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Old 25-08-2008, 15:27   #1

Varsayılan Slander

I have been becoming increasingly frustrated with someone who is essentially a stranger to me, who (in the interests of extending his long-standing feud with my boyfriend) continually claims that he and I are having a physical relationship. I have never even spoken to the man. It has completely ruined my relationship and tarnished my name in our community (a small Turkish village). I am frustrated beyond belief. It just occurred to me that there may be something I can actually do to clear my name. Would his actions be considered slander? Is there anything I could do about it under Turkish law? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Old 20-09-2008, 11:45   #2
Av. Balkan Tunalı

Varsayılan Salander

Yazan Konuk
I have been becoming increasingly frustrated with someone who is essentially a stranger to me, who (in the interests of extending his long-standing feud with my boyfriend) continually claims that he and I are having a physical relationship. I have never even spoken to the man. It has completely ruined my relationship and tarnished my name in our community (a small Turkish village). I am frustrated beyond belief. It just occurred to me that there may be something I can actually do to clear my name. Would his actions be considered slander? Is there anything I could do about it under Turkish law? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Slander is false and injurious statements made about another, defamation. I think the speeches that the stranger is making about you might be considered either as deprivation of private life or swearing. I recommend you to tell it to police or jandarma (the military force that does the same as police in rural areas like villages) immediately.
Old 11-01-2010, 22:51   #3

Varsayılan Insults are a criminal offence

According to the turkish penal code section 125, a person who attacks the honour or respectibility of another by insults, swearing or another attack their respectibility is punished by 3 months to 2 years in prison or a judicial fine. (three or more people must hear the slander)
You need to report the matter to The Jandarmerie, the Police or by writing to the public prosecutor (Cumhuriyet savcısı) within six months of the offence. If you have a witness or two, a case will be opened and the suspect punished.
After conviction you can open a case for damages at the nearest civil court.

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