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Old 12-12-2011, 13:14   #1
Personal injuris

Varsayılan Ins_law

Hallo, I'm lawyer from Bulgaria.

I would like to ask, can You tell me what is the usual amount of compensation for personal injuris, awarded by the court nowadays. The injury is brocken leg, but it can be also for broken arm or for other bones.

Best Regards!
Old 13-12-2011, 07:46   #2
Evren Osman


For answering your question correct Could you please give us more details about your case ?
Old 13-12-2011, 11:26   #3
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


Dear Ins_law,

The indemnity amount stems from such injuries depends on the variety of the claims.That is to say,the judge evaluates the loss total accordingly where there is a claim of physical and /or intangible damages. Also ,the Court takes into consideration whether the victim has suffered a loss of profit, incapacity to work (permanently or transitionally) as a result of injury.
Old 13-12-2011, 13:27   #4

Varsayılan Personal injuries

Hallo Colleagues,

Firs of all, thank You for the responses

About the case: It comes to tourist, who broke his leg while he was sliding on water slide in Aquapark. Ас а consequence from the accident, he becomes transitionally incapacity to work for 3 mounts - this will be his losted profit. But we would like to claim compensation for the NON-MATERIAL DAMAGES. That's why we would like to know , what is the regular amount, awarded by the court.

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