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hard to get

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Old 08-06-2008, 22:44   #1

Varsayılan hard to get


I been reading for hours to learn,and not to ask what many before me asked,but i guess i didnt make me any more clever=))

Hi my name is Anita AND i used to live in turkey,still have a home there,love the contry and the people.I met a man that i love so much,when we meet we both was married or separated,i was separated he was divorced in UK but not in Turkey,i fixed my divorce in 2 months,but even now after one year, waiting he is still not divorced in turkey,first we had to wait from june to november for a court date 2 november the court desided to send the divorce papers to izmir to see if they are real,then they said maximum 3 more months they wantet to send UK,and thats 5 months now,and no papers came back,coz they cant find x wife,so basicly we know less that we did one year ago. And he been divorsed since 2006 from uk.

How can it be it takes this long to make a divorse valid?
I mean the x wife has moved to spain and no one can find her,what kind of rights does my man have? If they never find her papers dont come back or?
I mean we pay for lawer,but i really dont know he knew all this gonna happen when we hired him,he said,the jugde will see this and bang finished,and i cant belive all this just to get divorsed,when you already are!
Is there a way we can fix this different? i mean if they cant find x wife he have to wait even longer?
We have a life to start,house to move to,but this things makes us live separate long time now,i went back to my contry to start and make preparations,now im getting scared i have to wait years..

Please give me some advise.
Old 24-06-2008, 13:38   #2
Av. Balkan Tunalı


Dear Anita,

The first step of court's proceedings is to summon the defendant in order to inform him about the case. I have few advices to pass this obstacle(informing the defendant). However, I can not tell them all in public. Publishing the summon in a newspaper is one of them. Being in another country should not tie down the court.

As having a lawyer, you are supposed to be advised already. I think telling email address is not possible here for the regulatory rules. Sorry for that..

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