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Registering US divorce in Turkey

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Old 17-08-2007, 05:01   #1

Varsayılan Registering US divorce in Turkey

I married a Turkish woman in Turkey 10 years ago and we were divorced three years ago in the U.S. I would like to know how long it will take to register our divorce in Turkey both if she is cooperative and also if she is not cooperative. How do I go about completing the process in Turkey if she does not want to cooperate?

Thank you,
Old 18-08-2007, 20:08   #2
Doç. Dr. Özge Yücel


You must take a decision from Turkish courts. She cooperates or does not cooperate, it can be by case. Also the court controls conformity of the decision of US courts to the public order and some rules expressed in the statue 2675.
Old 19-08-2007, 14:54   #3

Varsayılan Registering US divorce in Turkey

I will be in similar situation as TSA. I don't understand what is there to co-operate, if the divorce was finalized in the US, does that not mean that all that needs to be done is register divorce in Turkey?. I know it still needs to go through the Turkish courts, but under what circumstance would a Turkish court not recognize a granted American divorce?. I thought the reciprocal laws between our countries recognized each other's decisions, ie: a Turkish divorce would be accepted in the US.
Old 21-08-2007, 09:55   #4


Should be reciprocal laws,
US granted decision should not be the case of exclusive competence of Turkish law,
Conformity to public order,
No objections againts rule of law at US courts
Futher; you need apostilled and translated copy of the final decree of divorce.
Old 20-01-2015, 18:57   #5

Varsayılan Ayni problem/ same problem, please help..


I need to register my divorce in Turkey but my Turkish lawyer wants to see some sort of wording in the Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage saying that "final judgment has been made in such and such day within such and such law and its final and no appeal" but in Illinois, they dont do that, according to law in Illinois, Judgment for Dissolution of a Marriage final so thats why they dont put wording like that into Judgment so what I should do? has anybody experienced something like this and what did you do? please help.

Old 07-03-2015, 10:16   #6
Av. Gamze Akderin


Yazan Konuk

I need to register my divorce in Turkey but my Turkish lawyer wants to see some sort of wording in the Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage saying that "final judgment has been made in such and such day within such and such law and its final and no appeal" but in Illinois, they dont do that, according to law in Illinois, Judgment for Dissolution of a Marriage final so thats why they dont put wording like that into Judgment so what I should do? has anybody experienced something like this and what did you do? please help.


Dear TSA,

This is a very common problem we face at Turkish courts when we file a case for enforcement of a foreigner court's decision. Sometimes this problem occurs because in the Turkish translation of the court's judgement is wrong.

However in your case, you are mentioning that the court of Illinois did not put into their decision that this judgement was finalized.

Is there any chance to ask the court of Illinois to get this decision explained or request a documentation from court of Illinois that both parties of the divorce case did not take this decision to the Supreme / High court in written form? Can you make such a request and maybe they explain this with a separate documentation?

Is there any chance to ask the court of Illinois to get this decision explained in written form. Can you make such a request and maybe they explain this with a separete documentation?

If this is definetely not possible, your lawyer will need to find the relevant law from state of Illinois that says the divorce cases are not taken to Supreme/High court and they are finalized as they are and get a official/sworn translation of this law prepared to be able to convince the Turkish court.

Best Regards,
Attorney Gamze Sharman

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