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$thread[title] ğüşiöç

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Old 30-01-2002, 16:37   #1
Veresa Jones Adams

Varsayılan $thread[title] ğüşiöç


I am a law student at NOVA Southeastern University. I am in the process
of compiling information regarding Turkey's legal system. I am specifically
interested in citation format for cases in Turkey and abbreviations for the
court reporters. If you know of any law schools in Turkey or Turkish
attorneys that I can contact, please email me at Additionally, if you know of websites
with this particular information, please forward that information to me as

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Kindest Regards,

Veresa Jones Adams
NOVA Southeastern University
Junior Staff Member,
International Citator
Old 30-01-2002, 16:37   #2


Hello Veresa,
try clicking on Türk Hukuk Sitesi in the above field, for info about English
litterature. The lawschools in Turkey do not teach in English, the most
useful foreign languages for Turkish lawyers are German and French, but I
think you can find someone to help you.
You can try writing a general real letter to Istanbul and Ankara
Universities, or try this: The website of Ankara you can find through the
above mentioned Türk Hukuk Sitesi, - click "RESMI SAYFALAR". The
university will probably forward your letter to professors who can help
you. For lawyers, try www.istanbulbarosu (the Istanbul Bar Association),
for students try Yahoo Groups: istanbul-hukuk.

another foreign lawyer studying Turkish law - in Turkish
Old 30-01-2002, 16:37   #3


Hey there,

The problem with this board (which is the only English board about Turkish
Law on internet) is that it is hard to find someone to answer guest's
questions for just 2 reasons:
1- Most Turkish lawmen dont know English, so although Turkish boards of
this forum are quite crowded, nobody dares to enter this area.
2- Ones who can speak English like myself also do not feel comfortable in
this forum because we cant usually understand what the guests are
talking about since law systems and terms are quite diffent.

For instance as for English, your message is ok for me, but I dont have
any idea what you mean with terms, "court reporters", and "citation
format". Well this can because I dont know these English law terms or
more likely because we dont have these terms in Turkish law. Whatever
the reason is, I, and many other Turkish lawyers too, cant help you if you
dont clarify these with examples.

However I can say Danish has a point here.

Old 30-01-2002, 16:38   #4
Veresa Jones Adams


I tried posting a message to clarify, but it did not work the first time.
What I refer to court or case reporters, I am asking you to explain to me
where a Turkish attorney would look in order to retrieve a case. In the
US, we have various reporters, such as the S.2d or F.Supp. In my
research I've notice the term "Adelet Dergisi", which I think is a court

I'm also interested in Turkish periodicals (such as a compliation of law
professor and student articles), gazettes, statutes and regulations. NSU
is publishing a book in order to help attorneys around the world cite to
Turkish law in an indigenous turkish cite.

I will try to find more specifics in order to gain further assistance.

Thanks to all those who have responded to my original post.
Old 30-01-2002, 16:39   #5


I also need assistance with abbreviations. For instance, I've found that
there are several courts, such as Constitutional Court (Anayasa
Mahkemsi), High Court of Appeals (Temyiz Mahkemesi), Council of State
(Danistay) and Court of Cassation (Yaritay - just to name a few. Is there
an abbreviation that is commonly used in writing or otherwise when
referencing these courts?
Old 30-01-2002, 16:39   #6


The term "Adalet Dergisi" means "Justice/Law Magazine/Journal" so it is
not connected to what you are referring. (BTW please notice the correct

If what you mean by "retrieving a case" is "initiate a new lawsuit" or
"learn/get documents/make writings about your case" then what you have
to do is to resort to "Mahkeme Kalemi" (=Mahkeme Yazıişleri Müdürlüğü")
which is a kind of Court office where all official writings of that court has
been done. Every single court has an independent "Mahkeme Kalemi"
which works under the control of that court's judge.

As for abbreviations:
"Mah." is a cummonly used abbreviation for "Mahkeme" (=Court) so is
"Yarg." for "Yargıtay". The other words dont have official abbreviations
but I would like to correct your spellings. Here are the correct spellings:
(In paranthesis included the versions with no Turkish special characters)
"Anayasa Mahkemesi"
"Temyiz Mahkemesi"
"Yargıtay" (Yargitay)
"Danıştay" (Danistay)

There are lots of Turkish Law Periodicals: Yargıtay and Danıştay have
their own periodic magazines, which are published in every 3 months. And
also nearly every single Bar of the cities have their own law magazines:
Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir Bars have the best ones though. Other then
their official Bar magazines, most bars publish other law magazines with
specific law subjects according to their expertise commisions, such as
Criminal Law, Contracts Law and etc. Many law schools all around the
country have their law magazines too.

Hope this helps..
Old 30-01-2002, 16:40   #7
Veresa Jones Adams


To the person who responded to my e-mail on November 7, 2001:

Thank you very much for your help. The information given was invaluable.
Please e-mail me at I have several other
questions that I would like to ask you. Additionally, I would like to verify if
the information I have is accurate. However, if you prefer, I will continue
to post questions (and I have several) as I receive them.

Old 08-05-2005, 12:41   #8


my friend has been arrested for cigarette smuggaling she has been fined and has 30 days to pay does anyone know were she would pay it to as she is back in england she is worried that the money will not reach the right hands

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