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Can I keep my maiden name after getting married?

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Old 26-07-2009, 23:51   #1

Varsayılan Can I keep my maiden name after getting married?

I'm a Polish citizen, my fiancee is Turkish. Can I keep my maiden name ALONE without adding my husband's name to it? If there's a relevant legislation, could you please give me a reference? I will need it to deal with the magistrate...
Old 27-07-2009, 19:02   #2
Doç. Dr. Özge Yücel


According to Turkish Civil Code (Article 187), women take their husbands' surname, but if they want, they can keep their maiden surname. Meaningly, women can not keep their maiden surname without their husbands' surname. But according to Turkish Code on International Private Law and Procedure Law, effects and results of marriage are dependent on where you live together, with other words, your common place of residence. If you live in another country, you should research that country's regulations. If you live together in Türkiye, then you will be subject to Turkish Civil Code.
Old 10-08-2009, 18:19   #3
Cihangir Karabıyık


Yazan Özge Yücel
According to Turkish Civil Code (Article 187), women take their husbands' surname, but if they want, they can keep their maiden surname. Meaningly, women can not keep their maiden surname without their husbands' surname. But according to Turkish Code on International Private Law and Procedure Law, effects and results of marriage are dependent on where you live together, with other words, your common place of residence. If you live in another country, you should research that country's regulations. If you live together in Türkiye, then you will be subject to Turkish Civil Code.

I agree with Ms.Yücel. You cannot as a woman keep your maiden name alone in a marriage under Turkish law, which I think is an unjust treatment of women. Many proponents will falsely claim that this practice is for the sake of keeping registries of families traceable up the blood line but a change to this code should be made to provide both sides of a marriage an option to choose whose surname to mutually use, as in German law.

Also in addition to the explanations of Ms.Yücel, if you are getting married outside Turkey in a country where you have the abovementioned right of option and you and your fiance both choose to use your maiden name as your family name, you may inform the nearest Turkish consulate of this and request that this family name be recognized in Turkey if need be. You can refer to the Court of Cassation (Yargıtay) decision dated 22.02.2005 and numbered E2004/10332 K2005/1151 on a similar matter.
Old 01-05-2011, 19:08   #4


I have been married to a Turkish citizen and lived in Turkey for 25 years and have never used his name. We have had documents signed at the notary where I used my name, so when last year a clerk insisted I use his, we showed her precedence and there was nothing she could do (husband and I are very stubborn).

My reasoning is that I was a graduate student and was first employed here in Turkey with my own name. It is my professional name. My husband is just a feminist
Old 12-05-2011, 10:18   #5


I think the reason they do want you to use your husbands' surname along with your maiden name is for verifying that the kids are belong to your husband and you. It would avoid confusing and unnecessary explanation.
Old 14-08-2011, 06:30   #6


(same person as above)

our daughter was born in the US and carries both our last names. It has confused only a few people in her 19 years of life. But then we live in Istanbul in an area that has always had many mixed marriages. She has four names. I have always told her she is perfectly welcome as an adult to go to court and change her name in any way ( meaning get rid of mine), but she really likes it. She feels it shows her heritage. It has never been a problem-- and once we would not have been able to fly home from Bodrum on Turkish Airlines if her ID card had not had my name on it as well.
Old 26-08-2011, 05:33   #7
Av. Savaş Tunca

Varsayılan Surname Can Be A Problem Sometimes

I really understand the situation because we live it. I have been living in the USA for two years and our passports are frightened me. My daughter and my son are registered to my wife's passport and I feel comfortable they travel with her. People don't want to pay extra costs for extra passport for their children and I think they are right.

I am not sure about the application that on going at airports and offices of government. I would like to suggest that people should add their surname mostly dad's surname to their records. Confusing may cause delays and money.


Adv. Savas TUNCA
25832, The Bar of Istanbul

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