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Breaking An Engagement

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Old 18-02-2002, 21:53   #1

Varsayılan Breaking An Engagement

If you are from the USA and meet a woman from Turkey. Only knowing her 4 months. She traveled to USA to meet him at her own expense. They thought they liked each other and got engaged but then he decided that wasnt what he wanted. There was no physical contact (sexual). Now she is threatening to go to her goverment (Turkey) and do something to him. What legal action if any can she take against him? If any what can happen?
Old 18-02-2002, 21:53   #2


As to Turkish International code of procedure ,Art.11 :the joint national law of the parties is applied for the merits of an engagement; if they are of different nationalities then Turkish Civil Code must be implemented.In your Case Turkish Civil Law should be in question. In turkish law of family it is laid down that the engagement does not grant any party(fiancée) with the right to enforce the other one to marry.(CC 119.- Nişanlılık, evlenmeye zorlamak için dava hakkı vermez.-Engagement does not confer anyone such right to enforce the other to marry)
However He or she may look for the recovery of the damages(tangible or vindictive ) and/or for the restitution of the gifts donated for the purpose of marriage,as well as for the expenses spent for the same end.To this end the plaintiff should prove his/her clean hands(that he/she may not be charged with any fault)to justify her/his claims.
So you should be expecting any of these legal actions to be taken against you.(One important issue must be noted that all the claims stemming from the breaking of an engagement must be sought in the period of a(1)year ,unless which should be barred by the statute of limitations)

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