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Üye İsmi

Turkish Law English forum dedicated to Turkish Law


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Old 25-10-2005, 13:33   #1

Varsayılan Sam

I have not used this forum before and my turkish is very limited - I am english.

I am going to Turkey soon with my Turkish husband. I have seen other treads dealing with divorce but wondered if any changes had been made since the last messages were answered in 2002.

I will be buying the land and paying for the cost of a house being built, if we do divorce I intend to give my husband half of any profit we make on the house. Is this acceptable under Turkish law or could he claim any more money off me.

Also if I die I have a daughter in england what are the inheritance laws as I would want the bulk of my estate to go to her.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you
Old 28-10-2005, 13:35   #2


If you get divorced later, half of the land and house will be belong to your husband unless you both agree otherwise (in written).

If you die while you are married and don't have any other children, your daugther will own the 3/4 of the property and 1/4 will go to your husband.

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