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Old 25-04-2011, 08:04   #1

Varsayılan Grandfather

Hi ! i aim to find a legal solution for this case please ,

i have Turkish born grandfather , how can i prove his nationality ( legally ) in order to get the turkish nationality ...

i have a document which prove that he borned in Turkey then traveled abroad ... how and where can i investigate about him to prove his nationality .. thanks
Old 17-04-2012, 12:48   #2
Av. Feyza Altun


If he has a Turkish Identitiy Number you can apply to the closest Turkish Embassy for some information. If you dont have any identity number, an idendity copy it will be quite hard.

By the way it does not provide you to become a Turkish citizen having a turkish grandfather.

BEst regards.
Old 27-04-2012, 19:34   #3
Av. Taner BAŞ


Yazan Av. Peitho Minerva
If he has a Turkish Identitiy Number you can apply to the closest Turkish Embassy for some information. If you dont have any identity number, an idendity copy it will be quite hard.

By the way it does not provide you to become a Turkish citizen having a turkish grandfather.

BEst regards.

Old 28-04-2012, 16:12   #4


If you give more informations about the document which prove that your grandfather borned in turkey,i may answer your question.for instance where these documents are given to you?this information would help you.

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