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Old 22-05-2008, 20:13   #1

Rahatsiz Irish

Hi I bought a property in Turkey which I still have not received. the builder has given me a 'senet' for my money and the date is up on it but the monies have not come through. What do I do now and how much will it cost to go forward with this.
Old 23-05-2008, 16:50   #2


Hi Irish,
In our legal system you should take a legal actıon of a debt. We called it enforcement should notify the builder with this enforcement order in Turkish execution office.
Kind Regards

Old 26-05-2008, 11:55   #3

Mutlu Irish

Hi again,
thanks very much for your reply, we have now got a warrent of distress from the court whatever this means. Can you explain. also you never mentioned what kind of cost the court expenses are.. I think it is a percentage of the actual amount owed. can you check this out for me.
Thanks again for your help.
Old 26-05-2008, 17:19   #4
Av. Balkan Tunalı


Yazan Konuk
Hi I bought a property in Turkey which I still have not received. the builder has given me a 'senet' for my money and the date is up on it but the monies have not come through. What do I do now and how much will it cost to go forward with this.

What I got from your mail is you paid for a house whose deed has not registered on behalf of you and as a counterbalance to this fact you have voucher which was given by the guy that took money from you.
The point is how easy it is going to receive the amount of voucher from the respondent with interest. What I propose you is to commence the remedies as soon as possible.
For instance, you might get a equitable remedy from a court in order to preserve your rights before the legal proceedings. However, try to be careful with the estoppels etc.
good lock and carry out your remedy as soon as possible. I strongly recommend you to cooperate a lawyer.
Old 28-05-2008, 15:30   #5
İzzet Hamle


How you got a warrant of distress? Which court granted it? Who represented you?
Old 18-07-2008, 12:06   #6
İzzet Hamle


Yazan Av. Balkan Tunalı
For instance, you might get a equitable remedy from a court in order to preserve your rights before the legal proceedings. However, try to be careful with the estoppels etc.

Would you please explain what you mean by "equitable remedy" and "estoppels" in connection with Turkish law?
Old 28-07-2008, 17:10   #8
İzzet Hamle


Yazan Av. Balkan Tunalı
tek taraflı irade beyanı
I am afraid I can't understand what you mean. What is the importance of "tek taraflı irade beyanı" with regard to question raised? And you translate equitable remedy /estoppel into Turkish as "tek taraflı irade beyanı" ?

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