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Art Patronage Law

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Old 25-12-2011, 20:26   #1

Varsayılan Art Patronage Law

Hi, everybody,
I'm looking for information for a study- I need to search for your legal framework of support and financial aid provided to people engaged in art and culture activities. I don't know if you have a particular act or it is contained in different pieces of law, but I will be very grateful if you help me find it(them).

Old 07-01-2012, 14:53   #2
Cihangir Karabıyık



These are the legislation and regulations which might be of interest to you:

- Law 6660 on the State Patronage of Children Who Display Extraordinary Talent in Fine Arts
- Awards Regulation by the Ministry of Culture (21.03.1995)
- State-Run Fine Arts Galleries Regulation(07.11.1984)
- Employment Principles of State Artists and Contract Artists (Council of Ministers decision) (07.05.1987)
- Regulation on the Aids to be Granted by the Ministry of Culture to the Projects of Local Administrations, Associations, Foundations and Private Theatres (15.03.2007)

I doubt you can find any English translations on the internet though.
Old 08-01-2012, 19:51   #3


Thank you, Cihangir Karabıyık,
I need, however, the legislation on the support provided by natural and judicial persons, not by the state. If you can help me with this, here's my email- (as the site is for writing in English). If you believe that I can find the laws only in Turkish, please write to me and I will try using Google Translator to find the information I need.

Thank you a lot again!
Old 10-01-2012, 00:41   #4
Cihangir Karabıyık


I don't think there exists any such specific legislation in Turkey, nor is there a need for it. The existing methods afforded by law could easily be utilized to serve the terms of patronage of arts. Commercial patronage would be handled through sponsorship agreements or grant agreements, and in some cases, non-commercial patronage through lifelong support agreements.

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