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Builder's Responsibility

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Old 28-09-2009, 13:47   #1

Varsayılan Builder's Responsibility

Could anyone please tell mewhat the Turkish Law states in relation to a builder's responsibility? Is a builder responsible for the problems with a building for a set period of time eg 5 years?
Old 04-10-2009, 19:11   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


Generally , the Turkish Code Of Obligations (CO) set up the provisions governing the Liability of the builder.

Art. 356 of the CO states that "The builder's responsibility is generally subject to the provisions which lays down the responsibility of the worker in a service contract." A worker is obliged to fulfill his task in due diligence and lliable for the damages incurred overtly or carelessly to the employer.

A project owner should , as soon as possible after the delivery and within the time limits of regular course of business, check the building and notify promtly to the contractor the overt defects detected. Otherwise the contractor shall be released from the liability. However, if defects deliberately hidden or those unable to be noticed in due check are considered, the contractors liability shall persist. In this case, that is to say if the defective delivery stems from wilful or gross negligence of the builder, the statute of limitations is 10 years from the delivery.(CO. Art. 126)

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