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Tapu Transfer

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Old 02-01-2009, 01:04   #1

Varsayılan Tapu Transfer

we have been waiting for our tapu for 3 years now and have been told that the landowner will only release the tapu for land to the builders when the buildings are all built. We do not know what contract is between the builder and landowner but do know that only a third of the money has been paid by the builder to the landowner for the land.

No building work has happened for a long time, none of the proposed new builds are sold so it does not look as though the complex will be finished for a long time yet our tapu was promised over 2 years ago and they are still promising that it will be soon, we now realise this will not happen. We know the builder has financial problems and if he does not pay the landowner is it possible we might loose our property.

Can you advise please

Mr worried
Old 11-01-2009, 23:54   #2
Av. Mehmet Toprak


1.The name of the relation landowner and builder(contractor) is flat received from contractor for landownership (kat karşılığı inşaat sözleşmesi).
2.Yes you probably lose your right if contractor not deliver to landowner a proper building.
You should get into touch and keep in touch to your landowner.
Old 13-01-2009, 01:06   #3


1.The name of the relation landowner and builder(contractor) is flat received from contractor for landownership (kat karşılığı inşaat sözleşmesi).
2.Yes you probably lose your right if contractor not deliver to landowner a proper building.
You should get into touch and keep in touch to your landowner.

Thank you very much for you reply not quite sure what is meant in no. 1 above.

In 2 do you mean that even though we have paid all our money for the property to the builder and we have been living in it for 2 years that the landowner could take it from us ?

What can we do to protect us from our property being taken from and is there time period to do this ?
Old 23-07-2010, 13:41   #4


I have exactly the same situation. I bought the property in Didim Emerald Complex. What did you buy and where?

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