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Üye İsmi

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Construction Law

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Old 28-04-2006, 20:43   #1
Jim Wilson

Varsayılan Construction Law

Does anyone know of a source for construction law in Turkey such as a treatise? I am specifically interested in the areas of architectural law and private projects.

Thanks. I am having a difficult time finding any resources.
Old 30-04-2006, 20:33   #2


The main rules as to construction are determined in the code of obligations (clauses between 355-371). However there are loads of secondary rules and could be international conventions to which Turkiye is a party. Moreover, considering the architectural drawings, if those works should be deemed as intellectual property or a fine art, they are proctected by the law for "intellectual property and fine art". Therefore coming back to your question for a source, too many books or "treatises" could be mentioned. What is your major and what would you like to know specificially? I could provide you a certain answer if you release the problem from being vague.

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