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Üye İsmi

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Old 22-06-2008, 11:03   #1

Varsayılan bomkaz

we bought our house in 2004 had military check done (not in army area) and got our tapu now we have been told that the army as now moved the area between our 2 complexs and we are now in that area and can now only sell to turkish even though we have the tapu in our name how does this work if our children inherit our property but foreign persons can not own or buy in military area
Old 23-06-2008, 15:41   #2


You want to ask that '' you can't selll your house to a foreign person ,but you can inherit it to your child in spite of he is a foreigner''.Do ı understand right.
inheritance and sell are causes to different results.turkısh law doesnt allows you to ''SELL''your property to a foreigner .Your property will go to your child after your death,your child's rihgt about inheritance depends on your right of property.

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