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Tapu question and also how easy to get residency in Turkey

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Old 27-12-2006, 22:04   #1

Mutlu Tapu question and also how easy to get residency in Turkey

i would like to know when my tapu comes back from izmir do i need to come over straight away to sign for it or can it wait a little while,or do i need to make someone power of attorney.
also when i move over to turkey with my daughter how easy is it to get residency, i have permission from my daughters father to live in turkey with her, i want to be over there as i want to be with my boyfriend who is turkish.
Old 28-12-2006, 18:53   #2
Av.Burcu Orhan

Varsayılan title deed transfer/power of attorney

Yazan Konuk
i would like to know when my tapu comes back from izmir do i need to come over straight away to sign for it or can it wait a little while,or do i need to make someone power of attorney.
also when i move over to turkey with my daughter how easy is it to get residency, i have permission from my daughters father to live in turkey with her, i want to be over there as i want to be with my boyfriend who is turkish.
Dear Madam,
You can do it in both ways, you can either go to Izmir and sign the relevant documents before the land registry or you can appoint a Turkish lawyer to represent you in the land Regisrty and some other authorities i.e should you also require someone to apply for utility services.
To sign a power of attorney, you need to find a notarial firm as you need to sign the p.o.a before a Notary, in which Turkish British Chamber of Commerce and Industry would help you if you live in England, then the power of attorney needs to be legalised by Foreign Commenwealth Office. The notarial firms also provide this service. Once the p.o.a is received by your lawyer, it should just take half a day to do the title deed transfer.
Hope this helps.
Kind Regards
Av. Burcu Orhan

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