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Help Please-Cloning

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Old 12-04-2002, 02:38   #1

Soru Help Please

We are two students working on a model United Nation project. We are on the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee. We are wondering if anyone may have any information on how Turkey feels about and deals with Human Cloning and Genetics. We also need to know about how Turkey feels about HIV/AIDS and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa and if they are doing anything to help Africa out. Thank you for your time and any help that you can give us would be very much appreciated.
Old 12-04-2002, 18:55   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


You would surely have heard that USA has banned all research on human clonning.Also the 9 member states of EU have passed the draft laws which prohibits embryo clonning and relevant research.
The situation in Turkey is not too obvious but it may be said that Turkish Law does not allow to make human clonning.However nowadays many debates have came to the agenda regarding the sciencemens' request of permission from the state on any possible clonning of animals.I surely dont know the result sorry.
As far as Turkey concerned in the humanitarian aid issues,ı think she contributes to the efforts under the umbrella of UN initiatives.

you'd better check out the site of the Turkish Ministry of foreign affairs : htttp://
Old 21-04-2002, 19:23   #3

Soru Cloning

Does anyone happen to know if there are any active firms based in Turkey that are attempting to clone humans? Also, could anyone tell me how Muslims feel about the aspects of cloning and genetic engineering? And lastly, does Turkey have an official position of genetic engineering and/or human cloning?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Old 17-10-2009, 17:47   #4


I'm university student in law it's my first year but i can say somethink about this issue. Among students Genetic Engineering has high popularity which increases every passing day. New faculties open about this department and lots of my friends now want to take education about genetic instead of medicine. Some people think like that clonning means playing God role but i think it is not only in among muslim people. There is not given information about clonning in Quran. But it's my personel opinion that cloning provides donor and it's not ethical. Because if it is happen people may use it on the wrong track.

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