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Age of Sexual Consent in Turkey

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Old 30-08-2011, 21:23   #1

Karar Age of Sexual Consent in Turkey

I have been visiting Turkey for a number of years. It has become a growing concern of mine that often 15 year old girls and those younger, travelling to Turkey for their holidays, are having sexual relationships with older Turkish boys/men.
It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
In the UK this behaviour would be illegal and unacceptable. It would land the older party a listing on the sex offenders register and often a custodial sentence.
So my question is, what is the age of sexual consent in Turkey? What does the Judical system in Turkey do about those who break this law?
Old 24-09-2011, 14:37   #2


First of all; I wanna let you know that I am not a law professional; but familiar to this field.As there was no response yet; the professional member will probably answer your questions materially.

As what I understood from your perspective; the moral values are more or less same in everywhere. Your concerns are like anyone else reflects the corruption that could happen in any society. I saw many similar situations in western (UK; USA; Germany; France etc...) countries with my own eyes.

Yes there is a legal constraint; but this constraint is in conflict with "modern" philosophy. Such as in some states of USA; is both the boy and the girl in physical relationship are under 18, there is no charge and it seems this is free to them; but what if the boy or the girl is over 18 then there are very strong charges which are absolutely disaster for the over aged person's life... In Turkey it is similar and it should be age 18; legal professionals may correct if I mistaken...

In fact the cases that I withnessed noone would care; even the opponent used force and (worse) lied/abused etc the but most of the ( I assume %99) cases are not carried to the legal base (unfortuantely).

Holiday resorts are another issue that the visitors sometimes just wanna enjoy; and look for adventurous relationships; and psychologically, in abroad most of the local values are left away(if the person is not morally strong)... and unfortunately they may allow this type of incidents.

You see this case as an incident(so do I). And legally there is a very strong charge in Turkey similar to your home country. The question is; What would you do when you informed any similar situation to the police and the abused girl/boy (there are both cases!!!) said they are happy with the situation???
Old 26-09-2011, 16:26   #3


Yazan Konuk
I have been visiting Turkey for a number of years. It has become a growing concern of mine that often 15 year old girls and those younger, travelling to Turkey for their holidays, are having sexual relationships with older Turkish boys/men.
It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
In the UK this behaviour would be illegal and unacceptable. It would land the older party a listing on the sex offenders register and often a custodial sentence.
So my question is, what is the age of sexual consent in Turkey? What does the Judical system in Turkey do about those who break this law?

Dear guest,

I should first inform you that Turkish penal code can't be considered a lighter one while comparing to the British legislation. On the contrary, Turkish Penal law that has been in force since 2005 is criticized due to the drastic sanctions defined towards the offenses against the sexual immunities.

Regarding your question;

Way more innocent-considerable behaviours towards the minors under 15 are liable up to 8 years of imprisonment penalty in Turkish law, let alone having sexual relationships.

In the event of a sexual relationship with a minor under 15, the imprisonment shall be increased up to 15 years by the court.

For the teenagers over 15, sexual relations are consentual so that the penal proceedings shall only be started upon a report of the victim. In such a case, a person who has a sexual relationship with a teenage between 15 and 18 is liable to an imprisonment up to 2 years.

Hope to have enlightened you.

Best wishes.
Old 26-09-2011, 23:56   #4
Evren Osman


Actually these issues are not directly related to country I am sure that same issues unfortunately occurs in uk there fore every parent should look after their children carefully
Kind regards
Old 02-01-2012, 18:17   #5

Varsayılan Parental supervision

As the mother of a 19 year old young woman, I have to ask where the parents are. I have traveled a lot with my daughter, to many countries and have always kept her near or have gotten to know the young men she has made friends with-- and chaperoned them. Please do not misunderstand, I am an avid feminist and actively fight for women's rights, but hormones are hormones and as long as a child is under 18, the responsibility for looking after that individual falls with the parents.

As for predatory older men (which I define as more than two years older than any minor)--- YUCK. A 15 year old is a child and Ido not care if she is seeking the relationship.

It is sad to have to cite laws irght from the start when parental responsibility would go a very long way in not letting these relationships happen in the first place.

The country is of no issue here.
Old 07-01-2012, 14:24   #6
Cihangir Karabıyık


It has become a growing concern of mine that often 15 year old girls and those younger, travelling to Turkey for their holidays, are having sexual relationships with older Turkish boys/men.

as long as a child is under 18, the responsibility for looking after that individual falls with the parents.

As for predatory older men (which I define as more than two years older than any minor)--- YUCK. A 15 year old is a child and Ido not care if she is seeking the relationship.

As someone else has already mentioned, the age of consent in Turkey is 18. I think you are at the wrong site to rant about this issue. I recommend that you take this topic, for instance, to a Spanish law site.

Let me illustrate my point:

It has become a growing concern of mine that often 15 year old girls and those younger, travelling to Turkey for their holidays, are having sexual relationships with older Turkish boys/men.
It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
In the UK this behaviour would be illegal and unacceptable. It would land the older party a listing on the sex offenders register and often a custodial sentence.

Consider this: Having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old person would be legal in the UK, whereas in Turkey it would be a crime subject to complaint.
Old 10-01-2012, 09:27   #7


All I am saying is that while the Turkish males aare wrong to get involved with any wonam under 18 years of age, the parents of these girls should know better than to send them off on holiday at 15 unsupervized, or to go with them and then let them run free. The same with boys. That is hardly a rant. Just a fact.

I sent six months researching the sex industry in southwest Turkey for an academic book. I compared it to the situations in similar places (Egypt, Bahamas, Caribbean) where men are prostituting themselves to foreign womn. Finally I just became overwhelmed by all of the crap that is going on and gave up. All I can say is that if a family sends their teenaged daughter to any of these places, God help them.

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