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apostile and international marriage certificate

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Old 02-05-2006, 09:19   #1

Soru apostile and international marriage certificate

i have a problem and i need a help as fast as possible.
i got married in turkey with a turkish citizen, and i have all turkish documents related to that. but my embassy is asking from me international marriage certificate (so called "form b"), in order to register it in my country also.
well, we asked on several places (place where we got married, municipality, notar) and they have no idea what we are talking about, they are offering us the same turkish documents that i already have. so please does anyone know where from and how i can get that document in ankara?
the second question is for apostile seal/document - where from and how (under what conditions) i can get apostile in ankara? i've heard that it was in some building in ulus but that they moved, so now i can't get informations where to ask for it.
Old 03-05-2006, 18:59   #2


Dear sir/madam,

Firstly I should inform you that you should have married in the embassy of your country; then they would have given you an international marriage certificate. For the current case I could advice you that just go to the Office for Population Registry and Citizenship Affairs in Ankara with your wife/husband and obtain a document evidencing your marriage; then hand that document over your embassy with a letter of petition of yours regarding that you need the int. marriage certificate. They should give it to you...

What is intended with the apostille seal? This seal is granted by a notary but I am not clear about the requirement???

Please note that I am not really sure about the procedures I told you. Now it is too late to call relevant public institutes, I call them tomorrow and will inform you clearly.

By the way, what documents do you have, when did you marry, is the Turkish one your wife or husband, where are you from???

All the best

Ahmet Sirvan KILIC, Attorney at Law
Bar of Istanbul
Old 04-05-2006, 09:28   #3
darko v

Mutlu it's done now

Dear Ahmet Bey,
Thank you very much on your answer. Yesterday I got the paper I needed, but anyway I'll explain here the whole thing because I hope it might help if someone else will have the same problem.
My embassy (according to our laws and international agreements) accepts two kind of evidence of marriage when it's done out of country:
- international marriage certificate (form B), if I had it here now I would write its Turkish name too,
- local document, even in local language, if it's sealed with apostille seal by local authorities and later translated by official translator.
That's why it was the subject of my question. It was a problem to obtain the information where from I can get any of them, but when we obtained info it was easy to get it.
Form B can be obtained from one office in Sakarya (in Ankara, near Kızılay), I think it's the institution what you wrote (Office for Population Registry and Citizenship Affairs) but I'm not sure. Anyway, as far as I understood, just Turkish citizen can get that document, it's important information, so my wife got it for me. I still didn't send that document to the embassy but I think it will be accepted "as it is", so that job is finished.
About apostille seal - I didn't obtain full information where I can get it, now I don't need it any more; if you say that it can be obtained in notar office it's usefull information for the future, thanks. But in one notar office we asked for it and they didn't know what's that, maybe they don't do that service in every notar office or we didn't explain it well.
Btw I'm from Serbia&Montenegro, my wife is a Türk, and from documents I have Uluslararası Aile Cuzdanı, two different Turkish marriage certificates (one obtained from place where we got married, one from from one office that I'm not sure what is exactly, maybe municipality?), and now I also have form B.
I'm really glad that I found this site because I'm sure that I'll need help in future to understand better Turkish law.
Old 04-05-2006, 13:58   #4


Dear Darko, it's great that the problem is solved. Do not worry about the questions you have in your mind, no matter for any longer, forget it If you need help somehow, just write here because we are right here
I wish you a happy and healthy life with your wife.

All the best.

Ahmet Sirvan KILIC, Attorney at Law
Bar of Istanbul
Old 01-12-2006, 17:51   #5


Just a little clarification here so that other people who may need this information don't get misleaded.

Foreign nationals who wish to marry a Turkish citizen in Turkey may only do so at a registry office and not at the embassy of their country. The marriage certificate given to the couple at the ceremony is an internation marriage certificate and is multilingual and therefore recognised internationally.

The Formula B form mentioned in this post is a multilingual record of the marriage. It is optional to obtain this document following a ceremony. It is issued by the local Office for Population Registry (not just the one in Ankara) and it may take up to a week for it to be ready. The registrar who marries you would be able to advise you where to go and how long it would take for it to be issued (it is sometimes possible to get this the same day). Although it is optional to take this document if you are a foreign national getting married in Turkey, I'd advise you to get this form when you get married and put it to one side as it is more difficult to get it later on.
Old 22-08-2008, 16:06   #6

Varsayılan lutfen bana cevap ver

I need your help.I am not Turkish, but I have a Turkish boyfriend. We love each other very much. He talks about the marriage, but he is a navy officer, and I have heard that navy officers in Turkey are not allowed to marry a foreigner. Is it true?Thank you very much in advance.
Old 10-06-2009, 12:03   #7

Varsayılan Turkish Nikkah Certificate


I Am A Pakistani And Married To Turkish Woman. We Have International Marriage Certifcate (ulusural Aile Cuzdan) But It Is Not In English Language. It Is In Turkish And The Second Language Is May Be German.
I Want To Know That The Form B - "the Optional Marriage Certifcate" From Nufus Kayit Daire Will Be In English Language? Is It Easy To Get?

I Am Not Supposed To Register My Marriage In Pakistan Embassy Ankara But After Going To Pakistan I Have To Register My Marriage To The Relavent Office.
Although Its Written That It Is International/ulusural But Nobody Understands Turkish Or German In Pakistan So How Will I Convince Those Pakistani Officials In Pakistan To Register My Marriage.






Old 11-06-2009, 11:33   #8


The issue seems rather to be regarding the local law rules of Pakistan. However, what I can sensibly recommend you as a Turkish lawyer is submitting a translation of your marriage certificate -done by a sworn interpreter- to the Pakistani athorities.

Good luck
Old 13-06-2009, 11:16   #9


i can't say i know much about turkish law (and law in general) but i started this subject and i did it for myself so i feel myself obligated to explain what i learned on the subject

first, i suppose that you can get all information from your embassy in ankara, maybe there's also consulate in istanbul. they know such things and they are doing it all the time, so on one place you can get two informations: which documents you need (for pakistan) and where you can get it (in turkey)

besides that, for my country it is legal to give all documents to embassy and they can register my marriage in my homeland. it is more expensive then to go with all documents on your own and do it by yoursellf in your homeland, but it is one option more for you so it's a good news. just to be precise: it doesn't mean to get married in embassy, but after regular turkish nikah you can bring your embassy all documents they want

if you call your embassy you need no more information from here, you can fix all your problems, but anyway i will answer some of your questions

aile cüzdanı, so called "red book" - it is valid in turkey, it has text in several languages (not german but french), but it is not directly accepted in other countries. please see stress on the word "directly" - it doesn't mean that marriage or document is invalid in other countries, just that in at least some countries (including mine) you need something more than that. just translating red book or other documents doesn't help either

international marriage certificate (form b) - as far as i understood it is accepted in most of the countries, it has "all the languages you need", so most probably it is what you need. check with your embassy if you need apostille seal too

where to get form b you can see in previous posts

i hope this helps
Old 18-06-2009, 16:07   #10

Varsayılan Apostille

I am Sudanese married to an Estnian,
we got married in Ankara.
In order for my wife to change her passport (with the new surname) she had to get the 'Apostille' seal.
Same problem as above, no body knows from where to get this seal!
I came across an address while browsing:
Ankara Valiligi
Hukuk İşlar Müdürlüğü
Ulus - Ankara
Tell: 0090 312 311 88 16 EXT. 151
BUt no answer at all!!!
Any body to help please?
thanks in advance
Old 19-06-2009, 08:23   #11


Hello me and my wife (Turkish)got married last December in Las Vegas Nevada (USA). I am American, we would like to change her last name to mine. The Turkish Embassy here in Karlsruhe Germany informed us we must have an International License to change her name. I am at my ends trying to figure this out.

PLEASE despertly need help with this...
Old 26-06-2009, 00:38   #12

Varsayılan Apostile

So every body,
at last I could get the apostile.
hereafter is the procedure assuming that you have international marriage carnet, if not, it is very easy to apply for one:
1. Translate the carnet to the language of the intended country (or just English) in a credited translation office.
2. Get the translation noterized from the notery office adviced by the translation office (essential).
3. take the copy to: Ankara Çankaya Kaymakamlik (it is located in Kizilay, the sokak next to the Guven Park (the one that Dolmuş takes)
room number 18, then second floor room number 2 then number 9.
and then you are done.
Wish you all lasting happy marriage and life ...
Old 26-10-2009, 06:17   #13


Can somebody help me?I and my girl want to get marry in Turkey.I'm an US citizen and she is Moldavian.Do I need to translate my documents on Turkish and put apostille here in USA.Or I can marry in Turkey and then legalize our marriage.How it works?Please help me somebody
Old 12-11-2009, 15:11   #14

Varsayılan Small question

My wife and I wed in Uskudar - we are both not Turkish nationals. We got the red book - the marriage certificate which is in Turkish and French... do you know if it comes automatically with an Apostille stamp?
Old 24-03-2010, 15:13   #15

Varsayılan Prenuptial in Turkey

hello, i am an american wanting to marry a turkish woman, i was wondering if prenuptial agreements have to be registered in Turkey, as this is the place we are going to marry. But key is, that we will be living in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)... so i am wondering if the prenuptial will be valid in Turkey? Please help asap.
Old 14-12-2010, 16:39   #16
Av.İpek Uyuklu


[quote=Konuk]hello, i am an american wanting to marry a turkish woman, i was wondering if prenuptial agreements have to be registered in Turkey, as this is the place we are going to marry. But key is, that we will be living in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)... so i am wondering if the prenuptial will be valid in Turkey? Please help asap.
Prenuptial agreement(Evlilik sözleşmesi) is acceptable .But ,first of all , as all foreign other agreements ; the confirmation is required by the legal issues.
With regards,
Av.İpek Uyuklu
Old 17-03-2012, 15:11   #17

Varsayılan marriage in turkey

hello everybody,
i'm estonian going to get married in turkey with an algerian man
and i have no idea about what are the necessary papers that we need to get married in turkey istanbul
and how can register our marriage in estonia after i return home ?
and how can my husband come to me after we marry
please sir me samih as u said up you are married with estonian and your from africa so how didyou make it ???
waiting for your answer
Old 20-02-2013, 21:38   #18


Hello hope you can help me i married in ankara in bala my husband is turkish, he now lives in england i need a copy of the red book which he will not give me . can you help me please

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