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Dual nationality/birth registration

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Old 12-01-2007, 12:45   #1

Acil Dual nationality/birth registration

I am a British citizen with a Turkish husband. We live in Istanbul and are expecting our first child. We would like to know if it is possible for us to avoid our child having Turkish nationality? We are planning to have the birth in Turkey but would rather the child be a solely a British national. Can you please provide us some information on if this and what the procedure for birth registration is? If it is impossible we may have to look into returning to the U.K for the birth.
Many thanks
Old 13-01-2007, 23:55   #2


Dear Ceylan,

In Turkish citizenship law, a child gains the citizenship of his/her parents wherever he/she is born. Therefor. your child will absolutely have Turkish citizenship(because of your husband) even if you give him/her birth in the UK. However, it's possible to have dual citizenship according to Turkish law and your child may also have British citizenship(if it's also possible in the British law) if you apply British offices.

King Regards
Old 15-07-2007, 16:48   #3

Varsayılan Dual nationality/birth registration

If Turkish citizenship is NOT an option but automatic for child with a Turkish father, and dual nationality is possible for child, is military service still a requirement even when the child has never, will never live in Turkey and does not speak Turkish?. If it was not the child's choice to chose Turkish nationality and it was not the child's choice to have been born and lived abroad, I don't see how military service could become mandatory. Lastly, can the child upon becoming an adult renounce Turkish citizenship?. Maybe I am mistaken and nationality and citizenship does not mean the same?. Tks.
Old 16-07-2007, 16:14   #4


Turkish nationality is related to the blood lien. Given the fact that the father is Turkish, your child will have automatically Turkish nationality. Even if he never puts one foot in Turkey or does not speak Turkish.

Your child is entitled to have both British and Turkish nationality.

Renouncing nationality remains an option as an adult.
Old 17-07-2007, 02:27   #5

Varsayılan Dual nationality/birth registration

If citizenship is renounced, does that mean that the birth registration under his father's kimlik or ID# will be erased?. Thank you.
Old 26-07-2007, 15:10   #6

Varsayılan Dual nationality/birth registration

I really need help with the question above, if you know, I would be grateful if you answer.

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