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Deportation Threat

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Old 10-06-2008, 09:21   #1

Varsayılan Deportation Threat

Need some help please...and fast. My ex-husband is threatening to deport me on accounts that he doesnt want me here and that I dont have credentials to work in the education field. He is Turkish living outside Turkey. He also has custody of my daughter...which he did behind my back...and she lives with the grandparents..I see her as much as I can by flying her to Istanbul. But Im tired of the threats! How can I find out the laws of deportation OR to stop the deportation treats? If I know ALL the laws on deportation...this might make my life easier here.
Old 24-06-2008, 13:18   #2
Av. Balkan Tunalı


Dear konuk.
Deportation is virtually a ban which is issued by the relevant authorities commonly the police..
Check up the internet to get those info. Click the web address written below. You may experience some suitable info there in English. info.

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