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Problem About Estate

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Old 26-07-2009, 13:32   #1

Varsayılan Problem About Estate

we bought a apartment 4yrs ago in alanya we have receipts from estateagentthat the prorety is paid for even went to notary and did have a turkish soliciter the agent as now gone bankrupt and the builder will not tranrfer tapu as there is monies owing by the agent but not for the apartments(AS THERE ARE 19 OF US)butthedebt isfor sand and cement,the builder is blackmailing us and willnot tranfer tapu unlesswe pay for this bill which is not ours we also have a affidavid to say that monies for the apartments have been paid the original soliciter is dening all knowlege but we have documents and power of attorney with his name on we even have emails from him what can we do next hope you can help alan breakspear
Old 02-08-2009, 23:12   #2


İf You Have A Contract And Bank Receİpt, You Can Take All Money Back By The Court.

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