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Landlord Responsabilities / Liabilities

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Old 21-02-2006, 09:09   #1

Soru Landlord Responsabilities / Liabilities

Can someone please inform me what responsiblities a landlord has when renting a property to a local Turkish travel agent who then use the premises as accomodation for guests? What liabilities whould there be, for instance in the case of an accident or injuries caused by structure faliure? Thank-you in anticipation.
Old 21-02-2006, 12:29   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


A Landlord is liable from the damages which stem from the injuries that the 3rd persons suffer due to the failure /defect of a building. This liability is stipulated by Turkish the Code of Obligations, Article 58. This is a strict liability, that is to say you are liable regardless of a fault on your side.Moreover, you cannot evade or assign this responsibility to another person, such as to a tenant. You may only recourse to him , in case there is negligence on his side.Yet, a penal clause to be incorporated in the contract of lease can be of use.
Old 21-07-2006, 15:29   #3
İzzet Hamle


The Turkish Code of Obligations, Art. 58.
"Owners of a building or of any other structure are liable for the damage caused by defective design or construction or by deficient upkeep. Owners may claim indemnity from the persons who are responsible for them."

The Turkish Code of Obligations, Art.59
"A person endangered by another's building or structure may require the owner thereof to take the necessary measures for averting the danger..."

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