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Can Someone Assist Please..?

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Old 23-09-2004, 12:31   #1

Varsayılan Can Someone Assist Please..?


i would like to know if there are such laws for my case to go to court in turkey?

here is the situation, my car broke down and i called afriend who in turn contacted his mechanic to come rescue and asist me roadside..after getting the vehicle started we got back to the garage and he then informed what needed to be done. i agreed and the next day new problems and then more parts and furhter labour after having had the vhicle in his garage for a week i have paid 1,300,000,000.00 TL's and my car is in worse condition and state than what it went in it does not work at all!

he has offered 250,000,000 refund and i have asked for all my money back or face what may be installed for his wrongdoings and tring to rip and defraud a foreigner...

what are my options please and can i sue him for his wrongdoing and deceiptfullness? i.e he told my wife who is turkish that he would put a reconditioned starter motor in as my old one was dead and to my suprise he just reconditioned my one but that cost me 150,000,000 with life gaurantee now that has bust completely..? and other new parts he told he would replace "new" he has not used only used all used parts that are not even for my model of engine..?

i want justice can i get it here,
...? please advise namy thanks Email:
Old 05-10-2004, 18:15   #2


when did this situation occur?
Did you have any contract? What is the final stage?I you respond these, I can help you.
Old 26-06-2013, 15:05   #3


my son walking on pier in bodrum put his foot in a hole and severally injured his leg...2 operations inturkey the cost of 40,000 tl and now 6 months later must once again be operated....may we claim damages to the town of bodrum
Old 16-10-2013, 18:24   #4
Av. Gamze Akderin

Karar compensation

Yazan Konuk
my son walking on pier in bodrum put his foot in a hole and severally injured his leg...2 operations in turkey the cost of 40,000 tl and now 6 months later must once again be operated....may we claim damages to the town of Bodrum

Yes it is possible and you have a time limit to start the procedures. It could be also advised to start a criminal case against the town of Bodrum and whoever town of Bodrum contracted that pier work out.

It is really hard to give legal advice before seeing any papers. Do you have any photos or anything that you can prove that the operations were caused by the injury that occurred while walking on the pier?

Did you report the incident to the Police forces?



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