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property question

Old 21-05-2007, 18:36   #1

Varsayılan property question

hi i have bought a house in turkey and me and me daughter are moving over soon,when my tapu comes can i put a share of the house in trust for her i want to protect my investment and if i marry my turkish boyfriend i need to know that her interests are protected. it it possible to do this
Old 23-05-2007, 21:57   #2

Mutlu little answer


You have bought a house and your daughter will reside there.

If the official process is completed , you are now the owner at "land-register"(Tapu sicili). And the land-resgister document (Tapu senedi) is prepared. But you must ask this your representative who has made the processes in the name of you. If you have bought by yourself, you can get the document from land-register.

If you marry in Turkey to some Turkish you shall not (and must not) choose a property regime in marriage ceremony. (Turkish spouses mostly don't choose) According to the default property regime in Turkish Law, all your property which you had got before marriage, will keep on as yours.

Good luck
Old 30-05-2007, 18:32   #3

Varsayılan Divorce/Property settlement

I could not find a way to start a new question so I'm going to attach mine to yours -- hope you don't mind. I got a divorce in September of 2006. I used a lawyer from Istanbul. I thought she was good but here it is June and nothing has been done about the property that I was awarded in the settlement. My ex-husband was supposed to put the property in my name. I found out in April that I cannot get the property because it is in a village. I also found out that there were loans attached to the property that he had taken out before I ever met him. None of this was investigated before the divorce hearing and I'm really upset with my lawyer. Now when I ask her what's going on she tells me, the court is supposed to send it or that she sent it already or that her secretary sent the papers to the land office. I was at the land office in April and they did not have anything. I'm afraid that my ex is trying to leave Turkey and if this happens, nothing will ever be resolved. I am very upset with my divorce lawyer and wonder what actions I can take to bring a complaint against them but don't know what to do. I also hired another lawyer to help me, paid him $500 for him to tell me that I needed to get my divorce lawyer to handle this as it's part of the divorce settlement. I paid her $1,100 to do this divorce and she did handle the divorce itself but has totally dropped me for anything else. Even my ex told me I had a bad lawyer! What are my options? Thanks!!
Old 15-08-2007, 10:34   #4


I am a british citizen as is my partner and we are buying a property in Turkey. We were both previously married and have children from these marriages. I have raised the monies for the property and need to know what I can do to protect myself. If the deeds are in both names what would the law be if we spearate or one of us dies?

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