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electric habitation and emlaks HELP

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Old 29-01-2007, 22:42   #1

Varsayılan electric habitation and emlaks HELP

I purchased a property last year. At the time the builder was hospitalised in another country , so for ease ? my estate agent purchased the property from him as it was instant and then I continued to purchase the propery of the estate agent. Unfortunatley the builder never obtained a habitation certificate and as a result the property still has no electric, we have therefore been unable to use it. My estate agent is in touch with me frequently and is supposedly trying to resolve the problem but they cannot get hold of the builder. Who is responsible legally now? And how can I get power? Accordingly the deeds are ready for release to me but I have not yet paid the remaining fees to get them. If I need to pursue with legal action is ith the builder who is still overseas somewhere or the emlak? Please advise
Old 08-01-2009, 20:48   #2

Varsayılan new law by october 2009

We have been advised to check our tapu to make sure the building desciption is correct, and also the total land area enclosing our property.Both are incorrect.Our tapu was available to us in december 2006.We were not present in the tapu office as we were in England at the time.
We are also advised that we should have a habitation certificate which we do not have.Is the builder resposible for putting/correcting the incorect details on our tapu?Is he also responsible for issueing us with a habitation certificate/Should this bhave been issued at the same time as the tapu?Any help that can be given will be much appreciated. James.
Old 10-01-2009, 11:19   #3


Yazan Konuk
We have been advised to check our tapu to make sure the building desciption is correct, and also the total land area enclosing our property.Both are incorrect.Our tapu was available to us in december 2006.We were not present in the tapu office as we were in England at the time.
We are also advised that we should have a habitation certificate which we do not have.Is the builder resposible for putting/correcting the incorect details on our tapu?Is he also responsible for issueing us with a habitation certificate/Should this bhave been issued at the same time as the tapu?Any help that can be given will be much appreciated. James.

First of all;when u make a contract,u have to be sure the other party s trustable or not?! do not believe the -words- before checking them allready..
Old 11-01-2009, 23:37   #4
Av. Mehmet Toprak


You mean you have a squatter's or shanty house.
You have only ground or land tapu.
But the house on the land an shanty house.
You now what : for your house you will never have permission.
I'm very sory about your problem.
You can wait for an general permission pardon from Turkish PM.
Or askin your Turkish neighbors for what is other options or sideways.
Old 23-09-2009, 05:18   #5

Varsayılan Habitation cert iskan

Can anybody tell me why l haven't got a habitation cert, my block was built in 2003, it consists of ground floor apt, first floor, second floor and third floor, also on the ground floor is a duplex, and on the third floor is a penthouse. All are registered at didim townhall as having habitation cert except for mine which is the ground floor apt the first finished and bought by me in August 2003. l have come over to update my deeds to find out at didim Townhall that l don't have habitation cert, the one they gave me which l had to pay €5 for. It has on it ground floor and dulex No 1, second floor No 1, third floor and penthouse No2. Total No 4. But there are 5 dwellings. What is not there is ground floor apt and it should be No 2 on that line to make 5 dwellings in total. Then l try and apply for the Hab cert and they tell me l have to apply and pay for a building license to get it. (The builder doesn't seem to know or says he doesn't and says if l pay he will get it but wants the money first but doesn't know how much could be between £300 and £700. All what the builder said translated by the Estate Agent). It doesn't make sense didn't the Town Hall come and inspect the building before giving the habitation cert, were they blind didn't they see 5 residences not 4. Does anybody know the reason behind this or am l missing something
Old 21-11-2009, 17:18   #6

Varsayılan Quotation of Plato

Poets utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand.
Quotation of Plato

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