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About Ethic Behaviour

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Old 15-05-2002, 19:39   #1
Sad person

Mesaj About Ethic Behaviour

Dear Sirs,

It’s with a big concern that I am writing to this forum. That story doesn't ask anything about a legal problem but about something else.

With the spreading of Internet all around the world the number of users has also increased. That is very good for business and for communication between people as well. Everyone is just one click away...

Unfortunatelly not all people who uses Internet (like in the world outside, I must confess) use it well meaning.

For some kind of reason that I still don’t understand and it doesn’t need to be understood now, some people really like to joke others using Internet. It is good, simple and clean because it isn’t necessary to face the other side. The final outcome must be a happiness for the person who jokes and deceives.

To go to the main point:

Someone who is a lawyer in Istanbul and who went to England to learn English did that. The matter here is about the person’s caracther and behaviour and not any crime...

That person didn’t dignify the Country where he comes from, the Bar Association and perhaps his family.

The world of Internet has barriers too. The barriers are the decency and honesty as well.

Unfortunatelly this is neither a crime nor a legal problem. This is a question of being well meaning and a person who is a lawyer must have a good behaviour and conduct and not be an Internet predator especially for women.

There are people who should be disbarred not for crimes but for behaviour...

Hope you understood this point of view. That message has one purposal in this forum. It would be good if all the lawyers of your country (from others as well) could be warned not to use Internet that way. Your profession must have lots of ethic, otherwise what can others think?

What can we do to inform some place for that kind of behaviour? Do we have to accept normally because this can be normal?

Please accept the biggest apologies for this message but I’m sure you will understood.

Best regards and again with deepest apologies.
Old 16-05-2002, 17:07   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar

Varsayılan Ethics

Dear sad person,
First of all I want to apologise for what you (or anyone) have been subjected to of the improper behaviours in the name of the alleged person.How unfortunate for us to hear this kind of conduct but ı am confident that you may consider these what happened on the individual basis and may not involve or represent the whole society of law people in Turkey.

However this is a fact that people may commit undue and anti-social behaviors violating either penal codes or the norms of the honesty and ethics.This is so even and relatively easy in the internet where one is not to face the consequences of his/her acts and the sanctios of which are not laid down totaly in the legal scope.I wish that everyone would benefit from the net taking into account the possible results of his action and in the shortest term that the legal structure of net should be established.

I also wanted you to know that the law practising here in Turkey is governed by such rules in which the illegal and ill-assorted conduct is prohibited and subject to fierce penalties.Article 134 of the Lawyers Act set forth that... any perpetrator of the acts which are in breach of the lawyers honour,order and traditions as well as the honesty requiring the duty of being a lawyer is subject to disciplinary action.the disciplinary actions vary which involves warning,condemnation,fines and even the dismissal from the occupation.You may well be sure that the Turkish Association of Bars is implementing this norm properly in an approach that would not permit a law practitioner behave contrary to the understanding and ethics of being a lawyer.

I hope that you will no longer be sad.
Old 18-05-2002, 17:24   #3
Sad person

Mesaj ThanK you!

Dear Sir,

I want to say thank you so much for the answer you gave to me.
Obviously I didn't think and I don't want to think that this individual represents all the Law society in Turkey. I know there are problems everywhere.
To be very frank and honest (and please don't get me wrong) this can be due to some cultural education. The way some people grow up and the place he grew up. Recently I've heard lots of people complaining about the same subject done by Turkish people as well and they're not lawyers. I can confess that in this present moment we're starting to do a survey about those facts.
What surprises me the most is that probably the alleged person should have another kind of mentality. Someome who travels through Europe should already know that men and women have to be respected the same way. To go straight to the point: not practice the harassment...and using Internet to "kid"? What did he get? A name to handle as a trophy? A man that when started to notice the other side is not so stupid as he could think ran away like a child and that now lives among some kind of "heavy problem" because according to his own words he's going to get married (?) very soon and obviously wants his image imaculated!
Sorry for these words! I just needed to spit it out!
Anyway, your answer helped a lot! Nobody is going to write to the Istanbul Bar Association because if it is true he is getting married, let us (at least) respect the poor woman (or victim).
Again, sorry for these words and all the luck for your profession. Because of my job, one of the things I learned is to respect so much the lawyer's job.
Thank you so much!
Old 18-05-2002, 23:31   #4

Önemli No discrimination!

dear sad person,
First of all relax and change your nickname to happy person! just a friendly suggestion!
To start with, I should mention that I totally agree with Jus and sign his words!
I am sorry to hear that you have had bad experience with some Turkish people in the UK, at this point I guess profession should not matter at all, after all we are all human beings and professions do not tell us a lot about people hence they can even be well misleading.
As I dont quite get the whole story and what kind of survey you are conducting relating to this unfortunate event, but I would be very pleased to know as a woman lawyer currently resident in London.
Hope you dont get me wrong but I guess you also might like to take into consideration that we live in the UK where there is not much greater human rights and respect at all. I am sorry to say this but i guess you also look at the matter from his/her point of view as well.
If I am completely getting it wrong then it would be great to hear the full story from you.
It is obvious that the Internet has become a symbol of the Freedom and has no borders and boundaries. Therefore people have been heavily using it for all sort of purposes including harrassment and abusive purposes. But I dont think it is fair to make connections between the nationalities and cyber-crimes as nobody knows who is who onthe internet which creates the biggest problem to police it. One single information about cyber crimes relating to ethnic origins, England has the largest proportion of paedophilia offenders throughout the Europe!!! Luckily, British police have been working efficiently along with the non-governmental organisations such as Internet Watch Foundation, an org fighting for a safer cyber-space, to stop those offenders. I suggest you to have a look at their website as you can inform them if you think that somebody outhere on the Net is doing something illegal, they are the right people and work together with the Police as an authorised body.
I am not saying that we are perfect, I am just saying that it is related to nor profession neither ethnic origin, it is a fact that most the Net offenders are especially those who are members of respected professions such as IT specialists, doctors, etc. not just lawyers!
If you think I am getting something wrong, please do correct me! I will appreciate that.
Kindest regards,
Old 27-05-2002, 22:34   #5

Varsayılan Sorry!

I just want to tell you that I can tell yoou the whole story if you want but I think that this board is not the right place because if someone here knows him obviously it would be noot good for me, who knows.
I just can tell you that the lawyer lives in Turkey now. He was in UK from Oct. 2000 till July 2001.
I don't want you to think that I am descriminating people from Turkey. Please, don't think that!
Thank you for your reply as well
Old 27-05-2002, 23:26   #6


ok, fair enough. I understand. Why don't you tell me the whole story via my email then? here is my email address:
looking forward to hearing from you.

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