land registry whether there exists a mortgage or such thing through which the immovable assumed obligations.

You may sue the seller of the house beacuse of your losses deriving from this acquisition.However, the issue of proof, especially to prove that you were supposed to acquire the title of the house free of any charges, mortgages etc, shall be vital in this case. Any written contract may prove to be extremely useful, in the absense of which you may not be able to prove your claims.You have also a right to recourse to the prosecutor's office on the ground of defraud.
Old 03-06-2010, 17:29   #3


Hello thankyou for your answer, the morgage was taken out after i had bought the house without my knowledge, and i had problems getting a Tapu, i paid for my house via bank transfer and i had a contract with the seller, but whilst i have been trying to get my tapu he had taken out a morgage and only paid a few payments, then the bank put the house up for auction and it sold for a very small amount,i have asked the solicitor to get the seller to give me back my money but he hasnt got any, they have given me a letter to say that i will get my money back from them but i need now this is so unfair, i did everything correctly with contracts and noters and i feel this is so wrong.

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