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Horse Riding & Equestrianism

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Old 15-06-2004, 11:09   #1

Soru Horse Riding & Equestrianism

Does anyone know anything about the law governing horse-riding & equestrianism in Turkey? We'd like to set up stables, but cannot find any information on the regulations we need to abide by.

All help greatly appreciated! Thanks
Old 15-06-2004, 15:06   #2


I think most relevant law is "HAYVAN ISLAHI KANUNU" (animal care law, law ID 4631, enact date 28/Feb/2001, Release date 10.03.2001). You may like to check it out but I'm not sure if you can find an English translation. It is hard to find even the law itself in Turkish. If you are not Turkish citizen, you may also like to check if another law regarding foreign status forbids foreigners to work in this business or not. I don't think so but this field is not my expertise so I can't advise. Lastly you may like to check whether the location of the stable you like to set up is open for foreign purchase or not if you are planning to purchase it.
Old 15-06-2004, 16:17   #3
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


Additionaly, the Act and the regulation regarding the horse races (numbered 6132) is related.

You may get in touch with the Turkish Jockey Club(TJK), the semi-public organisation in charge of the supervision and establishment of the equestrianism in Turkey, for further clarity.

This is the english site of TJK

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