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Old 10-12-2008, 17:37   #1

Varsayılan Lorrie

I am dating a turkish man who is recently divoreced. He and his ex wife have 1 daughter together. His ex wife has custody of their child although he has unlimited visitation rights from the court. Recently we have come to learn that his child is being neglected. I live in my home country at the moment but will move to Turkey in a few weeks. If he applies to the courts now for custody on the basis of neglect is this likely? If he waits for when i go to live there would there be a better chance as i would be there to help look after his daughter? Is there any other route we should take? Please help!!!
Old 10-12-2008, 19:13   #2


it could be changed by conditions that u supply..u have to take advice from an advocate when u'll turn to Türkiye..

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