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Old 19-03-2002, 00:16   #1

Yeni Fikir E-signature

Dear All,

having read all messages and responses of yours, I must stress that I am very impressed and proud of you all. I have just signed up and will follow the forum from now on. It is very nice of you sparing your precious time ( since I know how busy you all are and the workload you have, I can imagine!) for responding people and making people informed that there are some great brains in Turkey.
I, as a Turkish citizen, have a question: has electronic signature been adopted in Turkey yet? if so when? is the legislation reachable anywhere? if not is there any progress towards it?
thank you

Old 19-03-2002, 13:16   #2


Hello Gülay,

There is a draft legislation about e-signatures but it is not enacted yet..I am not sure where you can access the text but if I were you I would try TBMM web site (or search through this site's search engine and then you can extend your search there).
Old 15-04-2002, 18:31   #3

Varsayılan e signature

there is no legislation. to find any progress towards it try - h.a.tansu

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