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Police Record

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Old 02-08-2002, 19:43   #1

Mesaj Police Record

Could someone please tell me how to go about getting a police record for a Turkish citizen. What documents are necessary - is the national ID sufficient? How long does it take and what does it entail? Thank you!
Old 04-08-2002, 11:36   #2
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


to obtain a police record(criminal record) for a Turkish citizen:
you should attach a prototype petition document including your request to your idendity card and apply for a district attorney(or if possible to the department of criminal recordings).For the latter occasion it may take almost an hour but in the case of district attorney the period may exceed the given time.
Old 05-08-2002, 20:52   #3


Many thanks for your response. It seems very straight forward.

May I ask as well: is a prototype petition document available at the police station?

Is there a fee for obtaining a criminal record?
Old 06-08-2002, 11:53   #4
Av. Bülent Sabri Akpunar


Dear Konuk,
You may find the document in question at the palaces of justice(this is the procedure in ISTANBUL as I know) However you would better ask for the officers in the courthouse in the city which you are in regarding the attainment of a criminal record as the procedure may vary.

I do not think any fees are necessary, except the said document that is sold for a little amount of money( no more than a $)
Old 05-10-2007, 09:37   #5

Mesaj Istanbul police record for US Citizen


I am applying for a visa to study in Europe that requires a police record from Istanbul showing I have no arrests or other problems during my one year stay in Turkey. Do you know how I can go about getting one? I just spent a half hour being transferred from department ot department in the Istanbul police system by phone and no one seems to give me any definitive advice.

Thank you in advance!


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