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Hague convention

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Old 27-03-2024, 14:23   #1

Önemli Hague convention

Good Day,

My Turkish wife abducted my 2 kids (9 & 14 years old) and ran to Turkey. I filed for the Hague convention return abducted kids to Australia. The Australian Central Authority (ACA) already accepted my application and the Turkish central Authority (TCA) are currently reviewing the application and already found the kids whereabouts after 5 months of searching for them. The chief prosecutor office already interview my ex wife and got her statement. my question any one can shed some light on the process and what is my chances to have my kids back to Australia to their home and school. as of now the kids already lost 1 year of school and almost we are in the second term of the new year and the kids are currently without school and they are on expired visa in Turkey.

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