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Old 06-06-2006, 21:56   #1
Izmir Expat

Varsayılan Pre-Nups

I would like information about whether or not per-nup agreements are valid in Turkey. I would also like to know if I own property before marriage and then marry and if the marriage was to end would my husband be entitled to half of the property that I owned before our marriage?
Old 07-06-2006, 11:16   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


Prenuptial agreements in Turkish law is valid but in a limited extent.The spouses can opt for one of the marital property regimes laid down by the Civil Code. If the spouses do not agree on an optional regime of marital property then the legally supposed regime of "participation on the acquired assets" principle governs the marital property.The legal marital property regime considers two kind of conjugal property . 1. Personal property 2. Acquired (marital) property.The property owned pre-marriage is a personal asset according to the said regime and not subject to participation in case of divorce. However, as a general rule, the property belongs to each spouse is deemed as "acquired property" and the one who claims that it is personal asset should prove it.

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