23-09-2012, 09:47
Foreign Medical doctors employment in Turkey
I am a medical doctor and my wife too. I heard foreign doctors are now able to get a job as doctor in Turkey? If true, what is the procedure please?
Second question: Is TUS Exam held in English too? If not, how should a foreigner pass the exam when he/she does not know Turkish language. I believe the test should be available in English too. First one has to pass the test and if the result is ok, then he/she should learn Turkish. Please help me..
Dear Konuk (Guest),
A by-law titled “BY-LAW REGARDING WORKING PROCEDURE AND PRINCIPLES OF FOREIGN MEMBERS OF HEALTH PROFESSION IN PRIVATE HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS IN TURKEY” published at the Official Gazette by Turkish Ministry of Health and entered into force on February 22,2012. I think it is possible you to work in private health organizations in Turkey.You can reach that by-law here:
I recommend you to examine it with the help of a person who knows Turkish beside your language. So that you realize whether you have the conditions required or not.
According to the Article 5 (c) of that by-law, you have to succeed Turkish Language exam (must be held by Turkish Language Teaching Practice and Research Center of a University in Turkey) at (B) level or over according to the European Language Portfolio Criteria and provide a document before application. Application is made to the organization to be worked.
I have not seen anything about English TUS in that by-law.
I hope I have been helpful.
Best regards.