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Email/password hacking

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Old 02-01-2012, 10:25   #1

Varsayılan Email/password hacking

On New Years Eve at about 11:40 I was texting a friend who is a software developer. We used to be involved so while I was at a boring dinner with colleagues he was imagining that I was at a wild foreigner party dancing with unknown men...near midnight (I later read): "call me or you'll regret it." I didn't see it until I went home.

The next morning I woke up to find myself locked out of Facebook, and four of my gmil accounts. Two of them are used exclusively for my work and are connected to a critical blog. I called him and asked him to give me my accounts back (I forgot to mention that in high school he was a hard core hacker), he insisited it was not him.

I spent all day trying to get my passwords back. Towards evening I said, "Look at my logic, at 11:45 you threatened me and within a half hour all of these accounts were you see my logic? Is my logic solid?"

Finally he admitted he had done it-- but then he said he had read old emails on one of the non-work email accounts, one I have not touched in over a year-- and there were letters to a man...

So not only did he hack my accounts, but he read through them looking for signs of my evilness.

So, what are the Turkish laws and punshments for concerning:

1. hacking into multiple accounts
2. damaging a work place (all of my work occurs through my two main accounts) and my income (ekmek parası)
3. Reading personal letters without permission-- hacking to get them.

And to whoom do I make my complaint? He lives withinn blocks of an Emniyet Müdürü.

Old 02-01-2012, 13:34   #2


well lt is a criminal case at Turkey. But you know to make him report (l could help you for that) you should live at Turkey or you know he should be in Turkey otherwise lt won't be so helpfull for you at all.

And don't worry that even you would not take these accounts back, we could take them back but lt is good that you took them back. in that case also you are be to want to compensation money from him. Turkey protect your legal rights just only important case is do you know how to defend yourself. As l told, l could help.

Raşit Tavus,
Old 02-01-2012, 18:33   #3


Dear Raşit Bey, thank you for your response.

Yes, finally I have all of my accounts back --and he has confessed fully to doing it.

I do not plan to report him, because I know that he has a mental illness and he is not under treatment.

I do want to FRIGHTEN him by telling him what the law says about:

1. hacking into multiple accounts
2. damaging a work place (all of my work occurs through my two main accounts) and my income (ekmek parası)
3. Reading personal letters without permission-- hacking to get them.

I want him to understand that not everyone is going to be as understanding as I am and that this kind of behavior is illegal. He knows it is illegal, but I want him to know just HOW MUCH illegal.

So I would be grateful if I could learn just what exactly the punishment would be. I assume some jail time, but what about this money compensation?

A response in Turkish would be fine.

Thank you very much. This has been emotionally difficult.
Old 07-01-2012, 13:52   #4
Cihangir Karabıyık


For your reference, IT crimes are stipulated in the Criminal Code (5237):

Access to data processing system

ARTICLE 243-(1) Any person who unlawfully enters a part or whole of data processing system or remains there is punished with imprisonment up to one year, or imposed punitive fine.

(2) In case the offenses defined in above subsection involve systems which are benefited against charge, the punishment to be imposed is increased up to one half.

(3) If such act results with deletion or alteration of data within the content of the system, the person responsible from such failure is sentenced to imprisonment from six months up to two years.

Hindrance or destruction of the system, deletion or alteration of data

ARTICLE 244-(1) Any person who hinders or destroys operation of a data processing system is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(2) Any person who garbles, deletes, changes or prevents access to data, or installs data in the system or sends the available data to other places is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(3) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of these offenses on the data processing systems belonging to a bank or credit institution, or public institutions or corporations.

(4) Where the execution of above mentioned acts does not constitute any other offense apart from unjust benefit secured by a person for himself or in favor of third parties, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to six years, and also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days.

Hope this helps.
Old 07-01-2012, 14:01   #5
Cihangir Karabıyık


Subsequent to any criminal judgment held in your favour, you may also be entitled through civil litigation to recover damages for material losses (loss of commercially valuable data/e-mail etc.) and mental anguish.

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