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Attorney-Client Employment Agreement

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Old 09-03-2011, 21:05   #1

Olumlu Attorney-Client Employment Agreement

Attorney-Client Employment Agreement ( İngilizce Avukatlık Sözleşmesi )

_____________________ ("Client") employs and authorizes ______________________ by and through___________________ ("Attorney"), to represent Client only with respect to the following claims:

divorce ( ) child custody ( ) child support ( ) alimony ( ) equitable distribution
( ) separation agreement ( ) domestic violence ( ) other ( )

Nonrefundable Employment Fee: Because Attorney will apply her reputation and skill to Clients case, thereby limiting Attorney's other employment possibilities, Client agrees to pay a nonrefundable employment fee in the amount of $5,000.00. This employment fee is fully earned at the time of employment and will not be refunded, in whole or part, for any reason.

Fee for Attorneys Services: After the reduced fee billing period as set forth below, Client agrees to pay $175.00 per Attorney billable hour. Client understands and agrees that this fee is reasonable for an Attorney with the experience, reputation, and ability of

Fee for Paralegals' Services: After the reduced fee billing period as set forth below, Client agrees to pay $75.00 per paralegal billable hour. Client understands and agrees that this fee is reasonable for all services rendered by Attorney's paralegals.

Guidelines for "'Billable Hours": Although Attorney and her paralegals will keep actual time spent on specified services, actual time spent is not the sole criteria for determining the fee charged. Attached is a schedule of the types of services that Attorney provides for which Attorney has established billable hours. For these schedule services, Attorney will charge the schedule billable hours at Attorney's hourly rate unless the following factors warrant adjustment of the scheduled billable hours:

1. The actual time and labor spent by Attorney and her staff.

2. The value added to the services due to prior involvement with similar issues.

3. The use of existing work product which reduced the actual time spent.

4. The skill required to address the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved.

5. The experience, reputation, and ability of the Attorney performing the services.

6. Time limitations or other special circumstances imposed by te case or Client.

7. Whether Attorney renders services at times other than normal business hours.

8. The results obtained.

9. Other matters that reasonably and ethically affect the reasonable value of Attorney’s services.

Reduced Fee Billing Period: Instead of regular rates provided above, Attorney agrees to accept $25.00 per hour for the first 20 attorney billable hours and no charge for the first 20 paralegal billable hours.

Litigation Expenses: Client agrees to deposit a sufficient amount of funds in Attorney's trust account to pay litigation expenses Attorney incurs in handling Clients claims. Some examples of these expenses are filing fees paid to the Clerk of Court, court reporter fees for depositions, expert witness fees, long distance telephone (or fax & mobile telephone), copying, travel, and postage. If Attorney requests that Client deposit funds to cover such expenses, Client agrees to make a deposit sufficient to pay the expenses. If Attorney pays any of these expenses for client, Client agrees to reimburse Attorney.

Payment Terms: Client agrees to pay Attorneys bills, or to bring any error, question or concern Client has about the bill to Attorney's attention in writing, within thirty days of Clients receipt of the bill. If any balance remains outstanding thereafter, and Client has not provided any written objection or question about the bill, Client agrees that the bill is correct and reasonable for services rendered. Late Charges of 1.5% per month shall be added to the outstanding balance unpaid after thirty days. Client agrees that all payments made to Client as a result of Attorney's assistance shall be deposited in Attorney's trust account, and that Attorney is authorized to pay all sums owing to Attorney out of Clients fund before
disbursing the balance to Client. If legal action is taken to collect fees earned under this agreement, Afforney shall be entitled to recover reasonable Attorney's fees. Nonpayment of a bill is a sufficient ground for Attorney, in her discretion, to seek withdrawal from further representation.

Miscellaneous: Attorney is not obligated to pursue an appeal of any final judgment unless otherwise agreed in writing. Attorney has made no guarantees or special promises about the outcome of this claim or otherwise. There are no verbal or written representations, agreements, promises or special conditions, other than those in this agreement. This is the entire, integrated agreement between Client and Attorney.

This Agreement may not be modified except by the written consent of Attorney and Client.



This the _________ day of _________________ 2___.


(0.10) Billable Hours (ie, six minutes)

This is the minimum time billed for any service rendered. It will be charged for each brief telephone call, discussions of any other nature, or enclosure letter

(0.25) Billable Hours (ie, fifteen minutes)
Intermediate telephone discussions or other discussions, one page letters that involve dictation or more preparation than enclosure letters, and form oriented pleadings (including a summons, notice of deposition or subpoena without production of documents, calendar request or notice of hearing)

(0.50) Billable Hours (ie, thirty minutes)

Multi-page letters, a notice of deposition or subpoena that includes production of documents, preparation of a deed, a power of attorney, any telephone calls to Attorney's home at night or on weekends

1 Billable Hour

Preparation of financial affidavit, qualified medical child support order, or most motions.

2 Billable Hours

Most standard pleadings that are not extraordinarily complex (ie, complaint, answer, reply)

3 Billable Hours

Most equitable distribution affidavits, equitable distribution pretrial orders, qualified domestic relations orders, judgments and orders with findings of fact and conclusions of law, consent orders, and separation agreements.

Unless the factors specified in the Employment Agreement justify a variance, the above services will be billed with the above establish billable hours at Attorney's rate of $175.00 per billable hour
Old 09-03-2011, 21:07   #2

Olumlu Attorney-Client Agreement

Attorney-Client Agreement ( İngilizce Avukatlık Sözleşmesi 2 )

1. This agreement is entered into by the undersigned, referred to as the “Client”, and the attorney ____________, referred to as the “Attorney”, for legal services to be rendered in connection with all claims and causes of action against all responsible parties for my injuries which occurred on or about the date below and is more fully described on the client questionnaire.

2. For the Attorney's services, the Client hereby conveys and assigns to Attorney a percentage of thirty-three and one-third percent if recovery is made prior to suit being filed or forty percent if recovery made after suit is filed, of the gross recovery, prior to the deduction of costs and expenses, of such cause or causes of action. In the event a settlement or judgment is not obtained in this matter, the Client shall not be liable for any expenses of litigation.

3. Client advances shall be repaid from client's share of any recovery. Attorney shall not charge interest on client advances. Client has no duty to repay client advances in the event no recovery is obtained in this matter. Client acknowledges that Attorney did not promise Client an advance prior to Client signing this Attorney Client Employment Agreement.

4. Any dispute, disagreement, claim, controversy regarding or arising from or related to termination of the Attorneys by the Client shall not be resolved by a lawsuit but solely by means of Arbitration, as the Parties expressly waive a trial by jury or judges of the courts of any state or government. The Parties agree that they shall follow the commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association in conducting any necessary arbitration, but that they shall not be obligated to utilize the services of the AAA or to have an officially administered arbitration proceeding. The Parties agree that any arbitration shall be conducted by a panel of three arbitrators, with one arbitrator to be selected by the Attorneys, one arbitrator to be selected by the Client and one arbitrator selected by the two chosen arbitrators. Each party shall bear there own attorney’s fees and expenses and the Arbitrator shall not award attorney’s fees or expenses to either party.

5. The client agrees that Attorney may withdraw at any time upon giving notice of withdrawal to the client’s last known address. If the Client terminates this representation without good cause Attorney is entitled to receive the full attorney’s fees specified above. Client may also be liable for other Attorney's fees if Client hires other counsel in addition to the Ogletree Abbott Law Firm, LLP. Client understands that Attorney may associate other counsel in this matter and the Client hereby gives consent to such association at no additional cost to the Client. Client understands that Attorney has made no representations concerning the successful outcome of this claim or the amount of any recovery. This agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement of the parties hereto and supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements between the parties respecting this matter. Any changes or amendments to this agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties.

Old 09-03-2011, 21:07   #3

Olumlu Fee Contract

FEE CONTRACT ( İngilizce Avukatlık Sözleşmesi 3 )



An attorney fee contract has been prepared between the parties whose names and addresses written above within the conditions written below. The person appointing them will be called as CLIENT and the solicitors who undertake the job will only be called as ATTORNEY.

ARTICLE 1 – The duty that the ATTORNEY undertook: …

ARTICLE 2 – The ATTORNEY will be paid … for the … excluding the value-added tax (VAT) and court cost for the work he/she undertook.

For the criminal case:

Advance payment : … TL/$/£/€ at …/ …/ …
Second payment : … TL/$/£/€ at …/ …/ …

If the installment payments have not been paid on the dates the whole attorney fee will become due obligation. Default interest of … % will become applicable annually.

ARTICLE 3 – This fee is just for this job. Although it is related and connected, the fee does not include the mutual court cases and separate cases and its procedures. The cases in the Supreme Court Justice, Council of State and Tax Appeal Commissions will have different fees.

ARTICLE 4 – ATTORNEY will follow the case in accordance with the law and conditions of this contract. If he/she is authorized, he/she can follow up the court case together with other attorneys or he/she can leave the case absolutely to them. The CLIENT by getting the written approval of the solicitor he/she may allow other attorneys involve in the case.

ARTICLE 5 - All the expenses, fees, taxes and stationary expenses related to the court case will be at CLIENT’s expense and at first request it will be paid to the attorney or the authority. If for this case the attorney needs to travel, the CLIENT will pay … TL/$/£/€ for each day for the travel expenses, temporary accommodation and along with the time period he/she will be send out of his office.

ARTICLE 6 – The CLIENT has accepted her address written below as his/her official correspondence address and he/she accepts that all the notification and letters sent to this address will be valid and accepted. If he/she changes his/her address she has to inform the attorneys in written form about the change of address.

ARTICLE 7 – The ATTORNEY can revoke this contract if the CLIENT does not give power of attorney after signing the contract, draw his/her case, appointing another ATTORNEY without obtaining the written confirmation of the attorneys, not paying for the expenses, not delivering the evidences, documents and information requested for the accusation and defense, if he/she changes his/her address and by not informing the solicitors delay the case, give up the case absolutely and partly, reach to an agreement with other part or discharge the other part from its responsibilities and revoke his/her attorney when there is no reasonable ground. As the contract is revoked due to a reasonable ground at the first request of the ATTORNEY the whole amount will be paid straight way. In case of any delay … % annual default interest will become applicable.

ARTICLE 8 – On the issue which are not written in this contract or which are not clear the laws of the ATTORNEY act will apply.

ARTICLE 9 – In case of any conflicts … Courts will be authorized. …/ …/ …

Sign Sign
(Corporate Seal) (Corporate Seal)

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